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[I have tried to express the terrible passions of humanity by means of red and green. ~van gogh~]

all about poetry
  to click or not to click... imho

 dance to the music...

Hi and welcome to my homepage. The name is from a Hemingway short-story. It doesn't have much to do with my site, I just really like it. So, if you came here to rip off a term paper or something, sorry this is not the place.

Basically this site is about my saying whatever the hell i want and you reading it. To help you along in this noble endeavor, you'll see that I put links on the right and hopefully they work. Also, you can send me an email which I may or may not read, by clicking on the email logo.

11.6.2001 first version of site put up, due to MSN communities being crazy limiting. all pages written, from scratch, in HTML.
4.7.2002 separate poetry site added. this is a frames site. if your browser goes berserk with frames, or if you just don't like them, you should select the Noframes version.
4.9.2002 got a new hit counter, as the old one actually started counting backwards. yeh, strange.
5.5.2003 changed the colors and layout to fit this neat art montage. the painting is "the night cafe" by vincent van gogh. i think it is connected to the hemingway story, and my stuff, after all. To some extent, they all reflect the isolation and disconnectedness of western society. my poems are (a lot of them) just channels of my anger towards the state of affairs here, my politics an outright rejection of them, and the van gogh painting and hemingway title show coping mechanisms. imo part of the message is that these coping mechanisms are empty and artificial, so they do not satisfy, and people are as lonely as ever.
well thats enough crackpot philosophizing.
1.13.2004 I drew these fuzzy little people and thought I'd populate my webpage with them. ho hum...
9.24.2004 do you believe... in heaven you believe in love? don't tell a lie don't be false or untrue, it all comes back to you...

i only come out at night...
send me mail, dammit
  my guestbook