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Hong System

Welcome, bridge friends.

LH Green Card is for light opening. All 2/2/2/2 openings are weak two bids.

And in the third position, 5 cards weak two bids are encouraged. Another feature is the 1/1 openings for the range of 11-14HP (when 12-14HP range maybe 4+ cards or 11HP 5+ cards), and the 1 opening only for those 11-14HP without a major suit or those hands minor suit much better than the major suit, such as 4 cards major with 6 cards minor or even 5 cards major with a 7 cards minor. This choice is very worth a try for experienced players.

Here is the brief description of the system and hope you enjoy it and take home master points with it.


Welcome, bridge friends.

Bid Description Note
* 1 Non-Forcing: 12-14 hp and not good for 1/1 opening Bids after it
* 1 15+ hp except those for 1NT/2NT openings
Bids after it
Balanced Hand biddings 0--11hp: pass
12-14hp: 1->1NT
15-17hp: 1NT
18-19hp: 2NT
20-21hp: 1->2NT
22-23hp: 1->1NT->2NT
24-26hp: 1->1NT->3NT
Bids after it
1/1 7-11hp: 5+ suit
Bids after it
1NT 15~17hp balanced Bids after it
2/2/2/2 Weak Two: 5~11HP 5+ suit (for the 1st and 2nd positions, better have 2 tops (A/K/Q) of the suit
Bids after it
2NT 18~19hp balanced
Bids after it
3/3/3/3 preemptives
Like Standard American

Bids after 1 opening
Bid Description Note
pass club suit, no game interesting Bids after it
1 Forcing: 7+ HPs: Bids after it
1/1 7+ HPs, 5+ suit, forcing. Bids after it
1NT 8-10hp, non forcing Bids after it
2/2 9+hp: 5+ cards suit, forcing Bids after it
2/2/3/3 5~8hp, weak jump Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1 respond to your 1 opening
Bid Description Note
Pass diamond suit Bids after it
1/1 4+ cards suit, and with another longer minor suit Bids after it
1NT natural Bids after it
2 12~14, 5+ cards suit Bids after it

Bids after 1 opening
Bid Description Note
* 1 8- HP Bids after it
* 1 9+ HPs but not good for 2 level bids Bids after it
* 1NT 9+ HPs, 5-5 plus two suits, game forcing Bids after it
2/2 9+ HPs, 6+cards suit, game forcing Bids after it
2/2 9+ HPs, 6+ suit and with another 4+ cards suit, game forcing Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1 respond to your 1 opening
Description bids Note
1/2/2/2 15~17: real suit Bids after it
* 1NT Strong hand like SAYC's 2 opening, reopening Bids after it
2/3/3/3 jump, 18~19 real suit Bids after it
2NT 20~21hp Bids after it

Bids after partner's 1 respond to your 1 opening
Description bids Note
* 1NT Strong hand like SAYC's 2 opening, reopening Bids after it
2/2/2/2 real suit Bids after it
2NT 20~21hp, balanced hand Bids after it

Bids after 1/ opening
Bid Description Note
pass 0~10hp, no interesting for further exploring, and can't raise Bids after it
1 after 1opening 4+ cards spade, FS Bids after it : "HS Responds"
1NT 7~10hp, no 3 cards support Bids after it
* 2 Forcing, two situations:
1, 8-11HP, with 3 cards (maybe 4-cards if 8-9hp) support but no other good suit
2, 11+HP, no 4-cards support, further exploring partner's hand
Bids after it
* 2 10-11hp, no 3 cards support for partner's major, but have a 6-cards minor Bids after it
2 after 1opening 9-11hp, 5+ cards suit, and with no 3 cards support to partner's spade Bids after it
* 2NT 12+hp and 4+ cards support Bids after it
single raise 0~7hp, 4+ cards support Bids after it
double raise 10~11hp 4-cards support Bids after it
3/3/3 10-11hp, 5+ cards suit and with 3 cards for partner's major Bids after it

"HS Responds" Bids after 1 respond to the 1 opening
Bid Description Note
1NT 4 cards heart without 3 cards spade support Bids after it
2 5 cards heart without 3 cards spade support Bids after it
2 4 cards heart with 3 cards spade support Bids after it
2 5 cards heart with 3 cards spade support Bids after it
2 4 cards spade support Bids after it

Bids after 2 response to 1/ opening
Bid Description Note
* 2 4-cards suit, minimum hand Bids after it
* 2 after 1opening 4-cards heart, 5 cards spade, minimum hand Bids after it
2 level original suit minimum hand, 5 cards suit Bids after it
* 2NT maxium hand, 4-cards suit Bids after it
3 level original suit maximum hand, 5+ suit Bids after it
3/3/3 maximum hand, 5+ suit (for minors should be 6+ suit), and showing the side suit Bids after it

Bids after:

Are usually natural, and you can develop fancy conventions according to whatever you and your partner like.
Have Fun!!!

LH Green Card

Welcome, bridge friends.

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