Daniel Doud 

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Scythes.

Working Dates: C1815-?


I have no examples of this tool.

Daniel Doud born 13 May 1779 died 31 July 1841. Buried at the Durham Center Cemetery, Durham, CT. He was a Blacksmith by trade.

  See map E.





Respectfully informs the public, that he carries on the Black-Smith's bufinefs, half a mile weft of the Main-ftreet in Middletown. Thofes who wifh to have there horfes fhod cheap for cafh, and in the beft manner, will do well apply to the fubfcriber. (Sic).

Middletown, Jan. 31 1803.

In an AD in 1814 Daniel referred Backsmithing work to Eleazer Doud. Eleazer was a relative but I could not find out the exact relationship. Daniel did not leave the business because the as AD below shows.

This information is from an ad in the Middlesex Gazette, June 8, 1815.


Eleazer had a problem with an apprentice as the AD below shows.





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