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By: Joseph J. Mazzella

You can buy my books WALKING THE PATH OF LOVE and A JOURNEY OF LOVE on


If there is one thing this year’s long winter has taught me it is that weather is a lot like life: you have to take it one day at a time. January this year has truly been one long, dark, cold, gloomy Monday all month long. Heavy snow followed heavy snow with no warm days in between to melt them. In fact, for week after week we seemed trapped in an arctic deep freeze with temperatures falling into the single digits during the days and below zero at night. I had taken a fall earlier in the month too and sprained my left arm badly. Still, I shoveled out over and over in spite of the pain. I also left the water dripping each night knowing that a higher water bill was better than paying to fix frozen, busted water pipes.

Then as February approached we finally got a warming trend that fully melted the snow but also came with heavy rains that caused flooding, rock falls, and landslides. And the warmth was brief too because Winter wasn’t over yet. More snow was on the way and Spring still seemed a long way off. It was like all the daily pains and struggles we face in life were reflected a lot in the weather this year.

That is why I am doing my best to take it one day at a time. Each morning when I wake up I thank God for another day to live and another day to love. I give thanks too for my cozy, warm home, for fresh water, electricity, and all the conveniences of life that we so often take for granted. I know too that each day will have its own problems, challenges, pains, and struggles. Yet, through them all choice is still mine. I can choose love. I can select joy. And I can share them with everyone I meet. Then I will bring a little happiness, a little warmth to this day no matter what the weather holds. Yes, weather and life are best taken one day at time. And how we take that day is up to us. May all of yours be taken with warmth and lived with love.-----


You see some amazing, beautiful, and wonderful things in this life, if you keep your eyes open. I saw one just the other day when I was shopping at the local grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends for my home. I had just turned the corner into an aisle with my shopping cart when I almost bumped into an elderly lady pushing hers. She was eighty years old if she was a day. What amazed me, though, was inside her cart was a baby in a car seat who couldn’t have been more than a year old herself. I started talking with the lady and found out that she was baby sitting not her granddaughter but her great-granddaughter. She told of how much joy the little angel was giving her days in these golden years of her life. I could see too the 4 generations of love flowing between them. Just before she left the great-grandmother reached down and tickled her baby. The baby girl laughed so joyfully that we both laughed as well.

I looked at them and saw the two smiles on their faces. The baby’s was toothless and shone from her chubby, cherub face. The old lady’s was wrapped in deep wrinkles from a lifetime of living. Yet, they were both so lovely. And as I walked down the aisle I passed a mirrored display and realized that my own face was smiling too.

H. Jackson Brown wrote: “I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.” I have to say that I agree with him too. Smiles have a beauty and a power all their own. They are givers of love. They are conveyers of kindness. They are sharers of joy. They come naturally and easily. They are priceless yet cost us nothing. They connect us with ourselves and with each other. And each one brings us closer to Love, closer to Heaven, and closer to God.

Fill your days with smiles then. Let them flow from your loving soul and your happy heart. Share them with everyone you meet. And always know that God is smiling down on you too.-----


When first one and then both of my sons were diagnosed with Autism and mental handicaps I didn’t know the journey I was in for. It has been one that has had pain, frustration, worry, fear, anger, sadness, and despair. Yet, it has also been one that has had laughter, peace, learning, love, joy, and growth. I didn’t know then that my two sons were to become my greatest teachers in how to live and how to love.

My oldest son, JJ has an innocent love that seems frozen in an eternal childhood. He smiles and greets everyone he meets. He makes beaded key chains and homemade Christmas cards to hand out to everyone he knows. He lives a life of such sweet, unconditional love that I am always amazed by it. His younger brother, Casey has a more severe form of Autism. He doesn’t speak much and is lost in his own world most of the time. Yet, he also has a spontaneous joy that erupts at times. His laughter and smile can uplift my spirits and warm my heart on even the coldest and saddest day. I feel so blessed having both of my boys in my life. And I thank God everyday for them.

Mitch Albom wrote: “ A child is both an anchor and a set of wings.” This is true for both of my sons. They anchor me in my daily work and responsibilities caring for them and they also give my soul a set of wings that connects me to love, to joy, to Heaven, and to God. It isn’t always easy having two sons over 30 trapped mentally in an eternal childhood. But spiritually they help me each day to love more deeply, to give more freely, and to share more joyously.

When you see a child or adult with special needs always remember that they are also special souls. They are a gift from God and we can learn so much from them. May we all one day love as freely, as happily, and as joyously as they do.-----


When I was a boy I never looked at the stars much. During the summer evenings I preferred reading a book or watching the television to being outside. As I got older I began to gaze up into the night sky more often, but we lived in a place with light poles that came on each night so I could only see a few dozen stars at the most. Still I enjoyed seeing their beauty.

One Summer night, however, I was picking up my daughter at a home in the country far off the beaten path. It was a clear sky that night and when I parked my car and got outside what I saw took my breath away. The entire sky above my head was an ocean of light, a sea of stars. I couldn’t believe the beauty of it. I felt the warm summer breeze blow on my face as I looked up at this indescribable beauty and my whole spirit felt uplifted. I could feel the Loving hand that created these billions of stars also touching my heart and my whole being was filled with peace, joy, and happiness.

I also felt very small and very large at the same time. I felt tiny when I realized the immensity of the Cosmos. Each of these stars was a sun and each one was millions upon millions of miles away. Yet, I could see the light from them all. But I also felt a oneness with them. I realized that I too was a part of God’s glorious creation and I too had a special place and a special purpose within it. It was just up to me to Live it.

I carry that memory of the night under a sea of stars in a special place in my soul. I thank God that I could see that beauty and realize that I too was a part of it. I thank God for this wondrous universe that He made for us. And most of all I thank God for the unconditional Love that He has for each one of us. I only hope to live my own life with all the Love I can, with all the wisdom I can, with all the joy I can, and with all the Light I can.-----


In the midst of Winter I often dream of Spring. In my mind’s eye I see the days lengthening with the sun rising earlier each day in the pink morning sky, bathing the world in it’s golden light. I see the snow rapidly melting under its wonderful warmth. I see the grass turning green again as killing frost turns into gentle rain. I see the first dandelions and buttercups peeking their heads through the rich soil and stretching towards the sun. I see the buds and blossoms on the trees filling the air with their sweet smells. I hear the birds singing songs of love again and watching them soar through the sky. I see the hibernating animals awakening from their winter sleep and rejoining the world of the living again. I hear the sweet music of children’s laughter as they run and play outside. I see neighbors sitting on their porches and sharing friendly waves and kind words with each other. I feel the whole entire world around me coming back to life again and knowing that God’s Loving care is behind it all. In the midst of Winter I often dream of Spring and that gives me hope and warmth and love and joy.

I know too that in this world it often feels like Winter inside of us, no matter what the season outside is. I know that we sometimes feel cold, lonely, hurt, and sad. I know that sometimes it feels like Spring will never come. But deep inside each of us there is an eternal Spring. It is a gift of God given in His Wisdom and Love. It is up to us, though, to bring it forth and face the winter of this world. It is up to us to share our warmth, our love, and our Spring even on the coldest days.

Dream of Spring then. Share your Spring. Bring your warmth to everyone you meet and help God to bath this world in Love. And know too that when your life in this world is over God awaits you in a place where it is always warm, it is always Loving, and it is always Spring.-----


It was over 30 years ago. I had graduated college with a degree in Education but hadn’t been able to find a full time job as a teacher. Instead I was working as a substitute. One day I would be called in to work in an elementary classroom, on another day I would be at the high school, and on another I would be working all day in the special education classroom. Through it all, though, I tried my best to be a positive and uplifting teacher. I remembered the teachers I’d had growing up. Some were so good. They encouraged and praised their students. They made the work feel like a joy. I would learn anything for them. Others only criticized and reprimanded their students. In their classes I felt fear and resentment and learned a lot less than I could have.

On one day of substituting I was having a really good day. I praised one boy’s math answer and another girl’s English essay. I did my best to make each student feel seen and appreciated. At first the students seemed shocked by this treatment but soon they became happy and responsive. And at the end of the day a particularly shy girl stopped before leaving and said, “I wish you were my teacher everyday.” Those kind words have stayed in my heart to this day.

I haven’t worked in a school for decades now, but I’ve learned one thing: We are all teachers in this life and we are all students as well. We learn from each other. It doesn’t matter what your job is, you are always teaching others with your words, with your actions, and with your life.

The question is: What are you going to teach? Are you going to help God teach Love and kindness and peace and goodness and giving and sharing and Joy? Or are you going to teach fear, anger, hatred, and misery? The choice is yours. I myself will always choose the path of Love, learning, and Joy. I myself will always choose to do my best to help God make this world the happy classroom it was always meant to be. May you do the same.----


It was the coldest part of January several years ago. The jet stream had dropped and an arctic blast had arrived from Canada. The overnight temperatures had dropped below zero and the raw northern wind made it feel even colder. I had left my water dripping the night before but it had still frozen in the pipes. I sat outside then near the opening where the water lines came out of the ground and up into the house. I had run two extension cords through my back door to space heaters I had sat near the water pipes and was hoping they could get the water flowing again.

As I adjusted the heaters to get the warm air on the pipes the cold air of the day blew and sliced into me painfully. I saw the sun breaking through the clouds trying its best to warm the earth but the cold air of Winter was keeping it at bay, my pipes frozen, and my body shivering and hurting. My lips were chapped, my face felt raw, and my fingers were aching from the cold. Finally I went back inside. When I did I saw my loving daughter holding a steaming cup of coffee for me to drink. I smiled, took a sip, and let the liquid heat flow down my throat and warm my insides. I thanked my daughter for the cup and took another sip. And then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world: water flowing from the kitchen faucet.

As I went back out to carry the heaters back inside, I looked up at the sun and thanked God for a beautiful day, a beautiful world, and a beautiful life. As cold as it was I still felt the warmth of His Love shining through. Then I went back inside to hug my daughter and enjoy my coffee.

Sometimes this world feels like a very cold place. Sometimes it seems to do its best to keep the light, warmth, and Love of God at bay. But when we shine our light we can help God to drive away the darkness. When we share our warmth we can help God to take away the cold. And when we share our Love we can help God to melt the ice around another’s heart.-----


We didn’t have much when I was growing up but I never felt poor. In order to feed all of us we had four huge gardens that we harvested every year. Mom and Nana would can the vegetables and fill up every corner of the root cellar. We also raised pigs during the Summer to keep us in meat during the Winter. Even with all of this, though, sometimes we would need to stretch out the food by having two days of beans.

Mom would buy a huge bag of the cheap dry beans and slowly cook them all day long. Then she would make her special sweet cornbread to go with them for dinner that day. Every belly was filled but there was always plenty of beans left over. That is when Nana would handle day two. She would boil pasta, add her special blend of spices, and then pour in the left over brown beans to make her delicious Pasta Fasul. When both meals were over, every stomach was stuffed, every heart was happy, and our family of six had been fed for two days for only a few dollars.

Looking back on those childhood meals brings a special joy to my heart. I didn’t realize back then just how “rich” we were. We didn’t have money to eat out but we had wonderful meals made with Love. We worked hard every year just to keep the family fed, but somehow that made us appreciate every meal even more. That is why I thank God for my childhood tough as it was at times. I learned so much about life and I learned so much about Love. It made me who I am today.

In the end it is Love that makes us rich. Love nourishes our souls just like good food nourishes our bodies. Love connects us to life, to each other, and to God. And the harder you work to harvest the Love in your heart, the greater your joy and thankfulness will be.-----


With Winter entering a particularly brutal cold stretch with temperatures dropping into the low teens every night and only reaching the 20's during the day, our electric furnace stopped working. I spent all day trying to reach a repairman only to find that they were overwhelmed with people in similar circumstances and it would be 8 days before someone could arrive here. I quickly went to the local hardware store and bought two space heaters. By moving them from the living room during the day to the bedrooms at night we have stayed cool but comfortable so far. One thing this did do, however, was awaken some Winter memories of my own childhood.

