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This page is (or will be) a collection of my stupid thoughts that I managed to express in words, yet weren't lengthy enough to warrant giving them their own pages. And really, "it's" the thought that counts. This page is significant because it is the first that I have designed to utilize black text.

Older news from December 1999

Older news from January 2000

Once again, there is nothing new, aside from slightly different text on the links page (oh, wow! Slightly different text on the links page! I can hardly contain the immeasurable excitement I feel right now!). I actually had no intention of updating this, because the only time I actually feel inclined to do anything with this is when I'm trying to sleep, and that's not the best time to be using a computer. Or a car, but I don't drive. I'm only doing this because I know that someone's visiting this every two days, I just don't know who. This update is for you, because I doubt anyone else will see it.
I still have ideas, but I'm just lethargic, and the end result is always awful, anyway.

I hate birthdays. What's the point of celebrating someone's age? There's no reason. I have not much to say today other than that if I suddenly become very bored I will update the "Zounds" section so that it will be worth viewing, with some of my favourite Windows utilities, but as is the case with most sites like this one promising "big updates soon," it can only mean that I'm never going to update again. I hope that doesn't happen, but it's always been a possibility. I, myself (who else?) have a "birthday" coming, on the seventeenth of March, and I will likely become extremely depressed. Again. Watch for another pathetic "my site is bad" update in the coming weeks, if nothing else.

I had hoped that I'd be doing more work on this site, but I really don't think it's going anywhere. I could be harassing newsgroup and message board users, telling them to "visit my site" so I could get "hitz," but what would be the point? This site is stupid. Sadly, if I ever have something even remotely resembling a good idea, I always manage to find some way to foul it up during the process of putting it into words. Maybe this will get better someday. Maybe I'm too optimistic.

I wrote that a whole week ago, and haven't had any visitors since then. It stays! There's one new link to a silly little site I like to call Zeroes Unlimited, and a new incoherent rambling concerning the Grammy awards.

''Can you think of any other words that start with ''x?''

This archive was concieved rather immaculately on 12/25/99 (Krimmistime!) by Roneldo. That background is hurting my eyes.