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My views on the government,

things I hate about government


How the Government Handles the issue of pot being smuggled over the border. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, this is just my view, but I have a strong dislike for not only the canadian government, but the US as well. One of the two, I wont say which, payed a cocain dealer $450,000 just to find a pot grower. The only person who was actually arrested was a marajuana dealer, a 60 year old, diebetic man. Was spending all that money really necissary?? The cocain dealer got off scot free, didn't even have to testify. Was that worth it? Pot is literally nothing compared to Cocain, and they let him go, even re-located him, just so he could sell his wears some where else with almost half a million in his pocket. >Also, the US is bitching about people from BC bringing their pot into the states. So what do they do?? They come across the border to try and take control of the BC government, something they have no busness doing, and try to "improve" the pot smuggling condition. Meanwhile, more Cocain is being brought over to CAnada from the US and all they're worried about is the pot problem. They got the BC government to work extra hard at trying to stop pot from crossing the border, but they aren't putting any extra effort to stop Cocian. Why should we spend all this money to stop pot when they're using as little money as aloud (meaning, enough money to stop the people from bitching,) to stop Cocain from being brought into CAnada?????????????????? >As I mentioned BEfore. Pot is less dangerous than Cocain. It's even less dangerous than alcohol. Think about it, you NEVER hear of some one dying from an over dose of pot, of getting Pot poisoning. Why is POt illegal, and alcohol not?? (Slightly off topic, but I thought I'd mention that anyway.) So that was me bitching about one of the M A N Y mistakes my government has made. I'll do more the more News I watch........................... I learned about this disturbing event from a Show called "Fith Estate" It's a journalist show where they seek out the mistakes that were made, that shouldn't have been, and report on them. This one subject just cheezed me off.