I remembered as a boy waking up on winter days with the floor being ice cold, quickly pulling on thick socks, jeans, and a sweat shirt and going into the living room where a single wood stove heated the whole house. I remembered watching my dad add wood to the fire in it while we all huddled around it for warmth. I remembered walking outside in the bitter cold to grab an armful of wood from our shed and carrying it inside to refill our wood box with freezing fingers and frosty breath, shivering the whole way. It took so much more work just to stay warm back then, but somehow that made all of us appreciate the warmth even more.

I think maybe God took away my central heat for a bit to remind me of how precious warmth is not only in our homes but also in our hearts. This can be a very cold world at times and it is up to us to add our warmth to it. We need everyday to build up our own warmth within so that we can warm the hearts of others around us as well.

Allow God’s Love to warm you then even on the coldest days. And keep your own inner fire burning bright. Feed it kindling of kindness and logs of love every single day. Then your giving heart and loving life will become a stove that radiates warmth and brings joy to this world.-----


My first born child, JJ was supposed to be a Thanksgiving baby. It was 3 weeks later, however, when my wife went into labor. It was a dangerous delivery and in the end we had to have an emergency c-section before he was born on December 16th, just 3 days before our first wedding anniversary.

Nine days later we drove to my Mom and Dad’s house for Christmas. My wife was still sore from her surgery so I made her comfortable on the couch and gave JJ to his grandma to hold. As we all talked and laughed I noticed that Mom wasn’t saying anything. I looked over at her and she was still holding JJ in her arms and speaking to him in gentle tones. Her smile was so joyous and her eyes were moist with tears. I knew that she had just been diagnosed with cancer and my heart filled with love for her. I was happy that I was able to give her the Christmas gift of her grandson and I prayed that they would have many years together.

Sadly, that didn’t happen. Mom died on a cold, winter’s day just four years later when I was only 25 and JJ was only 4 years old. I felt so bad that she wouldn’t be able to watch him and my other children grow up. Yet, over the years I feel that she has. I can still see and feel her loving presence around them over and over again. It comes in so many ways and so many forms. Sometimes I will see strange lights near them that I can’t explain. Other times butterflies will flutter around their heads like they are being guided there by an invisible hand. And always when I look in each one of their faces, I can see her own loving smile and sparkling eyes.

God Loves us all so much and God wants us all to bring Love into this world in both large and small ways. My Mom did that everyday of her life. And even after her life in this world was over, her Love continues on. May that be said for each of us.-----


At this festive time of the year when November turns to December and Christmas approaches, I am always haunted by a memory. It is a memory that hurts my heart and stabs my soul. Yet, I embrace it each year when it returns for the lesson it teaches me.

It happened almost 20 years ago. My children were all teenagers. I had long abandoned trying to guess what they wanted for Christmas and instead each year took a long car trip to a Shopping Mall. There I handed them each cash and allowed them to pick out exactly what they wanted. This year I had even put aside an extra hundred dollars to pick myself out a few gifts but as I walked the length of the Mall I could find nothing that I wanted.

As we finally got in the car to leave I started to drive out to the main road. That is when I saw her, a homeless woman holding a sign asking for help. She looked much older than her age. She was dressed in a torn, threadbare coat. Her gray hair was matted and tangled. Her face was chapped from the winter wind. But the thing that struck me most was her eyes. She had the saddest eyes that I had ever seen. I pulled over the car, took the hundred dollars I hadn’t spent and had my daughter give it to her. She looked at us in disbelief. Then I pulled away and drove on, looking at her in my rearview mirror grow smaller and smaller in the swirling snow.

What troubles me the most about this memory is the knowledge that I could have done more and I should have done more to help her. I feel no pride in what I gave her. I only pray each time I remember this that she found help and was able to find a home again. I pray that she feels God’s Love in her heart and that her eyes are no longer sad but instead sparkle with joy. I know too that one day I will see her again if not in this life then in the next. And when I do, I will ask her forgiveness for driving away that day. ----


When I was a young man I had a love-hate relationship with my car. I loved that I had a vehicle that could get me where I needed to go, but I hated just about everything else about it. First it was over 20 years old. It was the size of a tank and got about the same gas milage as one. It would sputter when I accelerated and backfire when I turned the engine off. It leaked and burned oil. The old tires blew out on more than one occasion. The radio tuned in mostly static and I only had one cassette tape to play in the player. The windshield wipers didn’t work at all and I sometimes had to pull over in a heavy rain. My co-workers even teased me that they saw buzzards circling my car in the parking lot.

The only one who hated my car more than me was my Dad. He was a mechanic and kept the car going for years longer than it should have lasted. As soon as he fixed one thing, however, something else would break down. I could hear him swearing every time he had to work on it. Still, this old, rusty piece of junk was all I could afford at the time so I kept driving it praying it would hang on for one more day. Then finally one morning I turned it on, put it in gear, and the transmission fell out of it. That was the end of my old car and I was happy to see it go.

These days I hate to admit that I am starting to have the same feelings about my own body. I feel like a young soul driving an aging clunker around. My back hurts daily. My teeth, eyesight, memory, and energy aren’t as good as they used to be. I am doing my best to eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep just to slow down the decay. But each day it gets a little older.

Yet, in the end I know these bodies we drive around aren’t who we really are. We are the spirit within. We are beloved Children of God put here to live, learn, and Love. And when our car does finally break down for good, we will be happy to let it go and return Home again.-----


It was late December many years ago. I had saved money for several months so my children could have some nice things for Christmas. Just as I was starting to shop, though, something caught my eye. It was an “Angel Tree.” It was put there by a local charity so children whose parents couldn’t afford toys could get some. On the plastic Christmas tree hung paper angels with a child’s name and the toy they wanted. People would purchase them and then the charity would wrap them and make sure the kids got them on Christmas Day. Only a couple were left, both with boy’s names on them. On one was written, “Football” and on the other “Basketball”.

As I looked at them the child still inside of me remembered my own childhood. I didn’t have very many toys but the two I loved the most where my football and basketball. Even when I was alone I would play with them. I would shoot hoops at the makeshift rim in our driveway and toss the football in the air and catch it, playing whole pretend games in my mind. The memories filled my heart with happiness and in that moment I made my decision.

I grabbed both angels and quickly bought the football and basketball before even purchasing my children’s toys. For a moment I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough money for them all but the angels were smiling down on me and I had just enough for everything. As I dropped the toys in the donation box I felt a joy in my heart. It was the pure happiness that comes from sharing Love with someone you don’t even know.

Anthony de Mello once wrote: “Love heals everyone-both those who receive it and those who give it.” Take every chance you can then to share your own Love at Christmastime and each day of the year. It will not only heal your heart but fill it with joy. It will not only bring a smile to the face of those who receive it, but also to God and all the angels watching over us.-----


Near my home there is a small lake with a walk path that goes all the way around it. When my children were younger we would drive to it a few times a week and walk the path. It always felt so good to be that close to nature and the beauty of God’s creation.

One Autumn day, however, I noticed that the path wasn’t looking so good. It was full of trash that other walkers had dropped along the way. The next time the kids and I went then I took a large trash bag with us. As we walked along every few yards we would spot another piece of trash, bend down, pick it up and put it in the bag. There were candy wrappers, empty potato chip bags, bent cans of soda pop and a few beer cans as well. There were plastic bottles, old strings of fishing line, and even a single tennis shoe. We picked up every piece we saw. It took us over twice as long to get all the way around the lake but when we did we felt a sense of satisfaction that couldn’t be put into words.

Before we got back in the car I dumped the almost full trash bag into a nearby trash can. I looked back at the lake shimmering in the sun and the trees full of beautiful red and golden leaves and smiled. We hadn’t made it any more beautiful with what we did, but we had at least taken away some of the things that were making it less beautiful. It was like we had done our part and given something back to thank God again for this glorious world we live in.

In this life we are all more important than we realize. Every single thing we do can add or take away from the beauty of this world. Every single thing we do can add to the Love and joy in this life or to the fear and hate in it. We all need to choose wisely then. We need to do our part and give something back every chance we can, be it a shared smile, an act of kindness, a word of love, or even picking up a single piece of trash.-----


My daughter wanted to try out a new turkey recipe before Thanksgiving this year so we did a trial run the other day. It was just the turkey and potatoes without all the other sides. As I was drowning my turkey and potatoes in gravy, however, my mind flashed back to another special Thanksgiving 44 years ago.

This Thanksgiving took place in July. We had driven 6 hours to visit my Mom’s sister and her husband during the summer. I always loved visiting Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Richard. They had a good-cheer about them that was contagious. They handled life with a sense of humor and joyful acceptance of what is. Mom always seemed happiest when she was visiting her sister too. I know she missed her family, living so far away. This visit they decided why wait until November to make us all a Thanksgiving feast. They filled the table then with turkey, potatoes, green beans, mac and cheese, stuffing, yams, rolls, and pie. It was a sight to behold.

I took my seat, filled my plate, poured the gravy, and looked around at the happy, laughing faces. I felt such a spirit of love in the room. There was so much peace there and so much happiness. There was so much gratitude. It was a pure, joyous moment. I wished I could feel that way everyday of my life. And I thought how wonderful life would be if everyone did too.

That memory remains in my heart to this day. It taught me something about happiness in this life. It showed me to be satisfied with what we have. It showed me to be thankful for the love we receive. It showed me to be grateful for all that God gives us here. And it showed me that life is best lived lightly, with laughter and good-cheer, and with a simple sense of joy. I hope that all of your days are like that. I hope that you spend each one of them with a heart full of love and a soul full of thankfulness. Then every day of your life will be Thanksgiving.-----


I can still remember it like it was yesterday. My children were still young and we had all gotten into the car to go grocery shopping. Our car was a beat up, old, Ford Escort with a cassette player in it. We had a case full of cassettes behind the gear shift that we would listen to when the radio didn’t come in clear. This day we arrived at the store, went in to get another week’s worth of groceries and came back to the car only to find that the case full of cassettes was gone. Somebody had stolen it.

The kids were shocked but for some reason I just started laughing. It was the thought of the thief opening up the case and seeing what he had stolen. There were a few cassettes that I had bought back in college and were a decade old. The rest of them were made tapes where we had recorded songs the kids and I liked off the radio. I could just see the look of disappointment on the thief’s face and I laughed again. When I told the kids what I was thinking they laughed too. For weeks to come whenever we listened to the car radio or played the one cassette that was still in the player we would laugh again thinking about our stolen “treasures” and the sad thief.

I think it was our way of releasing our anger at the thief and wishing him the best in spite of what he had done to us. It was freeing our hearts from hate and embracing the Lord’s Prayer to “Forgive those who sin against us.” It felt good too. It felt good to forgive. It felt good to laugh. It felt good release our attachment to things and embrace instead the power of Love.

Our act of forgiveness was a small thing, but faith calls for us to be part of something big even while doing something small. May all of your days be full of faith then. May they be full of forgiveness, full of laughter, and full of love. May you always share the music in your soul and the Love in your heart with God and with everyone you meet.-----


I was a young man finishing up my teaching degree at college. I was driving to a high school to do my student teaching in my 20 year old car. To say it was a piece of junk would be an understatement. It had broken down several times and my Dad had tried to fix it. Still, it burned oil, backfired, and got about 5 miles to a gallon of gas. It had also had flat tires more than once so I had a jack, a crowbar, and a spare in my trunk ready to go. It was all I could afford, though, so I prayed to God as I drove along that it would last one more day.

