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Collectible Card Games

The world of customizable card games is an inviting and luring place. The draw is fantstic once you start realizing that there are cards out there that you want to buy, it almost seems sometimes as if you have become addicted, the words "just one more pack, just one more pack" circulate inside your head like a junkies mantra. But seriously the games are fun the variety of games out there is phenomenal, Magic, Star-Wars, Star-Trek, Vampire, Rage, X-files,Babylon 5 and the list does truly go on. I personally play The Star Wars game and own a pretty comprehensive light side collection of cards, I also play Startrek with a middling Klingon deck, I also play Magic with a reasonable Black deck.

I have a bad feeling about this R Interupt
R Interupt
No Disintegrations R Effect

If you Have any of these cards and are looking for cards to complete your own sets then give me a mail