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Thanks for stopping by. On the following pages, you will find recipes for making your own beer, wine, and cordials (in fact there are 25 different recipes). These recipes are tried and many have been changed from their original to suit my tastes (I hope you do the same.)

I will not go into great detail and turn this into a chemistry lecture. However, I will attempt to answer questions you may have about "making your own".

I answer my email. If you have questions that are not answered on these pages, send me a message and I will try to help, or at least get you headed in the right direction.

Again, thanks for stopping by. If you enjoy these pages tell a friend. If there is information that you would like to see on these pages, please let me know.

Who is DaBoozer?

A Toast to Friendship

Here's to you old friend, may you live a thousand years,
Just to sort of cheer things up in this vale of human tears;
And may I live a thousand too - a thousand - less a day,
'Cause I wouldn't care to be on earth and hear you'd passed away.
-Author Unknown

The Recipe and Information Pages:

Beer Link Making Your Own Beer -
This page features some "homemade" equipment as well as techniques and general information.
Wine Link Making Your Own Wine -
As I continue my journey with winemaking this page increases in size. Recipes and information.
Cordials link Making Your Own Cordials -
25 recipes for making Kahlua, Baileys, and other favorites.
Toasts page 1 link Toasts page 1 -
A compilation of many Toasts.
Toasts page 2 link Toasts page 2 -
(Just in case you haven't got your fill yet!

Some Great "Spirits" Related Pages:
  • Angelfire - Free Web Pages
  • Cocktails - Visit my friend, this is a great "everything coctails" page.
  • Cat's Meow - Beer Recipe Archives (loads of them) and more...
  • Brewing Techniques - One of the best "information" pages I have found.

Email: Kevin White

The Last time this "Murphy Twin" was up all night working on this page was: 12/01/02