
     My name is Joshua Adam Farley, or just Josh to those I am on good terms with or Mr. Farley to those who I am not. Welcome to my web-site.

          This is the 6th or so website I have ever made, all of which has been hosted by Angelfire web-hosting, I wasn’t going to make another web-site after the last one but here I am again typing away at a keyboard making one up for the pure unrivaled hell in it. So why make a web-site if I hate making them so much? Well last month (September 2004) I moved out of my mom’s house and into my own apartment, and believe me it was about time, so now (October 2004) I think I should make a way for people to check up on me (especially since none of them call or write or visit). I mean I can show off my apartment, which I am under the firm impression that I am better off than some of the people in the same building (I have tables to put things on for one thing.), and I can list things I need still for the apartment or in general so in the event of things like birthdays and holidays that warrant presents my friends and relatives or anyone else who wants to buy me a present can buy one for me and without worrying about getting me something wrong, although money is always a good gift in my opinion.

          Since I got started on this site a few months have passed by.It is now January of 2005 and I am still working on the basics of this site.But not by much. By deciding on what info I wanted to put here I seem to have set some lofty goals, I only just this very morning got 6 pages on the sub-sections set up and slapped together the hub, to which you will find a link to below my original entrance link. Basically the point of the hub is that once you know your way around the site you can go to where you want without having to take the long way.to get there. A few of the pages will still be pending for the most part, the easiest way to find out which ones is to take the long way cause I won't be putting up markers in the hub. But I do intend to try and have a page for any link that is active to link to in the first place.

          Other than that I will be adding stuff as I go along. I probably will toss in random stuff like my poor guy recipes, and so on, but I hope to have this site up and running easily enough. Either way I hope you enjoy yourself while at my site, or just find it useful at least by maybe a little bit.

Have a good one.

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