As I drove down the interstate on the way to the school I noticed something up ahead on the other side of the four lane road. It was a car parked to the side. As I got closer I noticed that it had a flat tire. An elderly lady was standing next to it, not knowing what to do. I knew I would be late for classes but decided to turn at the next exit, head back to her, and help. It took about five minutes but I made the turn. I was almost back when I saw two pick-up trucks parked in front and back of the car. One man in a flannel shirt was already jacking up the car while another burly looking man was talking to the old lady and holding her hand like he was her own grandson. I slowed, pulled up, and asked if they needed any help. The lady said, “No thanks dear. These wonderful gentlemen are taking care of it.” I waved and drove on to another exit to turn back onto my lane. But as I did I noticed that there was a smile on my face and a happiness in my heart. It felt good knowing there were still so many good people out there.

Looking back on this reminds me that Faith isn’t just what you believe. It is what you do. Love isn’t just how you feel. It is how you act. May all of your days be full of faith and love then. May all of your days be filled with acts of kindness. May you always live as a good person and a wonderful Child of God.-----


When I was a boy I was great at math. I learned to add and subtract playing cards around the kitchen table with my family. In grade school I went over the multiplication tables again and again until I had them memorized. Then when I got to High School I had to take Algebra. Suddenly, the numbers were letters, there were equations, and everything was so abstract I couldn’t make sense of it. Learning it felt like banging my head against the wall. I felt like I would never understand it, never use it, and never need it in my life.

That last part was proven false, though, several years later. I was working at a minimum wage job, struggling to support my young family. One day I found myself with just 10 dollars in my wallet until the next payday. The gas tank on my old clunker car was empty too, so I pulled up to a convenience store and put 5 dollars worth of gas in the tank. As I was waiting in line to pay, I saw the woman in front of me frantically searching through her purse to find enough cash to pay for 2 gallons of milk. For a second selfishness held back my heart, but then I walked forward and put down my last 5 dollars to help her get the milk for her children. As I left the store I felt strange. My wallet was empty but my heart felt full. I was flat broke but still felt like the richest man in the world. It didn’t make sense to me mathematically. But then I remembered that Algebra didn’t either. Maybe I didn’t have to understand it. Maybe I just had to enjoy it.

Life and Love are a lot like Algebra. They can be a mystery that we never fully understand. The truth is the more Love we give, the more Love we have. The more we share it, the more it grows inside of us. The more we help others, the more we help ourselves. Love is endless because God is endless. Life is eternal because God is eternal. It is impossible to understand, yet it makes perfect sense. Embrace the mystery then. And enjoy all the riches of Love.-----


Beep! Beep! Beep! My arm swung over automatically and hit the snooze button this morning. I lay back down hoping to give my brain a few more minutes to wake up but it was not to be. Suddenly I heard the Thump Thump Thump of a thick tail hitting my night stand while a wet tongue licked my hand. It was our new puppy, Hank. He’s part Dachshund, part Basset Hound and full of puppy energy. I sat up, petted his head, and started to pull on my clothes to take him for his morning walk. I got a happy “Aroo Aroo” for my efforts and I laughed. We headed out so Hank could go pee but he stopped along the way to greet our cat, Miss Alice. He gave her a good sniffing and snuggling while she “Meowed” and rubbed up against him. I smiled again at this growing boy. I thought about all of the laughter and love he had brought into our lives in the few months we’ve had him. And I thanked God again for the newest member of our family.

Hank reminds me of that old saying: “Money will buy you a good dog, but it will never buy the wag of his tail.” Since Hank first melted my daughter’s heart with his big brown eyes at the rescue shelter, we had paid a lot in adoption fees and vet visits but the love he showered us with was always freely given. With a wagging tail and loving spirit, he had captured our hearts.

I think that maybe God gave us dogs to remind us of how to really live. They are wonderful examples of how to love unconditionally, to give affection easily, and to live life with a sense of playfulness and joyful abandon. What a wonderful way to live.

We all should embrace the lessons dogs can teach us then. We may not have tails to wag but we do have smiles to share. We do have kindness to give. We do have love to shower and joy to scatter. We just need to open up our closed down hearts a little and let our inner puppy out. Then we will Live and Love and Laugh and Play while God smiles down upon us.-----


It is the morning of my 58th birthday as I write this. That actually means I have lived 58 full years here on Earth and am starting into day one of my 59th. That is a lot of miles under the hood. When I looked in my mirror this morning I could see the wear and tear on my body too. My hair was sparse and silver. My skin was thin. My face was full of age spots. And my wrinkles were chiseled deep into my skin. Yet, when I smiled and I saw them curl up around my eyes and the corners of my mouth, I had to admit that they didn’t look half bad.

I thought of how much laughter and how many thousands of smiles it had taken to make them that deep and it made me smile again. In my 58 years here I have shared a lot of love, a lot of laughter, a lot of smiles, and a lot of joy. I have done countless acts of kindness asking nothing in return. I have spoken sweet words, done good things, and tried my best to live my life the way that God wanted me to. I haven’t always succeeded of course, but I know that God forgives me when I mess up and that each new day here is another chance to live and to love.

I know too that I am not alone in this. The vast majority of us are good people, doing good things, sharing kindness and love, and trying each day to make the world a better place. We are all here to make a difference with our lives and God smiles down upon us every time we do. We all know that life has a purpose and that purpose is to Love. No act of love or kindness is too small either. As Emily Dickinson once wrote: “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.”

No matter how many years you have lived here then remember that each day here is a new beginning. Each day here is a new birthday. Embrace them all. Fill them with goodness. Live them with smiles, laughter, and joy. Be kind, share all the Love you can, and make God smile. -------


I had a friend and neighbor once who was a real “score keeper.” She had grown up learning: “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.” Every favor or act of kindness done to her then had to be paid for either in cash or in kind. Once when I mowed her lawn and forgot to tell her when I was done she followed me to my house to pay me. I could see that living this way, always having to keep score, always having to have the books of her life perfectly balanced caused her a lot of stress. But she continued to live this way even with the misery it caused her.

My own parents grew up not wanting to take charity either, but as poor as they were they still often helped others. Mom and Nana would make special foods to share and give away vegetables from our garden, while Dad would often do chores for someone in need. And when they did so I always saw a special sparkle in their eyes and joy in their smiles.

Then one night our home caught fire and burned to the ground. We all survived but lost everything we owned. We were devastated, homeless, and without hope. But the next day help arrived. The whole community rallied around us in love. They brought us food and clothes, found us a temporary place to stay, and helped my Dad finance a new home for us to live in. There was no way we could ever repay their kindness. There was no way we could ever repay their love. Yet, I soon saw that no one expected us to. Because in the faces of each person who helped us were those same sparkling eyes and joyful smiles.

You see, when it comes to Love, God doesn’t want us to keep score. God gives us more Love than we can ever repay. And God only asks that we freely and joyfully share our love as well. The truth is the more love you share, the more love you have. The more you give, the more you receive. It doesn’t balance out. It just keeps growing. Don’t keep score then. Just Love.-----


The heating element on my clothes dryer conked out this week. I soon found out that the big box store no longer carried the part so I had to order one online. It took several days before it came in and I could get it installed, so I found myself carrying my wet clothes over to my daughter’s house to dry. And as I did so each day I thought of my Mom’s old dyer. It was solar powered. It was called a clothes line.

Of course, we did have a regular dryer but Mom preferred hanging the clothes out on a clear day so they could be gently dried by warm breezes and kissed by God’s sunshine. I still can remember how wonderful they smelled when we would take them down and fold them. The sheets especially were crisp and smelled so fresh and clean. When I pulled them up to my chin as I went to bed it was like a whiff of Heaven before I fell asleep.

I think maybe with have lost something with all of our modern conveniences. Yes, it is much better having city water than carrying drinking water from a spring like I did as a boy. It is a lot easier having my electric heat than having to help my Dad chop and carry wood for the stove in the Wintertime. It takes a lot less time just throwing my clothes in the dryer than hanging them out on a clothes line. But in spite of all of the extra chores there was something about working outside in nature under the blue sky. There was a peace that filled you. You felt like you were a part of nature. You felt like you were one with all of God’s creation.

Whenever you start to feel too caught up in the complexities of this modern life then take the time to step outside. Feel the wind on your face. Feel the sun kiss your skin. Watch the leaves change and the sunset. Know that God Loves you. Know that you are one with all creation. Then carry on your day with Love in your heart and a song in your soul.-----


When I was a young boy we lived just down the road from a public swimming pool. During the summer months I would be there almost everyday swimming and playing for hours. The best thing of all was they had a concession stand there. You could buy a cup of coca cola for 15 cents and a bag of chips was only a dime. Often my Mom or Nana would give me a quarter before I left so I could have a snack there. Sometimes, though, they weren’t home or were busy working. That is when I would try the couch cushions.

I would pull them out and stretch my little arms deep into the crevices of the couch or my Dad’s recliner hoping to find some spare change that had fallen out of someone’s pockets. Often to my delight I would find a dime or a dime and a nickle and sometimes even a quarter. Then I would run off to the swimming pool with change in my hand and happiness in my heart.

It is only recently, however, that I realized I found change there an awful lot during the summertime. I remember looking between the cushions in the winter a few times and not even finding a penny. Although I never saw them I think that Mom, Nana, Dad, or all three of them would drop change down there for me to find. They did so knowing it would make my day and bring a smile to my face. Of course, they never said a word about it even after I had grown up. I guess some secrets are too good to share.

I think that maybe an unseen act of kindness has a special joy to it. You get no appreciation or thanks for it, at least not to your face. Yet, it fills your heart with happiness. You know that you are helping another. You know that you are making someone’s life better. And you know that you are making this world a more loving and joyful place. But, no act of kindness is ever truly unseen. God sees them all. God loves them all. And God smiles down upon them all.------


We have had a tough stretch of weather this Summer here in the mountains of my home. Record heat and very little rain has left us with drought like conditions across the entire state. The grass is drying up and going brown and even the trees are losing their leaves early this year. It has been especially hard on the forest animals, not only in finding water but also enough to eat. That is why my daughter with her sweet soul has started putting out a lot of extra cat food for her outdoor cats each day.

Each morning she fills up the plates and her two “formerly” stray cats come up to eat. After they have filled their bellies and gone off to get a morning nap under the shade of a tree I see that the left over cat food isn’t going to waste. This morning I saw 3 fair-sized crows down at the plate eating the kitty kibble that was there. Then after they flew off to do whatever crows do, a small cardinal that had built a nest in the tree next to my daughter’s home flew down to gobble up what was left. Over and over it would fly down, do a perfect landing, snatch a piece of kibble in its mouth, and fly back up to the nest again to feed its babies. As I sat and watched all of this from my kitchen window I couldn’t help but smile with joy. I delighted in seeing my girl taking her place in the great circle of Love that God has created for us here on Earth.

I also wondered about how far the good we do travels in this world. My daughter just started out feeding one stray cat that was hanging around her home but now has become a literal life saver helping to keep so many animals alive. Seeing her inspired me to write this and perhaps reading it will inspire another to perform their own act of kindness. Where it ends only God can see. Do all the good you can then. Share your love, kindness, and joy. Make the world a better place with your life here. Take your spot in God’s great circle of Love. It never ends.-----


My youngest son has a severe form of Autism. He only says a few words and is in his own world most of the time. Yet, with medication, routines, and a lot of love, support, acceptance, and understanding he has been able to live a happy life here. There is one problem, however, that he still has: he is hard on his clothes ripping threads out of his pants and tearing his shirts. This means that I spend a lot of time in thrift stores looking for cheap clothes to replace them.

The other day I was in one of these stores looking for a blue sweatshirt to replace one he had torn up. As I was walking down an aisle I heard “Come Back Here!” followed by a giggle. A little, three year old girl was running down the aisle laughing and making a break from her Mom. She ran right up to me and held open her arms to be picked up. I saw her Mom smile at us so I picked up the little tike and carried her back to her Mom’s arms. Then I turned the corner and saw an elderly lady stretching up to reach a purse on a super high shelf. I asked if I could help and when she said “yes” got on my tip toes to grab it for her. Finally, I reached the sweatshirts and found one that I knew would make my son laugh with delight when he saw it.

