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*** M. M. "Johny" Johnson***
B-25 Combat Photographer/Gunner

Mission Photos

Comiso Airdrome, July, 1943.
For a bigger picture, click HERE

September 3, 1943 --- Camigliatello, Italy

From the squadron yearbook: "There was a mission today at 0630, twelve of our planes going out to bomb the landing ground at Camegliatello, Italy. The mission was successful. The big news of today, though, was the invasion of Italy. At 11:30 last night, Allied Forces landed on the toe. Then larger units followed at 0430 hours this morning. Our Liaison Officer, Capt. Simpson, spoke to us on the invasion and gave us details of the tactics to be shortly put into action. We moved over to our assigned area today and somehow or other, the 489th managed to get the worst area. A low area, full of mosquito breeding places and the farthest one from the field. Our food has been miserable and all the men are bitching to high heaven."

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Another picture from Camigliatello.
For a bigger picture, click HERE

A great picture from above!
Eleusis Airdrome, Greece
November 16, 1943

For a bigger picture, click HERE

Another picture of Eleusis Airdrome.

For a bigger picture, click HERE

Gun area north of Mount Trocchio --- December 2, 1943.

For a bigger picture, click HERE

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