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Goldeneye 64

Options (sorry but you have to scroll down to get them)

Please note that this page heavily under CONSTRUCTION!!!

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1.Mixing Gun Glitch
This code enables you to mix any weopon with another. To do this select the second pair of the two weopons you would like o mix.Then press and hold A, press z twice before cycling forward, then let go of A, press A again then fire two or three times while the weopons are swithching. If done properly you should have made a glitch which causes two weopons to mix.(note:this might take a few trys so dont give up!!!)

2.New Characters
This is a rather long code so dont get discouraged on your first try.
1. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Left.
2. Hold the L button and press C-up.
3. Hold the L and R buttons and press left on the control pad. (not the analog stick)
4. Hold the L button and press right on the control pad.
5. Hold the R button and press down on the control pad.
6. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C left.
7. Hold the L button and press C-up.
8. Hold the L and R Buttons and press right on the control pad.
9. Hold the L and R buttons and press C-down
10. Hold the L button and press down on the control pad.

3. Floating Mines
For this code you need All guns and it would help with Infinite Ammo.Go to Bunker in either the single player or multiplayer mode. Select your remote mines as your weopon. Now throw one on each of the tv's hanging from the roof. Now blow them up. If you select any other mines or that mine it will float!! So will and destructive weopon. Another way of floating mines are to blow up a computer then chuck a mine just above it and it should also float!!

4.Scientists with guns and grenades
Do you know how to really tick off a scientist? Well this is how you do it. First select either SEcret agent mode or 00 Agent Mode. Next find a scientist. Then shoot him once in the arm and once in the leg. Once he regains health he will start shooting you with a DD44 Dosteviea. (These eggheads are even better shots than soldiers!) After you dodge a couple of their shots the will chuck a grenade at you!!

5. Kill Jaws the east way.
Are you at Aztec Complex and always get your but whipped when you fight Jaws.WEll if you want to kill him this is what you do. All there is to it is go up close and kepp on slapping him until he dies! Its easy and he wont be able to get any shots off you!

6. Tank Cruise Control.
Got to a tanl level(Runway, Streets) and make the tank at any speed( slow is easiest). Get it going. Hold the aiming button and release the gas. Then Presto!!! You can now move the cannon without pressing the gas button!

7. Getting Back in The Vent
Have you ever played multiplayer (Facility) and get trapped in the washroom? Well thanks to this code you can hide in the vents undedected!!! To get the code to work you must first get into the stall where you would normally fall out of in facility. Secondly go to the far right corner of the stall. Next it gets hard. You must now hold your aimer, press the fire button,point your analog stick to the right and then hold the c left button.( I may of messed up, I will check it out as soon as possible) Hold it there for a little while and you should rise to the top of the vents if you did it properly.

8. Breaking Bones
This is a really neat but pointless code. Select mltiplayer and for weopons select "Slappers Only". Now P1 go to P2 and kill him/her. After they die do not press start on P2 control stick. Next, bend down and aim for where the person used to be after they dissapeared. Use you chopping technique and chop the space where the person used to be. It will make a sound as if you were chopping someone! You can fool friends by doing this and telling them your breakiing your hands.

9. Bond, Painting Bond
This is a really messed up code I stumbled upon when playing Goldeneye. Got to multiplayer and select Sniper Rifles. It the game collect only the Sniper Rifle, then press the 'A' button twice. Bond should now have a paint brush in his hands! The same thing happens in Dam, but you have to press the 'A' button three times.

Cinema Scenes
As you may know when you win a level you will get a Cinema scene. Well I have them all right here!

James Bond jumps down the dam and enters facility.

Bond walks throug the exit door with the gun pointed up.

Bond flies away in his plane while machine guns fire at him but miss.

Surface 1
Bond checks around pointing his gun then jumps down the ventilation shaft.

Bunker 1
Bond runs out of bunker to heliplad.

Bond exits in the elavator with his gun pointed up.

Bond leaves in boat, straitins his tie and pulls his sleeves.

Surface 2
Bond enters the Bunker but get captures by 3 siberian gaurds.

Bunker 2
Bond and Natalya run away from the exploding Bunker to the helipad.

Bond and Natalya get caught and sent to the Military Archives.

Military Archives
Bond and Natalya are running through the street then stop and look at you with a smart grin.

Bond walks into the Train Depot

Scene 1=(If you didn't kill the guys in the train) Bond shoots them with gun beforehand. Then train doors shut and he puts away his gun.
Scene 2= Then train doors shut and he puts away his gun.

Bond and Natalya are runnning away from exploding TRain.

Bond and Natalya are shooting while the elavaror door is closing.

Bond enters elavator from different veiws.

Trevelyn drops from Cradle(ussually). Bond jumps and hangs onto flying helicopter.

Shuttle launches with Bond watching.



AS you may know there are some differences that the game has from the movie and here they are.

You dont go through the whole Dam but in th move you only see Bond on the Dam jumping down.

