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Two unknown human beings journeyed forward yesterday,
beyond an unseen threshold, through an unmarked, unseen doorway.
Stepping over lengths of time left sleeping in the past
these parallels of purpose met to jointly hear time pass.

Through a course of interaction made across a span of rhyme
twined mirrors of insanity exchanged ardent glowing lines.
Two souls of common hardship searched in common exploration
for a key to all the untold hurt, a sign, a confirmation.

Two open hearts continued forth in simple synchronicity
exploring portions left unspoilt, spurred on by anxious honesty.
Two hearts walked paths long overgrown by life’s grey-jaded vines
communing courage back and forth between their silent minds.

Through an unbarred open doorway found, two souls conjoined a time
fraying loosely woven silken threads in tightly woven minds.
Two spirits creased reality of future, past and present
traversing lines of latitude where kind words once were spent.

Embraced in lucid harmony the guilty two restored
the long forgotten truths they’d buried, the dreams that had been moored.
In the passing of a moment, the guilt-bound chains were broken.
Lamenting hopes once feared extinct, now once again were woken.

In a single chance encounter in an overlooked dimension
amongst the wasted knowledge of a long lost comprehension,
a miracle of mending helped atone unto the seeing
two open hearts, two souls, two minds, two renewed human beings.

Two mended human spirits journeyed forward yesterday.
The consequence of which will not be seen or heard today.
Beyond the stepping stone of time, not til the journeys end
will where the answers wait for us, awaiting us to rend.

      velimir. J     29th February 2000                                

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