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  have not

Mine is to have and to hold, the choice between lead or fools gold, a mind that cannot set free what karma has called destiny.
Mine is the chance to be heard, conveyed upon blackprint my words alas blind are the eyes that search here and fall do my words on deaf ears.
Mine is the lot of a fool, the object of stale ridicule, a semblance of who I’m to be in a perpetual sea of mockery.

What would you like to discover from the long barren thoughts of another? From a mind that no longer partakes of a world full of myths, lies and fakes?
What key are you trying to find? What secret possessed in my mind? What truths do you expect to uncover inside the depths that I harbor?
What fear do you hide in your soul? What scar too unsettled to show? What dream do you dread manifest? That you fear the world would make jest?

Seek soulmates who never fear truth. Let no one deny you your youth.
Wade deep through the black and the white, protect yourself always from night.
Seek passions that never run dry. Seek hearts that have somehow survived.
Keep close all that you have derived, let not foolishness squander your pride.

Seek not what you think you need know.
Take note of what you’re not shown.
Listen with eyes of a swallow and go where your heart beckons follow.

      velimir. J     10th September 1999                                

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