Trevelyn is with Bond during the trip to the bottling tanks and is not just waiting for him in the Bottling Room.

Bond doesnt have to start or find the plane or ignition key.

Bond was never there in the movie

Bunker 1
Bond was never there in the movie.

Bond was never there in the movie.

Bond was only there for 5 seconds and he got pinned while there.

Surface 2
Bond was never there in the movie.

Bunker 2
Only Natalya was there but it got desdroyed with her. She survived.

Bond didnt have to find Trevelyn. He also didnt have to escape from a helicopter.

Military Archives
Natalya and Bond were in the same interogation room and she was captured by Ouromov in the HQ.

There were people with brains who move out of the way and Bond could follow Ouromov's car.

Bond didnt have to go through the whole Train. He also was in there only when it stopped.

They(Bond and Natalya) didnt have to go through the entire JUngle to get to the Janus base.

There were people in the Control Center and Bond didnt have to gaurd Natalya while she was computing. She also didnt work right at the mainframe center.

Bond saw Trevelyn immediatly after he entered the Cradle. Bond also didnt have to shut down the control with the wrench.

Bond was never there in the movie.

Bond was never there in the movie.

Many of Goldeneye 64 owners will often run into problems. So I have given you a full guide to Goldeneye. (Please note this is a very hard process and will take some time)Note: When I give the information I put it in the way of 00 Agent. So just do the steps you need.

Agent: Bunjee-Jump off Dam.
Secret Agent: Dissable all alarms, Bunjee-Jump off Dam
00 Agent: Use Covert modem to get info, Dissable all alarms, Bunjee-Jump off Dam.

Weopons Avaible in Level
PP7 (Silenced),Sniper Rifle, FK7 Soviet, KLobb, Dovesteiea.

In this level Bond will start in a little corner of a mountain type thing. As he starts walking he'll turn left and cross over a tramp which was used by a truck. In the distance he will be able to see a tower and a man walking around it. Quickly use your PP7 Silenced and shoot him. Aproach the tower carelfully. Walk to the left toward the stairs. There will be a soldier who will be facing the opposite direction of you. So peg his little head!(he,he)

Next go up the stairs and get the Sniper Rifle. From the tower you'll see a tunnel. Zoom in with your Sniper Rifle and kill 2 guys who are standing gaurd. Once they are killed enter the tunnel. near the end of the tunnel you will see some guys shooting at you. Use you Sniper Rifle and Kill tha dude approaching you and make a dash for the next tower. If they saw you 1 guy will come after you. You can kill him too(he, he x2).Once your at the top of the second tower there might be a soldier there waiting to kill you but you kill him first. Collect the body armour. Now you can get to bussiness. From there you can Sniper 2 gaurds in the gun turret and you can Sniper a Dude behind some boxes. Exit the tower and collect some ammo from the dead dudes. At the far end of the little area there will be a gate with a truck in front of. Go to the side and open the door. (It will take a few seconds) Then open the second gate the same way as the first. Now quickly run towards the third tower . There will be nothing and no one there. Once you see the truck is parke, Sniper at the gate at the end of the area. You will see a general. Kill him. Now an alarm will sound and 2 guys will run towards the tower so all you have to do is nail them with the Sniper Rifle. Now descend end the stairs and go towards a building at the far end and destroy the alarm. You dont have to enter it because there is nothing in there.

Now open the gate and travel to the other side of the building. There will be a computer with green things on it . Switch to your covert modem and carefull place it on the green computer. It shouild say " Covert Modem placed on...." (blah, blah,blah) Now go to the far side of the little area and shoot the lock on the gate. You are now entering the dam.Before you start running like a chicken, load your sniper rifle. Go a little ahead. You should see in the distance a little bulding in the distance. Use your aimer and peg the guy on top of the building. Now enter the building. Inside there should be stairs. WARNING: Do not go down the stairs yet. First shoot the alarm. Now exit the building and there should be two other buildins in distance. Do the same thing you did in the first buildin.( shoot guy, shoot alarm) (2nd objective complete)

Once your at the third building mahe sure you load yor Soviet and have lots of ammo for it. Enter the third building and run down it. Turn to the left, soon you'll reach a gate. Beware that some guys may come at you. Open the gate and shoot the guys in the computer room. DO NOT shoot any of the consoles!! Go to the first console and press the "b" button. It should say " objective c complete" Now quickly exit the room and go up the same stairs, and run towards a pair of bunjee stairs and run off it.
Mission Complete

NOTICE: Help!!!! If there are any angelfire webpage users who are making a webpage on the beginner editor please email me how to link my codes page to my primary page, and so on. Thanx

Cool Links
Musical Goldeneye page
Goldeneye extreme
Free Websites!!!
007, Starfox and Yoshi Story's Codes
An awesome site by my best friend about a lot of intreresting stuff like tips and tricks and walthroughs on games like Kirby 64 and Zelda 64. He also has intersting polls and discussion pages! A must see!