As I walked toward the cashier I saw the older lady paying for her purse with a smile and behind her the little girl jumping up and down with joy, holding her Mom’s hand and carrying an old doll her Mom had found for her. As I took my place in line I suddenly felt a sense of peace, joy, and love fill my heart. I realized that me, my son, that Mom, her girl, and that lady were all one family, in one world, filled with kindness and God’s Love for us all.

Mother Teresa said that “We belong to each other” and Ram Dass wrote, “We are all just walking each other home.” We need to remember that we are all ONE in this world. Only then can we truly live with kindness and Love. Only then can we be who we were meant to be.-----


On cold, winter nights when I was a boy my Mom would often let me help her make popcorn to eat while we watched television. Mom made it the old fashioned way too. She would grab a cast iron skillet and light the stove beneath it. Then she would pour in a splash of oil and add a dollop of butter. Next she would sprinkle in a big handful of kernels from the popcorn bag. Together we would wait, listening to the oil sizzle until we heard the first kernels popping. Then we would grab the skillet and lid and shake them over the fire to keep the popcorn from burning. Shake, shake, shake and pop, pop, pop until the skillet was full to overflowing. Finally, Mom would pour it all into a huge bowl and shake salt all over it.

After this we would all sit down in the living room, Dad in his recliner, Nana in her chair by the stove, and me, Mom, and my brothers on the couch. There was always enough popcorn for everyone and Mom even let me crunch on the kernels that didn’t quite finish popping.

The funny thing is I can’t really remember a single one of the programs that we watched on TV on those nights. They are all just a blur to me. What I can remember clearly, however, is the smell of the popcorn, the warmth of the bowl on my lap, the delicious taste of it, and most of all the joy I felt with Mom cuddled up next to me. I felt so loved, so safe, and so happy. There with my family all seemed right with the world. We didn’t have a huge home, a lot of money, or even fancy snacks from the store but we had Love and that was all we needed.

In the end I think it is those little, shared moments of Love that give life meaning. They are God’s gift to us. They are our gift to each other. They are the only things we will take with us when we leave this world. Cherish every one of them. Fill your life with them. Because every time you do, you create a little bit of Heaven right here on Earth.-----


When I was a young boy every Summer Mom, Dad, my brothers and I would climb into our beat-up old car and drive 7 hours over curvy, mountain roads to visit my Mom’s relatives in Tennessee. We always stayed in my Grandma’s house there with her, my Uncle Rich and Aunt Charlotte. It was a fun time with days full of excitement and joy. Often Aunt Charlotte would even make us a Thanksgiving dinner in the Summertime with delicious turkey, gravy, potatoes, and stuffing. Some of my happiest childhood memories came from those visits.

One in particular holds a special place in my heart. I had just climbed into bed in the guest bedroom on the second story of the house. I’d had so much fun that day but was still wide awake. As I lay there I heard the most delightful sound coming from the front porch below me. It was laughter. Mom, Dad, Uncle Rich, and Aunt Charlotte were down there sharing stories and telling jokes. The laughter was so happy, so joyous, that I found myself smiling. And even then in my young mind and innocent heart I realized that this is how life should be. The laughter became a sweet lullaby that sang to me and I fell asleep feeling all was right with the world.

I look back on that memory anytime this life seems to be getting too stressful or crazy and I embrace the lessons that my Uncle Rich and Aunt Charlotte taught me. They always lived their lives with love and joy and laughter and smiles. And they blessed everyone they touched because of it. My Uncle Rich passed away many years ago but my Aunt Charlotte is still alive in her 90's. I write to her each week and am so grateful to still have her in my life.

Our lives here are what we make them. And God wants us to fill them with laughter and smiles and love and joy. Because when we do we not only give ourselves happiness but also make this world a better and more beautiful place. May we always do so.-----


There is an old story about a man whose ship was lost at sea. He barely survived and drifted alone for many days on a raft. Finally he was spotted and rescued by another ship and taken aboard. Later when he was asked if he’d learned anything from the ordeal he went through he replied: “I have learned that if I can have enough food to eat and fresh water to drink that I will be deliriously happy for the rest of my life.”

Most of us won’t have to go through the terrible suffering that man did, but it would still be good if we could learn the lesson he did. I think there is a reason why Jesus, when He taught his disciples to pray, had them to only ask for “our daily bread.” He didn’t have them ask for gold, or land, or any kind of wealth. He didn’t have them ask for security and for all of their future needs to be met, Now. He had them to ask only for their “bread” for this day. Jesus knew that caring about our things and worrying about our future constantly would only separate us from Love and from God. And He knew that God knows our true needs better than we do.

We have been taught in this world that money and stuff equals happiness. But in truth, stuff and money only gives us momentary satisfaction. And after that all you are left with is work, and effort and concern to keep what you have or to acquire more. Our daily happiness like our daily bread is a gift from God. But we can only receive it when we open ourselves to it. We can only receive it when we release our cares and worries and have faith in God’s Love for us.

God Loves us all so much. He delights in giving us our daily bread. He delights in giving us our daily happiness. But our hearts must be open to receive this gift. We have to release our cares about our things and our worries about the future. We have to free ourselves to accept God’s Love for us. Then we will live in love ourselves and create happiness each new day.-----


CRACK! BOOM! I sat up in my bed, my heart pounding in my chest, and a startled scream escaping my lips. I was a teenage boy and had been sleeping deeply a few seconds ago. The gentle rain that was falling when I went to sleep, however, had turned into a savage storm while I dreamed. The lightening strike that had just hit felt like it was right outside my window. It took me a long time to fall back asleep again.

The next day I walked out to a small spring about 50 yards from our home and saw where it had hit. It had wrapped itself around an Oak tree stripping off the bark and splitting the trunk. I felt bad for the tree knowing that it was done for. The next year, though, I noticed that the tree hadn’t died. In fact, it had fresh, new, green leaves growing on it and the burnt bark was starting to grow back too. I was amazed at the resilience of this tree and couldn’t believe that it had survived such damage.

Recently I was reading something that shed fresh light about that tree. It was a scientific study that showed that the forest floor is all interconnected. When one tree is damaged the other trees will share their own nutrients to keep it alive and growing through their root system. Reading this made me smile. I felt a renewed appreciation for the Earth and all of God’s glorious creation. And I thanked God for this beautiful world we all live in.

Looking back at my own life I see that I have taken quite a few lightening strikes as well. Yet, through them all I have felt the love of those around me. I doubt the strongest tree could survive what each of us goes through in this life. Thankfully, we aren’t alone. We are a part of a loving forest. And when one of us gets hurt, others are always there to help us heal. We aren’t meant to stand alone. God wants us to be a part of a greater whole, one created in Love.-----


Sometimes it only takes a moment for God to remind us of what life is all about. I was driving to a local blood drive at a church the other day. It had been a long week. Bad news had followed bad news all week long. By blood drive day I was feeling emotionally exhausted and despite all of my efforts I couldn’t seem to lift my spirits. I only hoped to donate blood as quickly as possible, go home, and get some rest.

I arrived early and was the first one in. In time, though, the room filled up. While I was laying down watching the blood drip from my arm into the bag below I looked around and saw that 3 other people were already donating too. There was a young woman in her early twenties, a man in his late thirties, fifty seven year old me, and a man about twenty years older than I was. Over at the tables where we were supposed to go for a snack after we donated I heard a crying sound. It was the baby girl of one of the volunteers. I glanced at all of this, took it in, and smiled. We had every age of life there in that church basement all together.

It was in that moment that God spoke to me in the quietness of my soul. “This is why you are all here on Earth. You are here to Love each other, to help each other, to give to each other, and to grow more and more like Your Heavenly Father each and every day.”

I looked around again and realized just how wonderful this life here is. When we Love, each day here is filled with joy. When we help and give to each other, each day here becomes a blessing. I looked at the baby girl being bounced in her Mother’s arms and realized that one day she too would be a 70 year old donating blood to save another’s life. In that moment I saw that the circle of Life here is truly a circle of Love. And I saw too that it doesn’t end here on Earth but continues on with us all into Eternity. -----


Is it possible to mourn a friend you’ve never met? A friend of mine passed away recently. We never did get to meet in person. I first heard from her in a letter. She had been reading my stories in her local county paper and decided to write me and share her appreciation. I was so moved by her kindness and spirit of friendship that I wrote her back. That started a long correspondence between the two of us.

Being an older lady and not internet savvy she wrote me handwritten letters in beautiful cursive handwriting. Not being good at handwriting I typed up my responses on my computer and printed them off. I would share with her each new thing I wrote and she would often mail me back handmade posters of my writings in her lovely handwriting. I put each one of them on my walls so I could see them everyday.

We also shared our lives together. I told her of my caring for my handicapped sons and she shared being taken care of by her loving daughters and grandson. We shared so much in the few years we wrote each other. During one letter she wrote that she had fallen and hurt her arm. After that her letters were less and she felt bad about that, but to me each one was a treasure. Each one touched my heart. And in each one the love and kindness of her soul shone through. Eventually her health worsened and the last few letters I got were from her daughter and not her. It broke my heart when she finally passed and I knew that this world had lost one of its special angels. We may have never met in person but we certainly did so in spirit.

Is it possible to mourn a friend you’ve never met? Yes it is. We are all connected in this life. We are all God’s children. We are all friends. We are all family. Don’t miss a single chance then to share your love and joy with others. It is what we are here for. It is what life is all about.-----


I realized something this morning: I don’t dance as much as I used to. When I was a boy I used to dance in the living room while I listened to the radio or my Mom’s old records. I would even sing songs to myself and dance a bit when I went for walks outside. As I got older I went to all the school dances and was never afraid to get out on the dance floor and dance. And after I grew up and had kids of my own, I had to fight the urge to dance when I chaperoned the dances my daughter went to. I didn’t want the poor girl to die of embarrassment.

Well, this morning I was doing some light exercises trying to get my energy up for the day ahead. I was also listening to one of the music channels on my television. Suddenly, one of my favorite songs from the 1980's started to play. The beat was fantastic and I felt a surge of delight in my heart. I stopped exercising and started dancing for the pure joy of it. I laughed and danced and spun around to see my three dogs looking at me and then each other. I could read their thoughts from the expressions on their faces: “What is wrong with dad?” I laughed even louder and said: “ Don’t worry guys. I am just dancing!”

I am not sure when I stopped dancing but it must have been quite a while to have shocked my dogs the way I did. One thing I did know, however, was I felt so good when I danced. And I wondered why I had ever stopped. I vowed in that moment to keep dancing every chance I got.

Never stop dancing. No matter how old you get, no matter how feeble you feel, keep dancing. If you can’t dance with your body then dance with your heart and soul and mind. Few things will give you greater joy. God gave us life. God gave us Love. God gave us music. And God gave us dancing. Make your entire life a dance then. Make it a dance of loving, giving, and sharing. Make it a dance of joy that carries you all the way to Heaven.-----


We were in the eighth day of a heat wave that seemed to have no end. The summer heat and humidity were draining and it had gotten so hot that I was even having trouble falling asleep at night. My body felt tired and not ready to take on the day. I sat slowly drinking my morning coffee and hoping that it could help to lift up my eyelids more than half-way. It was early in the morning and already felt afternoon hot. I knew it was going to be another scorcher.

