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Mountaineer for Life!

So here it is, my first and possibly last web page...I dunno how people do this for a living cuz I about went outta' my freakin' mind just tryin' to figure out what the hizzy an HTML was! (LOL) I guess that's partly my fault for not keepin' up with any kind of technology after high school, but oh well. Would you believe that it took me about 50 minutes just to get a blank page and a template--WOW, just call me "strugg" lol (okay for real--don't). Thanks to my friend Amara I'm kinda' on the right track, but as far as cute liitle things to put on the page, that may have to wait until grad school-HA! There should be a pic on here of me but if there isn't don't laugh and please be patient if this page comes out lookin' all busted, lol

As you all know by now this page is supposed to be about me and Lawd knows there's a lot to say but you can find out more in the links (that's why they're there :) I'm a "Super-Senior" at WVU (not gonna spell it out cuz ya'll should know by now what that means) majoring in Sociology & Anthropology. In a nut shell "the interactions and social relations of a "whole lotta' different people"--very professional for about six years of college huh? lol Well that's all I'm gonna' give you for now and if you wanna learn more, just click on a link (hopefully it'll work) and either have a snack or a smile :~P

Movies ~ Music ~ Light Bulb Moments ~ Scriptures ~ Food