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Welcome To Judy's Place


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My name is Judy, and I am a survivor of lung cancer. I was diagnosed in February, 1994. Others aren’t as fortunate as I am. Nearly everyone is touched in some way, by this disease. It has many side effects.. Broken hearts, broken dreams, broken people. It does not discriminate.

This page is but a blink in the world of cyberspace, but my small corner is dedicated to my husband, Freddie, who traveled each step of the way with me on my journey to wellness, and to the heroes of cancer.

Those who battle so valiantly, and with so much courage.


ALCASE HELP CHANGE THE FOCUS! Send for your free ribbon for lung cancer. This ribbon represents the hundreds of thousands of people who are part of the invisible population affected by lung cancer.

MEDICINE ON LINE: Valuable information on cancer and chemotherapies.

THE WORLD CANCER SOCIETY: has many International links

Let's go to



BUFFALO A fun place to visit and a great place to live. There are more links to "stuff" in Wyoming here.

WYOMING'S CANCER PAGE: Don't forget to stop in at Wyoming's Cancer surveillance, monitoring, and prevention page

Now I know you can find your way to Wyoming, but if you want to have a map to any address in the U.S., you can get it at: MAPQUEST

CLASSMATES: is a neat link if you have lost classmates or an old sweetheart and would like to get in touch with them.

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