As I sat there not wanting to get up from my kitchen table, I glanced lazily out my window. The buttercups and dandelions were popping back up again after the last time the grass was mowed. I saw a few bumble bees bouncing from flower to flower and my weary face managed a weak smile. Then out of nowhere a brilliant, yellow butterfly appeared. It circled around my window as if to say “Hi!” then dropped down to the nearest dandelion. After resting a moment it flew back up to my window circling around joyfully. Watching this my smile widened and my heart filled. I have always had a special love for butterflies since my Mom passed away. Once I told my daughter that I was sure Mom’s spirit was still dropping down to check on us, riding invisible on the back of a butterfly. And ever since I said that my days have been filled with winged visitors. Each time I see one I thank God and tell Mom how much I love her.

I watched as this butterfly circled up to my window one last time and flew away. And as it did I didn’t feel quite so tired anymore. I was ready to embrace the day. I was ready to open my heart, share my love, and add a little more kindness to the world.

In this life you can’t know what each day will bring, but you can choose how you live it. Live yours then with Love, Laughter, Kindness, and Joy. Each new day here is God’s gift to us. And how we live it, is our gift to God. Make yours fantastic.-----


I had just finished taking my dogs for their last walk of the day while darkness slowly fell over the mountains of my home. Just as I closed the door, though, a flicker of light caught my eye. I turned my head to see that a little lightening bug had flown in with us through the open door and was now frantically trying to get out again. As he flew slowly towards the door I quickly but gently closed my fingers around him. I could feel his little wings beat against the skin of my hand and a flash of light shown through my fingers. I opened the back door and stepped back outside. Then I opened my palm and watched the guy fly away flashing his light with gratitude in the darkness of the night.

Before I walked back in I took the time to gaze out on the meadow behind my home. There blinking on and off were hundreds of fireflies. Each time their lights came on I smiled again. It was so beautiful and so amazing that such tiny, little insects could produce so much light. I stood there in awe of this miracle I get to see each Summer and thanked God for it and for all of His glorious creation.

Watching my lightening bug buddies again made me think too of the light each of us carries inside of ourselves. Often it too flickers and is not steady or even very bright. Yet, every time we shine it we grow a little brighter. And every time we share it we awaken the light in others to shine as well.

Do your best to share your love in this world then. Do your best to shine your light even if you think it is a mere flicker. You are a lot brighter than you think. And I will let you in on a secret: The more light you shine and the more love you share, the more light and love God will give you to share. It never ends.-----


It was a beautiful, Summer morning today. I took my dogs for their morning walk just as the sun was rising over the hills. The air was still cool and I laughed as I watched my dogs romp and play in the grass still wet with the morning dew. Then I did some morning chores and made myself a warm breakfast and a hot cup of coffee. I didn’t want to ruin the perfect peacefulness of the morning by turning on the news so I opened my record player and put on some of my old, vinyl records instead.

The music sounded heavenly and I smiled as I did my morning exercises. That is until the record started to skip. For those of you too young to remember that is when damage to one of the grooves in the record causes the needle that picks up the music to skip back so that you hear the same few notes over and over and over. It can become annoying almost instantly. I quickly ran over to the record player, gently lifted the needle and moved it past the damaged part.

After I did this I thought for a while on how many times my own life has become like a skipping record. How many times did I become stuck on one problem or difficulty in my life? How many times did I become fixated on something negative and failed to learn my lesson and move forward? How many times did I ignore the peace, love, and grace God was offering me because I was too busy stewing in my own misery?

Thankfully, God continues to forgive me, guide me, and bring me back to love and joy in my own life. And if there is one thing I have learned in this life it is that we are here to make our music and live our love. God doesn’t want us to become a skipping record stuck on the same jarring notes over and over. God wants us to learn our lessons, sing our song, and share our love. May you always do so. May the song of your life make God smile and the angels sing. -----


My daughter’s dog, “Thunder”, has been in declining health for months now. He is eating less, sleeping more, and generally not doing well. Sadly, it is a pattern I have seen too many times as my own dogs have gotten older. Thunder is 12 years old or 84 in people years. It has always seemed so unfair to me that our dogs live such short lives compared to ours.

Seeing that Thunder’s time was coming to an end, my daughter tried to adopt a new puppy to keep her other middle aged dog company. Unfortunately that didn’t work out as she hoped. Her dogs didn’t enjoy having a high energy puppy around so “Hank” the puppy ended up with me. Thankfully, my sons and both of my dogs adopted him as their own. Each day Hank runs and plays with them all until everyone is worn out but him.

Watching Hank romp, bark, chew, and play all day makes me wish that I still had the energy of a puppy. On the age scale I am much closer to Thunder than Hank. My body tends to be sore and achy every day and I just can’t do all the things I used to. And I know that I have lived more years here than I have left to go.

As I watch both Thunder and Hank, however, my heart fills with love for them. Dogs are such a gift from God. They teach us so much about life. They play with abandon. They love unconditionally. And they live each day with such joy. If we all could just live with the love our dogs do, this world would be a better place. I take comfort in knowing too that deep inside this old dog body of mine, the spirit of a young puppy still dwells. It is a spirit both loving and eternal. It is a spirit that will one day leave this world to be reunited with God and all the people and animals I have ever loved. And in that place of never ending Love, Joy, and Light there will be no more illness and no more goodbyes.-----


It was the last in a line of long, dreary, rainy days. I hadn’t seen the sun come out for more than a few moments for the better part of the week. Being a light lover this had left me feeling tired, rundown, and a bit grumpy. Even though I don’t usually pray about such things I asked God for just a peek of sunshine to brighten my day, warm my heart, and uplift my spirits.

I stopped by a local store to grab a bottle of vitamins. The line at the check out counter was four deep but I didn’t mind. At least it was bright and dry inside the store. I chatted for a few minutes with a middle aged lady in front of me with a cart full of diapers. I didn’t ask if she had a new baby at her age or was helping out a daughter or son with theirs, but her tired face looked like it had seen a few sleepless nights recently. When it was her turn she slowly pulled out some wadded, worn bills to pay for the diapers. She counted carefully and emptied out her wallet but was still about seventy cents short. I quickly grabbed my own wallet and threw a one dollar bill on top of hers. She turned her head and blessed me with a bright, beautiful, shining smile. She thanked me over and over again and I just smiled back and said: “You’re welcome.”

After she had left and I’d paid for my vitamins I walked outside. It had started to rain again but I didn’t mind. I knew that God in His infinite Love had answered my prayer. I had wanted a peek of sunshine and that is what I’d gotten in her smile. I felt energized, full of love, and ready to enjoy the day. I realized too that the sunshine in a soul is even brighter than the sunshine in the sky.

Some days in this life we are the only peek of sunshine that a person might get. Don’t keep yours hidden then. Let your love burn bright. Let God’s light shine through you. Let the goodness of your soul glow through every smile you share and everything you do.----


I was in my early twenties with a wife, a baby at home, and another on the way. I hadn’t been able to find a good paying job out of college and was struggling just to get by. The only work I could find was busing tables and washing dishes at a local restaurant. I guess it didn’t bring out the best efforts in me because one day the manager spoke to me near the end of my shift, saying they were firing me. I was shocked, upset, angry, and afraid. What was I going to do now? How was I going to support my family?

As I clocked out I told one of the cooks what had happened. “Don’t let it bother you,” he said. “It’s just a job. You will have a lot of them over the years. It isn’t who you are.” Then he shook my hand, patted me on the back, and told me he would miss me. As I walked out to my car the anger and fear were lessening and there was also something else: a sense of Hope and a feeling that everything would be alright in the end. I drove home as the sun started to set and was thankful in my heart for those words from my coworker and friend.

William Wordsworth wrote: “The best portion of a good man’s life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts Of kindness and love.” I don’t know if my friend remembered his kind act that day but I still do. He lifted me up in a moment when I was down. He gave me Hope to face my uncertainty and fear. He reminded me that my job is not who I am. And he showed me that when we give and receive kindness, life is worth living.

Sadly, I never saw my friend again. Maybe he too took another job and moved on. I do think wherever he is now, he is still doing God’s will, helping others, sharing love, and spreading goodness wherever he goes. I just pray that we all do the same. I just pray we all realize that our true job here is living each day with kindness and love.-----


It was a day in late Spring that felt like a day in early Summer. The sun had risen in the morning and the temperatures were rising into the eighties. The sky was blue sprinkled with a few white clouds here and there. Golden sunlight was falling on the earth making the green leaves of the trees glow. Outside the songs of a dozen different birds filled the air and those that weren’t singing were skillfully and expertly building their nests.

As I opened my back door and walked on my deck I stepped over our black cat snoozing in the sun. The smell of sweet clover filled the air. I could see the neighborhood Rhododendron bushes were in full bloom too with pink and purple flowers. And as I looked out on the meadow behind my house I could see what looked like a million yellow buttercups in bloom.

Later as the day warmed our cat moved her napping spot to the shade of the Maple tree behind our house. I decided to take a walk with the warm sunshine and gentle breeze as my companions. I breathed in deep the smell of the clover in the air and got down on my knees to smell the special fragrance of the buttercups and dandelions as well. I wished I had done more of this when I was younger. This day felt like such a special gift. I didn’t want to waste a moment of it. Finally as the day turned to night the bird songs were replaced by the music of a million crickets singing. The stars shined joyously in the sky and I could see the smiling face of the man in the moon looking down upon me. My heart felt so full of appreciation. I wanted to say a prayer of gratitude to God for this day but in the end only said: “Thank You!” over and over.

Each day here is a gift, given to us by a Love beyond our comprehension. Do your best to enjoy them all. Do your best to appreciate them all. Thank God for each and every day you get here. And live them with all the love, laughter, joy, kindness, and goodness that you can.---


We switched phone providers recently and we were given a new phone number. Only it wasn’t so new. Since the day we got it we have been getting three times as many robot calls here, all seeking to sell us something. It is quite annoying. Plus it seems like every time I dare buy something online my email inbox is suddenly flooded with ads trying to get me to buy more. In addition to this I have grown frustrated with the deluge of stuff on my social media trying to brainwash me to believe a certain way. It is like they think if they say it enough I will believe it, no matter how false it is.

There is also the infinitely complex maze of rules and regulations that I am always having to navigate just to make sure that I can continue to provide and care for my two intellectually disabled sons. It seems like each rule change makes things harder and more complicated when they should be designed to help people instead. It is sometimes enough to make me want to pull out what little hair I have left.

Henry David Thoreau once said: “Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify.” What good old Henry didn’t know then is that the modern world tends to fight back. Every time you seek to simplify, this world tries in so many ways to draw you back into its web of work, work, work; buy, buy, buy; spend, spend, spend; and watch, watch, watch.

That is why each day I turn off my computer and phone and take some quiet time to pray and reconnect with God. And when I do I remember these simple truths: “God loves us all so much. God wants us to love each other as He loves us. And when we do we will have joy, help others, and make the world a better place.” What could be simpler than that? May you all live simply in this complicated world. May you all live in God’s Love, forever.-----


I turned my television on after breakfast this morning. The news was the usual every single horrible thing that is happening in the world. That wasn’t the worst of it, though. This being an election year the commercials were all the most venomous, hate-filled, political attack ads I had ever seen. It turned my stomach listening to them. And my heart felt weighed down with sadness. “Is this who we have become?”, I asked myself. “Is this who we are supposed to be?”

I turned the TV off and instead went over to my vinyl records. I opened up the record player that my beautiful daughter had bought me a few years ago, took out a 40 year old record and put it on. The delightful music of my childhood filled the room and I thanked my daughter in my heart for buying this record player for me.

Just as I was thinking of her I looked out my window and saw her across the road, in the driveway of her house. She was patiently standing between two plates of cat food so the two stray cats she was feeding wouldn’t fight each other. I knew too that when she was done she would also set out food on her porch bannister to feed the cardinals, robins, and blue jays nesting in the trees around her home. Seeing this humble, sweet soul going about her morning acts of love made me smile. Watching her filled my heart with love. And in that moment the truth washed over me: “This is who we are supposed to be!” “This is who we truly are!”

