Rate our Friends

These are all our guy friends (and a few "extras" we threw in). If you are a girl please look through all the pictures and fill out a small form at the bottom. Sorry some pictures are kinda small and not too clear, but please rate as best as you can. Thanks!
Oh yeah, this is not intended to be mean. We are not showing the results to any of these guys (unless they are good). So if you still think this is mean, don't vote!

Kevin Lamar

The Beav

Wacky Ryan

Erik Jakob

Mark Greck

Ryan Werfly

Ben Burr

Dan Cycle (Woo Woo!)

Brian Millster

Adam Junky

Alex Hombré

Bobby Davis

Brent Squidge

Chris Rompy

Guerin Kornish

Josh Schollin

Ken Addy

Mattie Hulsy

Rex Newbie

Mike Kneisel

Steve Ballot

Brian Tray

Rate Our Friends

Your full name:
Your email address:
Who did you think was the hottest?
Who did you think was the least good looking?
Who did you think looked kinda weird?
What did you think of this survey?

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101 Lists :) / E-mail / Sign / View

*You are listening to Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground*