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The Path from Heaven

This story is post season 7 Buffy, with the AU caveat that Buffy was killed in the cave-in along with Spike, but Oma Desala petitions the PTB to bring Buffy back to human form with Daniel at the beginning of Season 7 Stargate, to help balance the scales against Anubis. The two of them are found by the nomadic shepherds naked and entwined. The villagers assume that they are married, and set them up in a tent. They called Daniel, Arrom, and Buffy, Arrah, the masculine and feminine of ‘naked ones’.

Pairing: Daniel/Buffy

Characters you may not be familiar with: Shamda, the elderly man who was among those who found Daniel; OCs: I’ve given names to (and decided to write) two of the men who also found Daniel as sons of Shamda, Cemal and Gadil. The third man might make an appearance later. I don’t know:) None of them were named in the episode ‘Fallen’ or related to Shamda, but creative license… Also, I’ve created a wife for Shamda, called Akilah, who is helping Buffy adjust to village life. All three of these names are Arabic in origin, as the clothing depicted in ‘Fallen’ was clearly a variation of mid-eastern dress. Further, I’ve referred to Buffy and Daniel as Arrah and Arrom in the beginning, because it’s consistent with their environment and how they think of themselves and each other. This will change when SG1 arrives.


Chapter One

Chapter Two