We are all Children of God. We are all beings of light. We are all creatures of love. Whether we live up to who we are supposed to be, however, is up to us. The choice is yours. You can fill your days with anger, hatred, fear, violence and prejudice. Or like my daughter you can fill your days with kindness, acceptance, empathy, peace, and unconditional love. May you choose wisely. May you choose to be who you truly are.------


I posted something about our Italian style Sunday dinners on Facebook recently and got several requests for my Nana’s recipe for her spaghetti sauce. I gladly sent it out to them, but kind of felt bad about it. It wasn’t that I didn’t think my Nana would mind. She loved sharing her sauce with everyone. It was just that I didn’t think people would get it right.

You see, I still have memories of wandering into my Nana’s kitchen when I was a boy. There she would be sweating over the stove, her apron covered in flour from hand rolling loaves of Italian bread. She would be slowly stirring the huge pot of sauce that had been simmering on the stove for hours. Then she would take off the lid, dip her wooden spoon in, pull it out, and taste the sauce. More often than not she would shake her head, take a pinch of salt and throw it in, or sprinkle a little more garlic powder into it, or add just a touch more parsley. Then she would put the lid back on to let it cook a little longer until she got it just the way she wanted it. In truth, no recipe could capture her sauce. Every pot of sauce she made was a little different. Yet they were all perfect. She always seasoned to taste. She always seasoned with love.

My dear Nana taught me a lot about cooking and she also taught me a lot about life. She taught me to take each day as it comes with all of its difficulties, problems, and challenges and season it with my love, my kindness, my smile, my laughter, and my joy until I got it just right. Each day would be a little different, of course, but each one would be perfect in its own way.

I know Nana is with God now smiling down on me from Heaven with each meal I cook and each day I live. And I know that God wants us to season all our days here with Love. He wants us to pour in a lot of kindness and add a generous helping of smiles, laughter, and joy. He wants us to make each day here a feast and invite everyone we can to our table. May we always do so.-----


It was many years ago. I was still a young man with nothing better to do than drive around with his friends on a Saturday exploring old back roads here in the mountains of my home. We found an old, winding gravel one that curved up the side of a mountain. When we reached the top, however, there was nothing there but an old, abandoned graveyard.

We got out to look at it. The last person buried there dated from the 1940's. But there were some graves from the 1800's. A few gravestones had fallen over from neglect and a few of them were so eroded from the years that you could no longer read the names on them. It saddened me seeing this. I wondered if someday I too would end up buried in a forgotten grave with no one alive remembering who I was.

As I stood up and got ready to go, though, I saw something that lifted my depressed spirit and brought joy to my sad heart. There at the very top of the mountain just outside the graveyard stood a massive, towering Oak tree. Its branches seemed to stretch towards the heavens and around it a dozen smaller Oaks were growing, most likely from the acorns that had fallen from this one. I looked at it for a moment and smiled. I thought about how that Oak tree had started as a single acorn but then had grown into something so beautiful and had given so much back to the Earth. I thought too that maybe I could be an Oak tree in my own life, do a lot of good and plant a lot of acorns before I left this world.

In this life every kind thing we do, every good word we speak, and every bit of love we share is an acorn we plant. And in the end these acorns will grow into something more beautiful than we can ever imagine. Take your place then in God’s garden of Love. Plant well and watch your trees grow. They will last far beyond your life here into eternity.-----


If there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that God refines and purifies our spirits not only through great challenges but also through everyday encounters and simple moments. I got another reminder of this just the other day at the grocery store.

It was a windy, chilly, and rainy day and all I wanted to do was grab my stuff and go home. As I hurried towards the store entrance I saw a little, old lady bent with age, walking slowly in the rain with a cane in her hand. I didn’t stop to speak with her, though, but hurried on into the store. Later as I was pushing my cart quickly through the aisles I saw her again in a motorized cart slowly steering out of other people’s way. Again I ignored her and hurried on.

Thankfully, God in His infinite Love gave me a third chance. This time as I turned into the aisle with the rice I saw her again, sitting in her cart looking up sadly at the boxes she couldn’t even reach if she was standing. This time I stopped and asked if I could help her. She gave me the most beautiful smile and pointed to a box on the top shelf. I stretched up and grabbed it for her. Then we talked for a few minutes, two souls connecting in a beautiful way, until we said “goodbye” and headed for the checkout counters. As I was leaving the store I felt a sense of peace, a sense of love, and a sense of Grace I hadn’t felt all day long. I smiled and thanked God for giving me enough chances to finally get it right.

In this life we are all stumbling towards the light with varying degrees of love and success at any given moment. Thankfully God keeps giving us countless opportunities to grow and learn, to be kind and loving, and to become who we truly are. May your own journey towards the light be full of faith, full of love, and full of Grace. And when you stumble like I did, may you always reach out, take God’s hand, rise up, and begin again.-----


It was over 50 years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was a young boy on Spring break from school but couldn’t go out to play because of heavy thunderstorms. The TV was off too with the clip that attached it to the outside antenna dropped in a glass jar to ground it from possible lightening strikes. This left me sitting by the wood stove rereading my favorite book for the tenth time.

As lunchtime approached I began to smell the most heavenly scents drifting from the kitchen. Soon my Italian Nana walked into the dining room carrying a steaming bowl of Pasta Fasule and a large piece of freshly baked Italian bread smothered in butter. She put it on the table, motioned me to come, and said, “Mangia Mangia” which means “Eat Eat”. I smiled and ran over to the table. The food was so delicious, it warmed my stomach and my heart. As I was finishing up my meal my Mom walked up behind me, smiled sweetly, and gently touched my head. In that moment I felt so Loved. In that moment I felt so Happy.

Mark Twain once wrote: “Actions speak louder than words.” That was so true in my family. I don’t remember hearing the words: “I love you” a lot as a child. It just wasn’t said that much back then. It wasn’t that my Mom, Dad, and Nana didn’t love me. It was just said in other ways. It was said through every meal they made me, every hug they gave me, every smile they shared with me, every kind word they said to me, and every gentle touch I felt from them.

Always try to share your love through your words, but always try to share your love through your actions as well. Let God’s Love flow through every thing you do. Let your actions speak loudly for everyone to hear. Do everything you can to share love, spread joy, create kindness, and make this world a little more like Heaven.-----


It had been a long week. I’d had people working over 3 days to repair floors and replace a leaking bathtub in my bathroom. Water damage over a long period of time had caused the floors to soften and rot. It turned out to be a much bigger job than I had hoped with extra materials and a specially ordered tub needed. It was finally done but it had eaten up almost all of the money I had spent months and months saving, all just to fix my broken down house for a little longer.

I was walking in the rain stewing over all of this. It seemed like life was a long series of one problem after another. I felt like a punching bag being worked over by a boxer. Finally, I spoke to God about it. “Why is this life so tough at times dear God?”, I asked.

Just as those words left my lips I saw something. It was a penny gleaming in the mud. My mind flashed back to memories of my Mom. She had battled Cancer for years often suffering terrible pain. Yet, through it all she remained optimistic. One day when we were walking together she saw a penny on the ground, picked it up, and told me that a found penny was always a sign that God loves us and is watching over us. When the Cancer finally took her from this world, I was heartbroken. I remember drowning in grief on the day we buried her. But then as I was about to go home, I saw a penny shining in the snow. And since then I have found hundreds of them over the years.

I bent down with tears in my eyes and wiped off this one. Suddenly my problems seemed small next to God and my Mom’s Love. I smiled, put the penny in my pocket and pledged again to try and live a life as full of love, giving, kindness, and joy as my Mom had. I thanked God and promised to try and be a gleaming penny myself in this world, reminding everyone that this world’s problems are temporary but God’s Love for us is eternal. -----


I walked into the bathroom this morning to shave. A part of me wished that I could do it with my eyes closed. I hadn’t enjoyed looking at my reflection in the mirror lately. It just looked too OLD for my 57 years. The thinning hair on my balding head was almost all silver gray now. There were way too many age spots from being out in the sun so much in the last 50 years. There were also deep lines in my forehead from a half century of grimaces because of my daily back pain. The skin looked thin and sunken in on my cheeks from my having lost weight recently. And there were bags under my eyes from not being able to sleep as long and deeply as I used to. Even the stubble on my chin was getting white in spots.

After I finished shaving I looked in the mirror again. My face looked a little sad so I decided to try a smile instead. Suddenly, something miraculous occurred. Fresh wrinkles appeared but they actually looked pretty good. Deep laugh lines curved up from my eyes and around my smile. The forehead wrinkles eased and eyes below them seemed so full of kindness, joy, and love. Even my teeth seemed to sparkle and I looked far younger and happier than I had only a few moments ago. I walked out of the bathroom with that smile on my face and also in my heart.

Grace Paley once said: “You get the face you deserve.” That has certainly been true for me. Age, sun damage, and back pain are all there in it. But a life lived with kindness, love, and joy are there as well. And the deeper those wrinkles around my eyes and mouth get the more I thank God for them. They are evidence of a million smiles. They are evidence of His Love.

And the good news is no matter how old you get it is never too late to deepen an old laugh line or create a new one. It is never too late to let God’s Love live through your heart, shine through your life, and show up in your smile.-----


It was a wonderfully warm day for March here in the mountains of my home. It was already warm by the time the sun slowly rose over the mountains and everywhere you could feel hints of the Spring to come. I saw the first dandelions and daffodils blooming through the grass. The air had lost it’s cold winter chill. Buds had appeared on the limbs of my Maple tree. And my ears were blessed with a glorious symphony of bird song. I could make out at least a dozen different bird songs blending together not counting the ear jarring Caws of the crows. I smiled when I heard this sweet music of nature. It was a chorus of joy that always made my heart sing as well. And it was a wonderful sign that Spring was close at hand.

I was thinking recently, though. Why do the birds sing in the Spring? What is the reason? Experts put it all down to mating and reproduction. The males arrive to stake out a home for raising the future baby birds. Their songs attract the females who arrive a few weeks later and then they start building a nest to raise the next generation of little singers.

I think there is a deeper reason, however. I think there is a reason that science alone cannot explain. Why else would I still hear birds singing late into the Summer and even some days during the cold winter? Maybe their songs aren’t just some biological necessity. Maybe their songs also offer praise and love to their Creator. Maybe like us and the angels their songs share their joy, their love, and their connection with all things.

One thing I have learned from hearing this Heavenly music each Spring is to share my own song as well, not just through my voice but also through my life. Each day here is a glorious gift from God. Each day here is a new beginning. Each day here is a fresh chance for us to share Love, to scatter Joy, to Help others, and to Sing! May we all do so. ----


When I was a boy growing up, I looked up to my Dad so much. He was short and stout but full of life. He could fix anything and even though he came home covered in grease from his job as a mechanic, he would still let me sit with him in his big reclining chair in the evenings.

By the time he was in his 70's, however, his energy and vitality started to decline. A lifetime of smoking had brought on C.O.P.D., two types of cancer, and other health problems. After my Mom and Nana had both died Dad moved into Nana’s old trailer up the road from me. Seeing that our time together was getting short I started to visit him whenever I could. I helped him tie up his tomato plants, change the tires on his truck, and fix things around his house. I helped him sort through and organize the dozen different medications he was on. But most of the time we just sat, sipped sweet tea, and talked. We talked like we never had a chance to when I was a boy. We talked about family, life, and what the future might hold. I even told him I loved him, something that I had been too shy to say as a boy. And when the cancer finally attacked his brain and he had to be moved first to a V.A. hospital and then a nursing home I missed those talks and my heart ached knowing he would soon be taken from me. I had grown closer to him in those last years than I had in my entire childhood.

After Dad passed away, my daughter moved into his home. It took me a while to get used to seeing her outside in the yard instead of him. I only wished that we’d had more talks together, and that I could see him one more time, give him a hug, and tell him how much I loved him.

