
What is your favorite . . .
1. Color - blue
2. Word - cutie
3. Fast food place - Sbarro
4. Animal - flamingos and penguins
5. TV show - The X-Files, Sailor Moon and Undressed
6. Movie - Scream
7. Actor (in movies) - Ryan Phillipe, Josh Jackson
8. Actress (in movies) - Reese Witherspoon, Natalie Portman
9. Band - Everclear, Eve 6
10. Type of Food - Mexican
11. Food - deep dish pizza
12. Singer - Jewel
13. Season - Summer
14. Vacation spot - Cancun
15. Country in Europe - France
16. Country in South America - Venezuela
17. Country in North America - U.S.
18. Country in Asia - Japan
19. Country in Africa - Tunisia
20. Store - Contempo, Express, NY and Co.
21. Department Store - Nordstrom
22. Jelly Belly jelly bean - margarita, popcorn, piņa colada, and chapagne punch
23. Candy - Saltwater Taffy
24. Grocery Store - Jewel
25. Spice - cinnamon
26. Spice Girl - Outdated Question
27. Airline - United Airlines
28. Soda - Wild Cherry Pepsi and RC
29. (non soda) Drink - Grape Icees
30. Punctuation mark - !
31. Letter - X
32. Brand of clothes - NY and Co.
33. Basketball Team - none
34. Football Team - St. Louis Rams!!!
35. Baseball Team - Atlanta Braves
36. Name - Boy: Kevin, Chase Girl: Audrey, Kelly
37. Disney movie - Little Mermaid
38. Gemstone - cubic zirconia or ruby
39. Comic Strip - Fox Trot
40. Website - don't have one
41. Party you've been to - Valentine's day 1998, and 1999, and Lindsey Langer's 4th of July Party
42. Ride at Great America - Raging Bull, Giant Drop
43. Subject - English
44. President - Thomas Jefferson
45. Comedian - Chris Tucker
46. Actress (TV) - Gillian Anderson
47. Actor (TV) - Joshua Jackson
48. Disney Character - Winnie the Pooh, Ariel
49. Teacher - Mr. Moeller, Mr. Shertz, Mrs. Stubinger
50. Newspaper - New York Times
51. Book - Interview with the Vampire
52. Sport - volleyball, soccer, Ultimate frisbee
53. State - California
54. City - San Fransico
55. Number - 7
56. Ocean - Pacific
57. Great Lake - Superior
58. Element - Plutonium
59. Metal - Silver
60. Dessert - blueberry pie
61. Flavor ice cream - Bryers Vanilla
62. Brand of ice cream - Breyers
63. CD - Everclear, So Much for the Afterglow
64. Song - "Everything to Everyone" -Everclear, "Semi-Charmed Life, "Here's to the Night" -Eve 6
65. Brand of Shoes - Nike
66. Month - June
67. Decade - 90's
68. Brand - BMW!
69. ISP - don't know
70. Friend (guy) - Joel
71. Friend (girl) - Lindsey
72. Holiday - New Year's Eve
73. Magazine - Twist
74. Brand of Juice - Minute Maid
75. Rapper - Will Smith
76. Radio Station - 101.1
77. Movie Channel - Starz!
78. Cable Channel (MTV, VH1, etc.) - MTV
79. Basic Channel (NBC, CBS, etc.) - FOX and WB
80. Club/Cult - D2M
81. Flower - pink and red roses
82. God (mythological) - Dionysus
83. Goddess (mythological) - Demeter
84. Car - BMW Z3, Dodge Viper, Mustang Convertible
85. Hockey Team - don't know
86. Place you've lived - here
87. Noble Gas - Neon
88. Fabric/Material - cotton
89. Kind of Precipitation - snow
90. Constellation - Leo
91. BSC Member - Stacey
92. Book Series - The Vampire Cronicles (Anne Rice)
93. Phase of Matter - plasma
94. Candy Bar - Twix
95. Author - Anne Rice
96. Poet - Robert Frost
97. Poem - "Looking for a Sunset Bird in Winter" - Robert Frost
98. Type of Music - Alternative
99. Year - 1998
100. 80's Movie - GHOSTBUSTERS!
101. 101 List - 101 Movie Titles That Never Made the Cut

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*You are listening to Hero of the Day by Metallica*