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The Official Exosoft Home Page

The place for quality classic-type games

News-ß-Sections-ß-runthrough-ß-Links-ß-Contact me


08\07\08 DevBlog page up and running with the basics of what was done so far. Additionnal updates will be dated and listed as the project unfolds.

07\07\08 Mage's Quest is being remade from the ground up as a learning experience in C++/DirectX/Win32 API programming. This site will be used as a devblog for all progress related to this project. Further news to come.

03\04\05 Exosoft is officially dead. IF I ever decide to continue work, I will revive the company under a different name.

02\12\05 Exosoft is temporarily being placed into "suspended animation". There will be no work done on any game by Exosoft during this time, my workload is simply too great lately and this situation can only be going downhill with my going to university next year. It is unknown when or wether or not Exosoft will ever be re-animated. I'll still be around, making occasional tours of the message board though.

01\11\23 Fizzual's new site is now up! Download the beta 3 version of SKFMQ at today!

01\10\03 Arcade section is up once again but this time with the newest version of EBA! Fizzual's new site is coming soon and with it the newest version of SKFMQ!

01\10\02 Biebersoft has been changed to Fizzual Design. Arcade section is temporarily down. I now refuse to put a date to Mage's Quest... You'll just have to wait and see.

01\04\25 I was bored so I decided to update. It's not much, but it's a little switch around to freshen things up. Mage's Quest is targeted for the end of summer 2001. Possibly a little later.

00\10\03 Got a new message board, InsideTheWeb was deleting too many messages for no apparent reason. SKLMQ is coming along fine, I'm currently working on the underground, expect it in 2 to 3 months, maybe more.

00\09\22 Savior Knight Legends: Mage's Quest DEMO is now released! You can download it in the games section or at

00\09\16 Another update. Special reason. You won't be able to download FFMQ because it's being renamed and changed a bit. To what? That's a surprise... Check back sometime next week to find out!

00\08\28 FFMQ DEMO v.2.0 is here!! check games section.

00\06\16 Yes, that's right, I'm updating again. Because....... Earthbound Adventure-DEMO v.1.2 is here!!!! Check the games section.

00\06\15 Updating for a specific reason: Earthbound Adventure-DEMO v.1.2!!!!!!! I tried to upload it but I'm encountering minor difficulties. It'll be ready as soon as possible.

00\05\18 Found the time to update. EBA has been much delayed (due to school work) and is not expected to come out soon. But there will be a new demo coming soon. Had to remake the games section. It was somehow deleted by Angelfire. Decided to change the music also.

00\02\29 Finally decided to update. The vitalized version of Exosoft has been canceled because of a missing extension. I'll try to put it up in the
applications section as a .exe though. EBA has been slowed down a lot lately so don't expect it anytime soon. That's about it.

99\12\21 Coming soon: a vitalized version of Exosoft! Decided to add 3d graphics to EBA. Still working on that game.

EBA-DEMO The newest version is here!! You can get it at the games section or play it in the arcade section!

99\11\09 Added the arcade section. Now you can play SSinvaders right off the internet! EBA's coming soon...
99\10\29 Changed the Exosoft theme song(again... this one's permanent, I mean it!!).

99\10\29 Added Alliances and Applications section. Also changed the Exosoft theme song(this one's permanent I think).

99\10\21 I just got Final Fantasy Anthologies, so, once again, I'll have less time to work on my games.

Demo of Earthbound Adventure finally here!!
Also added the demo of FFMQ. Check games section.

99\10\15 I finished FF8, now I can get to work on my games. I made some major renovations here. I'll be releasing Earthbound Adventure:Demo soon. just gotta set up the different weapons. Ricky joined. UGG Software should be ready soon.

99\09\30 IMPORTANT NOTICE: My E-mail has changed to I am at the last boss in FF8, I should be done soon.

99\09\14 I made a mistake. I have plenty of time to work on my games even though I just got FF8. My brother plays on it a lot.

99\09\12 I just got Final Fantsay VIII(8)™ for Playstation so I REALLY won't be able to work on my games unless my brother is playing.

99\09\10 I finished Metal Gear Solid™ and I found a pile of music for my games. I got it all at RPG Lair.

99\09\03 well... I just got Metal Gear Solid™ for Playstation, so I won't be working on my games for a couple of weeks.

Sesame Street Invaders now here!!
(check games section)

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Screen Savers
Exosoft Arcade
Upcoming Games
Exosoft Message Board
Exosoft Game Cheats and Secrets

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Quick runthrough of this site

Games: This section contains games that I made.

Screen Savers: This section contains screen savers that I made.

Applications: This section contains applications that I made.

Exosoft Arcade: Here you can play my games right off the internet, without having to download.

Upcoming Games: In this section you will find a list of upcoming games.(currently in production at Exosoft)

Exosoft Game Cheats: You can find some cheats for my games here.

Message board: You can post just about anything you want on here but preferably things regarding Exosoft(questions, comments).

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Links You'll need winzip to unzip my games
Fizzual Design: Check out this site for many more free games!

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There are three ways to contact me:
1. ICQ: My ICQ # is 63166430, nickname: Exosoft, I am online from 2:50 to 4:30pm Eastern time.
2. E-mail: My e-mail address is Send me a message!
3. Message Board: Post a message addressed to me on my message board. I'll answer as soon as possible. I check it very often.