



Guest Book

8/3---Just got back from the 2 day orientation. Other than registration, it was a complete waste of time...walking around the campus in the hot sun. And there was this one embarassing incident where i walked into somebody else's dorm room, but i swear, it looked just like mine. And i kept getting lost so i had to follow people around; they probably thought i was stalking them. Ugh, when i got back, my mom was like, "Why can't you go to ivy league like all the other azn kids?" DUH!! CUZ WE CAN'T AFFORD IT! (That plus I prbbly wouldn't have gotten in) Right now, both of us are wishing the other was dead.

7/31---We saw The Village today. Very dissapointing movie. Then we went mini-golfing; that was fun. Then we went to love shack. It's a porn shop in case you don't know. (It's not like we go there all the time, it's just in Duluth, everything else closes at 10) We were talking to one of the ppl who work there, and he was saying he makes about $3000 a day teaching sex sessions. There were lots of Japanese porn and Japanimation porn. Why anyone would ever want to watch cartoon porn is beyond me.

7/9 later---You know, one thing I hate about mystery novels is that you don't know who did it until the last chapter, and when you find out, you feel stupid for not figuring it out earlier... Just felt like saying it, though I'm not currently reading any mysteries. And I still can't remember what I said that was so profound.

7/9---I said something really profound during dinner yesterday, and I was going to write it here to look smart, but I can't remember what I said. Hmmm...

7/2---Today, I told my mom I was going to see a movie with a friend, and she asked me, "With who?" I told her I was going with Muhammad, and this is unbelievable, she said, "Muhammad? Isn't that an Islamic name? Are you sure he's not a terrorist?" I told her I'll be sure to ask him if he has ever hijacked any air planes.

6/23---I wrote synopsis for all the books today =D

6/3---I finally finished the new layout!

5/28---The day I graduated will forever remain in my memory...AS THE MOST BORING DAY OF MY LIFE. And I was late to senior breakfast, so all the chick-fil-a chicken biscuits were GONE. I almost cried. Lauren's mom saw me, and she said I didn't need to cry since I'd still get to see my friends over the summer before college.

5/18---I corrupted a lil grl!!! Ok, let me explain how that happened. Armando was going around saying merd for gluck. A lil grl(age 7 or 8) asked me, "What's merd?" I said, "Sweetie,It means shit in French. You say it for good luck. You do know what shit is, right?" The little girl shook her head. "It's the same thing as body waste. Remember that: shit means poop." MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! I LOVE SPREADING EVIL!!! By the way, I graduate in 2 more days!!!

3/10---I got accepted to tech! Hooray! Banzai!

3/02---Matt in mi lit class farted in a bottle and closed it and gave it to Andrew and told him to open it. It was kinda funny. He probably had too much fries for lunch. Fries make you fart, as do pumpkins.

3/01---Wow, haven't updated in a while. I'm gonna have to change the whole site's layout and everything.

1/03---HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I believe this is the year of the monkey. I could be wrong. Anyhoo, guess who got a 1300 on the SAT!? That would be moi, of course. LALALALALALA (ok, i know it's not great, but it is for me)

10/29---My mother wants me to see a psycologist. She thinks I'm psychiatric ward crazy, which is really ironic considering that I'm not the one who throws plates at people and push them down the stairs. Sheesh. Parents.

10/12---Picture me as the cold-blooded mastermind of a mass massacra operation... kjkj
Your serial killer name would be Diablo! You would
be a mastermind in what you do. You would come
up with perfect plans on how to do your bad
stuff, and send out your minions to do it for
you. That would prevent you from getting
caught, because for one reason, they would not
rat you out. Your real name might not be known
and you would be greatly wanted, because as
long as you're out on the hidden streets, there
will still be danger! You're the big guy/girl!

What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
brought to you by Quizilla

10/11---I was bored.

How BLACK are you?
Brought to you by the good folks at sacwriters.com

10/6---Take this quiz!

Click here to see if you`re a "Stereotypical Asian" yourself!

