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Some photos courtesy of the WVU Band and Chris Southard

The tubas in the Gator Bowl parade. Dec. 31st, 2003

Practicing for the bowl game in sunny Jacksonville, Florida

The beach at Jacksonville

Corrupting young minds at Disney World


Keynotes Concert

Useless at the Pitt game

F.L.U.S.H. and Idaho on Halloween. That's just scary...

At the End of the Day opening picture

Band Camp 2003

F.L.U.S.H., Jewel, Bump, Hank, and sPUD at Leaders Camp

Smiling for the camera at the 2002 Tire Bowl.

Enjoying dinner at Hooters while in Cincinnatti (2002 season trip)

Flush and Allen after a football game.

Marching toward the tunnels at the WVU-MD game on Oct. 5th, 2002