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To the naïve, the child, the women baptized by the curious and controlled by the weak, dictated to by the ignorant and loved by the loveless

To the exotic, the flowers that bloom to desert rains, dancing their fragrant perfumes to the faces that bend to partake then destroy and proceed

To the ambitious, striving for the acceptance of the faceless foe both at work and at home, the master, the commander, the manager and demander.

To the almighty, the aphrodite that breathes life and quenches it, reborn to servitude, resurrected to slavery

To the adultress, condemned by the damned, judged by the sinners, persecuted by persuers of prejudice, true to the chord that binds us all

To the vulnerable, firm yourself in your weakness, shield yourself in your fear, the maddening anguish will pass, the tears will dry, the scars will fade.

To the pathetic, I have seen your face, have lifted your mask have opened the mirrored door to my own soul and shown you yours.

      velimir. J     29th February 2000                                

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