9/30---WTF. I got nominated to homecoming court. This is all because of Brian. I hate that guy. He is an asshole. I'd bust the cap in his ass if he wasn't bigger than me. Anyway, he nominated me as a joke, and a bunch of ppl ended up voting for me. I have to admit tho,it would be pretty fuckin funny if i was on the homecoming court. But I still hate him. I hope the pigs eat him.

9/29 later---Oh, I almost forgot. The other day, I was driving to dance class, and my mom was in the passenger's seat. We start arguing, and she starts trying to claw my face, so the car's all out of control. We happened to be close to the shopping center where my dad's office is, so she tells me to pull over in the parking lot so we can switch seats and go home. She says that she's never taking me to dance class. Ever. So I park, and she gets off. She thinks I'm getting off and switch seats with her...except I'm not. As soon as she gets off, I start to drive off, and she opens the driver's door, and starts running as she's holding on to the door. I accelerate, and drive off as my mother falls on her ass. This would have been a great story if I had run away to the mall and spent $300 on clothes, but instead, I went to take dance class.

9/28---I went to Hei-young's baby shower today. It's a boy. Anyway, some one brought a baby ass wipe warmer as a present. That's right, a baby ass wipe warmer. That's even better than butt ice.

9/23---It's been a while since I updated. The other day, I went to this fancy restaurant for my friend's birthday, and i got to eat swordfish steak and this amazing cake...for free. Soooo happy... Oh, check out this web site. It's WEIRD. www.butt-ice.com

8/20---I'm supposed to get a $100 gift certificate for Barnes & Nobles so I'll be getting beyonce's new cd and lots of starbucks probbly. oh yeah, school started. School's like hell except w/air conditioning. Lots of air conditioning *shivers*. I switched from AP lit to pacesetter cuz i didn't do the summer reading stuff, and I wish I didn't. We're doing all this 'discovering who you are' shit. Plus we have to read from our daily journal stuff. People usually laugh at mine cuz it's usually quite hiralious. I'm also taking AP Bio, which is a really hard class. All in all, everything's improved this yr. I still have no life though. T_T That's one thing that'll never change. I bet I'll never get married and live alone in an apartment w/10 cats till the day i die. wait, i cannt even have cats b/c i'm allergic. i'll die alone catless and they'll find mi rotting corpse 20 days later.

8/06---I'm obssessed w/bowling for soup. I didn't like them that much before. Anyhoo, I drove an hour to go to the photo studio for my senior photo, and they told me to come back cuz it was raining outside and couldn't do the outdoor pix. On the plus side, i got a new pair of reebok sneakers.

8/02---I just got back from camp. We had an end of the camp recital yesterday, which went pretty well. I miss some ppl, although some of them definately had anal tendencies.

7/31---There was a naked homeless guy on the bus today, taking a nap. It was pretty funny, actually.

7/27---Camp sux. Everybody's a bitch and talks about other ppl being bitchs...how ironic.

6/29---today's mi mom's b-day. And i also get to find out mi SAT score -_- it better be over 1300.

6/21---Current mood:depressed. I've discovered that I weigh more than a woman who is 6 months pregnant.

6/20---Does this mean I'm a psychotic bitch? Wait, no need to answer that question.
Schizotypal:Very High
Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

6/18---I'm EVIL!!! Mwahahahaha...ha The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Ninth Level of Hell - Cocytus!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

6/11---Made a new guest book. Have to get ppl to sign. Had curry for dinner. If you don't know what curry is, it's a hot spicy sauce from India that you pore on rice. Good stuff.

6/10---I made a guest book today, but it's fucked, so i have to get one from somewhere else. I also have to get a new blog. Ugh. Anyway, went to the dentist's today. I don't have to get mi wisdom teeth out. hooray! And i looked at some other ppl's blogs, and they basically bitch about how life sux. Ppl! Quit bitchin and start livin! Well... i'm not the one to talk... i'm not exactly miss opptimist.

6/9---I hate the colors on this site. I mean, it looks pretty nice considering that I made it(i'm not exactly a techie person) but it's PINK. I just don't like pink though i don't really have anything against it personally. The nuns at the catholic pre-school that i went to said that pink is the color of the devil. Pink looks like an innocent color, but that's just the devil trying to trick you... or something... They were probably on crack. construction