

So, you'd like to know exactly what The Cat's Eye is? Well, it's a fandom club, or a role-playing game. You join as a member, then create your felines. You can have as many felines as you'd like, but you must be able to handle them all. What do I mean by this? Well, when you role-play, you will write stories with you felines (or characters) and interact with others. This is done by e-mail. Don't worry, others will help all the newbies. You can also creat NPC, which stands for None-Playing Characters. This means you don't roleplay them.

Now, when you join as a member, you will be added to the mailing list. This way, if you person sends something to the mailing list, everyone will recieve it. It's a quick and easy way to stay caught up in things.

I urge you to rp and interact often! Those that do will be rewarded. One of their char's may be able to be in the Elders or be at the palace. other rewards are unknown for the moment. Home