Looking back now I am so grateful to God that I did make use of the time I had left with my Dad. He taught me so much about life. He taught me so much about love. He helped me to become a better child, a better father, and a better man. I love you Dad and I miss you.----


I’d entered into another one of those busy periods in life that we all have from time to time. It is those times when in addition to the usual hustle and bustle of life a dozen other things suddenly show up that need done right away as well. This extra long to do list was running through my mind while I was at the local Dollar store picking up a few things we had run out of. After grabbing what I needed I walked through the aisle containing mostly nick knacks. There were printed paintings, wind chimes, photo frames, and inspirational sayings printed on wood that you can hang in your house. As I walked by one of them seemed to jump out and catch my attention. It was a little saying pasted on a cheap wood square no bigger than my hand with a string attached to hang it on the wall. In cursive writing along the top it said: “Slow down &” while below it in big block letters were the words: “ENJOY TODAY.” I just stood there and read this message from Heaven over and over. And as I did I felt a calm settle over my soul. It was as if my rushing and stressing and worrying had melted away and I had for the first time that day allowed God’s Peace and Love to flow into me again.

I started to put the saying back down but decided instead to pay the dollar it cost and bring it home with me. I hung it on the wall in my bathroom so that every time I made one of my many trips in there I could see those words again and follow their wonderful advice.

In this sometimes crazy life we all need to remember to “slow down & Enjoy Today.” God didn’t put us here to rush about doing a million needless things. He put us here to Love. He put us here to Love Him, to Love ourselves, and to Love everyone as ourselves. He put us here to find Joy in each and every day and to share that Joy with the world. Slow down then. Enjoy Today! Rejoice in this life God has given you.-------


I have discovered that I have a second shadow these days as I go outside. This one, however, has four legs instead of two. It is my daughter’s adopted, black cat: Miss Alice. Every time I go out the door she is waiting on my front porch, meowing to be petted. Then she follows me down the hill to my car sometimes running in front so she can get in my way for even more pets. And when I finally return home there she is asking for attention again.

It wasn’t always this way. The very first time I saw Miss Alice she was hiding under my house having just had a litter of kittens. When I looked under there I got an angry Hiss from her warning me I was in for a clawing if I got near her kittens. It took a lot of time, patience, kindness, love, and cat food from my daughter to tame her. At first she didn’t want to be touched at all. Then she would only allow an occasional petting. Now my daughter can pick her up and carry her up the road to her house like a little baby. It still makes me smile to see how my daughter’s loving, caring and compassionate spirit tamed this feral cat and made her as lovable as the most affectionate dog.

I guess that is the power of Love. It can heal a hurting heart. It can save a shattered spirit. It can uplift a sunken soul. It can free you from fear. It can transform your life. It can even take a vicious, feral cat and turn her into a puppy dog in a cat suit.

Embrace the Love in your own life then. Turn your eyes upward to the heavens and invite Your Heavenly Father’s Love into your heart and soul. Welcome the love of your family and friends into your life. And let your own love flow through everything you think, everything you say, and everything you do. You will be amazed at how much your life will change. You will be amazed at the joy you will find, the good you will do, and the lives you will help.-----


It’s funny how something can happen to you that you file away in the back of your heart and mind only to figure out what it was trying to teach you many years later. That is what happened to me today when I thought back on an old memory.

I was a teenager visiting my friend’s home and he showed me two pairs of boxing gloves he had just gotten. Being boys we decided to give them a try with a boxing match in the yard. It soon became clear, however, that my friend had a boxing lesson or two while I’d had none. In addition to this he was taller than me and had a longer reach. Soon my face was red and stinging from jabs he landed while I missed every punch. I found myself growing madder and madder and my anger welled up inside of me. Finally I swung a wild hook that connected and I saw my friend wince in pain. But for some reason instead of feeling glad I felt bad. I didn’t like hurting him. I dropped my gloves, told him I’d had enough, and stopped the match.

Looking back on that memory now I can see that God was speaking to my heart and soul through my feelings that day. He was trying to teach me something but I was still too young and immature to see it fully. He was trying to show me that as much as this world tries to tell us otherwise, we are not here to hurt each other. We are here to help each other. We are all His Children. We are all one family. We are all here to love each other as much as we love ourselves. And any time we hurt another we hurt ourselves just as much.

I have never been in another boxing match since that day, but sadly I have still hurt people in other ways. Like all of us, I am a work in progress. After all of these years I am still learning how to live. After all these years I am still learning how to love. It takes a lifetime. But in the end I am sure God will get through to us all and we will spend eternity in His Love and Joy.-----


“Nice guys finish last!” I have heard that phrase literally hundreds of times over the years. There was even a few times when I believed it myself. But if I ever need a reminder of just how false that line is then I only need to remember what happened to me recently.

It was a cold, overcast, gray and drizzly day. I had just finished taking my son to the sheltered workshop where he works a few days a week. Road work, however, had delayed me both ways and now I was running 20 minutes late. I still had a full day’s worth of work to do and was feeling a little stressed. I had to pick up a few things first at the local store before heading home. As I was checking out a couple asked me if I could give them a ride going back the way I’d already came. My stressed brain wanted to say: “no” but thankfully the better angels of my heart said: “yes.” They climbed in my car and I headed back down the road. During the trip we talked and laughed and after I dropped them off they thanked me for what I had done. As I turned the car around and headed back home I felt a warmth in my heart and a peace in my soul. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw I was smiling without knowing it. Then for the first time that day the sun broke through the clouds and the heavens seemed to smile down on me as well. I may have been more behind schedule than ever but in that moment I felt I was right where I was meant to be.

When it comes to money, power, and fame in this world then it might be true that sometimes nice guys do finish last. But when it comes to the heart and mind of God, nice guys finish first. When you share love, when you help people, when you are kind and caring, when you freely give others your joy then you are doing God’s will here on earth. And when you do God’s will here on earth then you will always finish first both in your own soul and in the eyes of Heaven.-----


When I was a little boy growing up my Mom, Dad, brothers and I lived in my Nana’s old house. It was surrounded by four huge vegetable gardens. And around the house were planted so many flowers. It was so beautiful there in the Spring and Summer. That wasn’t all, though. On the back porch Nana had dozens of potted plants hanging on hooks. She watered them, talked to them and nurtured them. And in the Winter she would carry them all inside and set them on shelves near the windows of our enclosed front porch. There with a little water and a lot of love she kept them alive, green, and growing even during the coldest, darkest months.

As a boy I was puzzled by all the effort she put into them. I understood the vegetable gardens. They helped to feed the family all winter long. I even understood the flowers around the house. They were pretty and smelled so sweet in the summer months. The reason she put so much effort into caring for those potted plants, however, eluded me. They didn’t give us any food and they rarely had any flowers on them. They remained a mystery to my child’s mind.

Now as I’ve grown older I am beginning to understand why my Nana had those potted plants. It is the same reason I have so many pictures of sunrises and forests hanging in my home. They remind me during the dark, cold, winter months full of bare trees and yellow grass that light, love, and growth still exist. They remind me that Spring will come again. They remind me that God Loves us and is still with us even when the earth doesn’t show it.

Today I see Nana’s potted plants in a new light. They were worth every bit of the love and care she put into them. But my greatest reminder of light and love was Nana herself. She was light to my soul even in my darkest times. And her love lives on in my heart now that she is in Heaven. May we all learn to love as she loved, shine as she shined, and live as she lived.-----


It has been another long, rough winter here in the mountains of my home. High winds, heavy snows, arctic cold, and drenching rains have all hit us, taking their toll on people, power lines, and even the trees around here. And today as I looked at the broken branches littering my daughter’s yard it brought back memories from another rough winter several years ago.

A foot of snow had fallen and was rapidly melting. The runoff from the hills had swollen the rivers, filled the ditches and formed puddles in the road. In addition to this broken and fallen tree limbs were everywhere. I was driving home and suddenly saw one of these limbs had broken off a tree overhanging the road and fallen across it. It was big enough to wreck my car if I didn’t stop in time so I stomped on the brakes and hit my emergency flashers. Thankfully there were no other cars there yet, but I knew that it would only be a matter of time before one crashed into that limb maybe causing an injury or even a death.

I quickly got out of my car and tried to pull the limb to the side of the road. It was a lot heavier than I thought it would be but with a little prayer and a lot of grunting and groaning I started to move it. Inch by inch I pulled it off of the road. When it was finally safely to the side I stood up and smiled. Just as I did, though, a little red car raced around the curve, hit a pool of water in the road and splashed my pants. I shook my head and laughed at the absurdity of it all.

Sometimes we all do good things in this life only to get splashed with dirty water for our trouble. When this happens just remember that the real reason you do good is because of the love inside of you. The real reason you do good is because you are good. Do all the good you can then, everywhere you can, and every chance you can. Do good and make the God who watches over you, walks beside you, and lives within you smile.-----


One Summer day when I was a little boy my Mom, Dad and brothers were away and my Nana was busy watering her flowers around our house. That left me alone inside with my Mom’s old record player. It had three speeds on it 33 1/3, 45, and 78 revolutions per minute. Each one was designed to play a different type of record. But my childhood curiosity was making me want to see what would happen if I played some records on the wrong speed.

My Mom didn’t have any 78s, so I took a 33 record out and set the switch on the side to 45. What came out was hilarious. The music was going super fast and the singing sounded like Alvin and the chipmunks on amphetamines. After a minute, though, it lost its charm so I took out one of Mom’s 45s and set the switch back to 33. What came out was painful to listen to. The music sounded like it was being dragged through the mud and the singing sounded like miserable moaning. I quickly switched the speed back to where it was supposed to be and listened with a smile as the beautiful music came out just right.

Sometimes my prayers remind me of that incident with the old record player. Sometimes I will rush through my prayers as I rush through my day hoping that God will hear them as I hurry along. But in moments of great pain and suffering, I will pull the prayers out of myself slowly and miserably, hoping that God will heal my soul. My prayers are the most beautiful and effective, however, when I take the time to say them peacefully and happily. They bring me closer to God, warm my heart, and fill my life with thankfulness, love and joy. They are like having a talk with a dear friend who loves me. And they help me to sing my own life’s song.

May all your prayers be just right. May they help your heart to sing. May they fill your soul with thankfulness and joy. And may they always help you to Love.-----


It was a cold, winter’s morning but I didn’t mind. You see, after several days of gray, milky skies that brought us snow, followed by rain, followed by more snow I could see the sky was clear. As I did my morning exercises in my house I noticed the stars in the predawn sky. Then as the darkness fled I could see through my dirty windows that the sky was a brilliant blue. I saw too the glorious, golden light of the sun rising above the hills. I looked closely and couldn’t see a single cloud in the sky. It was a bright, new day and I longed to breath in the brisk, clean air and feel the gentle warmth of the sun kiss my face. I longed to walk outside and feel the Love of God flowing through the day.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait that long. As soon as I lay down on the floor to do some sit- ups my little dog, Sweetie ran over, climbed on my chest and started licking my nose and chin. I smiled, laughed, and took a nice long pet the puppy break from my exercising. I realized too that my furry baby had that same Divine love flowing through her own little heart.

Yes, sometimes the clouds of life can make the world seem gray and gloomy. But the truth is that the Love of God is always there waiting to break through, wanting to light up our lives, and only needing our invitation to warm our hearts and uplift our souls. It is always there no matter how dirty our windows are or how tired our spirits are. We just need to welcome it in.

And like my little dog, Sweetie God wants us to share that Love too. It is so easy to do. A simple smile, a hug, a kiss, a kind deed, a helping hand, an encouraging word can mean so much. Even the littlest act of love can change a heart or save a life. Invite God’s Love into your life then. Welcome it into your heart. Share it with the world. Shine a little light into the darkness. And your days will be full of Heaven’s Happiness even while you are here on Earth.-----


I was 21 years old sitting in a hospital waiting room trying to keep my fear down. My wife was pregnant but our son was 3 weeks past due and now complications had forced them to do an emergency C-section. I didn’t know if my wife or son was going to survive. After a long time, though, they brought my boy out healthy and breathing. I felt my fear flee and my heart expand with a joy I had never known before. I sighed and thanked God for my baby boy.

