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Home Family Friends Cars, Street Fighter, Etc. Kinh Ngoc Ngo Baby Pictures Trip to Minnesota
Welcome to My Home Page

         I would like to invite you to my webpage. This is my first time making a website so bear with me. So why did I make a website? Sometimes life can be very unfair. Sometimes life hands us moments in our lives that we think we can't handle. My website is be about my friends, my family, and our adventures or misadventures through life and the influence each and eveyone of us has on each other to keep on living strong. We turn to our family and friends when we are at our lowest. They give us strength while we are weak. Therefore, my webpage is dedicated to those who have made me who I am today.

NAME:Paul John C. De La Cruz
BIRTHDAY:Sept. 1, 1980
NATIONALITY: Philippines Filipino
HOBBIES:Basketball(my one and only true love), Video Games, Rollerblading, Toys, Music, Movies, Computers, Shopping.
FAVORITE QUOTE:(Bruce Lee)-The step to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.
QUOTE OF THE DAY:(Chris Rock)-Can I get a tabledance?

My Favorite Web Sites

Gap Sega SegaWeb Fleming Au's Homepage Eastbay Deja Vu Scour

Special Thanks to Fleming, Zhi and Wylie.