Rental Reviews

When I can't go see a movie, I usually end up renting it later. They're pretty cool too (but I prefer them in a theater).

Better Than, Well Nevermind.
Total Waste of Any of Your Hard Earned Money.

200 Cigarretes
Rating: R
Good Song: lots of 80's stuff
Stars: Courtney Love, Ben Affleck, Jay Moore, Christina Ricci, and Gabby Hoffman

A decent movie. A bunch of funny parts too. But dumb Courtney Love was in it. That kinda brought down the rest of the movie for me.

The Exorcist
Rating: R
Good Song: nothing
Stars: ????

This movie was dumb. A bit scary, but not really. I guess you have to be more firmly religous and believe in possession to be scared by this movie. It had cheesy effects too.

Rating: R
Good Song: ??
Stars: Gweneth Paltrow, Brad Pitt, and Samuel L. Jackson

Freaky. This word describes the movie completely. It involves a killer reenacting the seven deadly sins on his victims. The ending is twisted, but cool.

Lost and Found
Rating: PG-13
Good Song: ??
Star: David Spade

Kinda funny. The plot was stupid. I didn't really like this movie.

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