Three years later I was sitting in a parked car holding my crying wife. Our son’s language was delayed and his behavior didn’t seem normal. We had taken him to a specialist who told us he was most likely mentally handicapped. The whole world seemed to have collapsed around us. I didn’t know what to do or what would become of my son. I could only cry as I drove us home.

As the years passed, however, I accepted my son for who he was. And I began to see just what a blessing from God he was not just to his mother and me but to the whole world. He had a gentleness about him. He laughed easily. He handed out hugs and love unconditionally. He did begin to speak and although he never talked about anything complicated, he became quite the master at small talk. He touched the hearts of just about everyone he met. His mom, me, his sister, his little brother, his school aide, his teachers, his fellow students both in his Special Education classroom and in the regular school all loved him and the simple joy he shared. He became manager for the football and girl’s basketball teams. He lifted the spirits of the coaches and players alike. And when he finally graduated high school I got him a job at a sheltered workshop so he could continue to touch more hearts with his beautiful soul.

Yes, my first born son may be limited in the eyes of the world but he is limitless in the eyes of God. He has shared more love, joy, laughter, and light in this world than I ever could. And if I had one wish it would be that everyone could love as freely and happily as he does. May we always embrace the “special” teachers of love in this world. They are God’s gift to us all.-----


Across the road from my old high school, on a hill is a water tower. Each year the seniors will sneak up to it one night and write in giant numbers the year of their graduation. This year as I was driving back from the post office I looked up at the water tower and was shocked. There was a giant number 24 on it. That couldn’t be right. When I graduated there was a giant number 84 on it. It couldn’t be 40 years since I graduated high school. Surely I wasn’t that old. On the inside I sometimes still felt like an 18 year old. Where had all the years gone?

It seemed like I blinked and 40 years had flown by. As I drove home I thought about all of those years. Waves of memories washed over me. There was the fun and hard work that had been my college years. There was the early years of struggle as a young husband and father just trying to make enough money to make ends meet. There was the tears and pain when my wife and I learned first one and then both of our sons were handicapped with Autism. There was the years raising my children and learning so much about love, laughter, and life from them. There was the delight and pride in seeing my daughter graduate from the same high school and college that I did. It was such a glorious tapestry of memories full of love, fear, joy, pain, struggles and triumphs. And as I pulled into my driveway I thanked God for them all.

I doubt I will get another 40 years of memories here. But I am determined to make the ones I do get as beautiful, loving, and joyous as possible. I want to share all the love I can, create all the joy I can, help all the people I can, and make the world a better place every chance I can. I want to laugh, sing, dance, think, feel, write, share, and live in such a way that it makes Our Heavenly Father smile. Because I know in the end those numbers on the water tower don’t really matter. Life does not end here. It goes on forever. And the best part is yet to come.-----


My next door neighbors are a quiet lot. They are the most peaceful neighbors I have ever had. In 30 years living here they have never had a party, or played loud music, or had a nasty argument. They have never bothered me or caused me a single problem. When I go out my back door every morning to walk my dogs I greet them with a smile and soak in their serenity and their silence. You see, I live next to a graveyard.

Now I have talked to a lot of people who think it is creepy to live 20 feet from a graveyard, but I have never been bothered by it a bit. I always get a sense of peace when I walk outside and see it. It always seems beautiful to me too, whether it is seeing the freshly fallen snow on top of the gravestones in the winter and watching the rising sun shine down on them in the summer. My next door neighbors have never once filled me with fear or a sense of dread. Instead they have always served as a reminder that one day my body too will wear down and surrender to the grave. Yet, my soul will continue on to the greater life to come, a life full of never-ending joy, love, and light.

My next door neighbors also remind me each morning when I see them that everyday in this life here is precious. Not a one should be wasted. They all should be lived fully, completely, and wonderfully. They all should be lived with love for God, ourselves, and each other. They should be filled with kindness for everyone we meet. They should be overflowing with gratitude to God and giving to others. They should be a glorious sharing of joy between all of us.

I hope that one day we see this whole world as our neighbors and that we spend each day sharing our love with them. I hope that we see each day here as precious and live it accordingly. And I hope that we never fear the grave but instead look forward to the greater life to come.-----


When I was a boy as Christmastime drew near my Dad would always go up in the woods and pick out a small evergreen tree to cut down for our Christmas tree. One year I went with him and much to the annoyance of my brothers picked the most ugly, scraggly, pine tree known to man to be our Christmas tree. My Dad, however, in his love for me cut it down and decorated it, as bad as it looked. Then after the new year arrived he took it outside and dropped it near the edge of the woods to decompose. I watched it all through the winter with a little sadness as its needles turned brown and fell off. I really wished it could have lived longer and grown taller.

When I was a young married man with kids of my own we spent one Christmas at my Father- in-Law’s house and discovered that instead of cutting his evergreen tree down he had dug it up and put it in a large pot filled with dirt. He watered it and cared for it all through the Christmas season and then replanted it in his backyard to enjoy and watch grow in the years to come.

These days my Christmas tree is artificial and all of the evergreens in the woods are safe from me. Instead of chopping down or buying one each year I look at them growing fifty and sixty feet tall in the woods around my home. How beautiful they look when the snow falls on their limbs. And when the coldest and darkest days of Winter arrive they remind me that life, growth, and love continue on even while the other trees slumber. They help to keep my heart bright and my spirits light until Spring comes again.

I think God gave us all of these evergreens in the forests for a special reason. He gave them to us to remind us of life during the darkest days of Winter. He gave them to us to encourage us to share our beauty, light, and love as well. He gave them to us to show us that life, growth, and love are eternal. May we always welcome their beauty into our hearts.----


When I was a boy we didn’t have much. Our Christmas gifts were simple and few but I always took such joy in them. Some of them like the new books and thick socks were used right away. I would slip off my shoes, sit in my favorite chair by the wood stove, and rub my newly socked feet together while I read my books. Other toys like a new football, basketball, or bicycle would have to wait until the snow melted and Spring arrived to be enjoyed.

When I was a struggling, unemployed, young father money for Christmas presents was scarce too. One time I can remember only being able to buy a few stuffed animals for my young children. On Christmas morning I felt so guilty and so sad. But when they opened their gifts the joy in their eyes was just as bright and shining as if I had bought them the most expensive things in the store.

And as I got older I learned that there are a lot of gifts that can’t be bought in a store, gifts that God gives each of us, gifts that He wants us to share with the world. I’ve done my best to share mine over the years too. But as I’ve passed into my middle years I’ve realized something even more important. The greatest gift of all is ourselves. And the greatest meaning and purpose in life is to simply give the best of yourself to others with love.

I hope that you always give the best of yourself to others. Your kindness, your caring, and your goodness are worth more than anything you can buy in a store. Your laughter, your joy, and your smile are priceless beyond measure. And your Love is a gift that is both eternal and Divine. Your unique life and your unique self are your gifts from God. And how you use them and share them are your gifts to God, yourself, and everyone else. Cherish your greatest gift then. Make it the most beautiful, wonderful gift that you can. And then share it with love.---


It is that time of the year here when Christmas movies are flooding the airwaves. It seems like every time I change the channel there is another new one trying to get me to watch it. In truth, though, there are only two Christmas movies I watch every year: “A Christmas Carol” and the Jimmy Stewart classic, “It’s a wonderful life.”

When I was younger I identified more with, “A Christmas Carol.” It was a joy seeing that selfish, miserly, old Ebenezer Scrooge could change into a loving, giving soul, even if it did take some ghostly help. As I got older and into my middle years, however, I started to identify more with, “It’s a wonderful life.” I could see myself in George Bailey, a good man trying to live a good life, putting the needs of others before himself, yet still getting beaten down by life at times. I felt his frustration and his struggles, his dreams and his ambitions. And I even shared in his doubts that his life had made any difference at all.

Fortunately every time these doubts appeared God in His Infinite Love would send me a little reminder that I was making a difference with my life. I never got a lovable angel named Clarence, but I did get countless signs that I was being watched over and loved. I got reminders that I was a part of something far greater than myself. And I was shown over and over that every act of love and kindness, no matter how small, makes this world a better place. Each time this happened, I felt filled with so much joy, so much love for everyone that I wanted to run down the street like George Bailey shouting, “Merry Christmas” to everyone I saw.

May you always cherish your wonderful life here. God loves you. And God wants you to know that you are making a far greater difference than you can see. You are touching far more lives with your love than you can know. And you are precious in His sight.----


Every December I buy a carton of vanilla spice eggnog and for several evening I have a cup, “unspiked”. I don’t do it because I enjoy eggnog that much. I do it to remember a very special friend named Kai.

The first time I saw Kai she was sitting in my front yard petting my dog, Harley. She and her husband Sean had just moved into our neighborhood. She had a joyful smile and a high voice that seemed to sing when she said, “Hello.” In that very first conversation she told me she had a terminal disease. I think she wanted us all to know right off that she didn’t have much time, but in the few years she had left, she touched all of our hearts.

Kai soon blessed everyone around her with her gentle heart and unconquerable spirit. She became an unofficial grandma to the neighborhood children. She saved a dog hurt in a bear attack and nursed him back to health. She advised my daughter during those difficult teenage years. She asked me to read her my new stories and always smiled with joy when I did. She invited us into her home over and over offering us cake, conversation, and kindness. And one December she even got me to try that vanilla spice eggnog. She taught all of us so much about life, death, faith, courage, love and God. And I still miss her every single day.

In our last conversation Kai said she regretted that she was going to die in the middle of Winter. Well, sometimes God gives me the right thing to say and I told her not to worry. When she awoke again, it would be Spring. Maybe that is why I always drink a few cups of eggnog every year when Winter arrives. I want to remember Kai’s loving presence in all of our lives. I want to wish her well in Paradise and thank her for all she taught me while she was on Earth. I want to feel her Spring once again even in the midst of Winter.------


“Is everybody ready?”, the teacher asked. I certainly wasn’t. It was the early 1980's and I was in my high school typing class. I had taken it as an elective course because taking French or Spanish language seemed too tough. Now I wished I hadn’t picked it. My fingers were shaking and my heart was pounding. I had thought we would just be learning to touch type, not be tested on speed and accuracy. In addition to this I was the only Freshman in the class. Most of the other students were Juniors or Seniors. My puberty addled body felt too uncoordinated to be typing at such a high speed.

“Hands on home keys. Eyes on book. Ready. Type.”, said the teacher. Suddenly the room was alive with 30 electric typewriters’ keys being pounded on. I tried my best to keep up, but it was clear being a secretary wasn’t in my future. While I didn’t make that many errors my typing speed was horribly slow and I knew I wasn’t going to get a good grade on this test. I really regretted taking this class and wished I could be learning phrases in French instead.

Now 43 years later I am so happy that I did take that class and learned how to touch type. It has helped me write countless stories with God’s inspiration flowing through my heart and mind and into the keys on my computer keyboard. It has helped me to write letters and e-mails full of kindness to share with friends and family. It has helped me to do what I was meant to do and share what I was meant to share in this life. I thank God for leading me to take that class.

This life is a long and winding road for most of us and only Our Father in Heaven can see the whole way. He gives us the people we need to meet, the skills we need to learn, the talents we need to have, and the love we need to share. May we embrace them all with a grateful soul and a happy heart, even when we don’t why at the time.-----


Last Spring I started to get some high blood pressure readings so my doctor recommended changing my diet. I mostly gave up salt and also cut back on the foods high in saturated fat because my cholesterol was creeping up a bit too. Thankfully, after a few months my blood pressure is near normal again. I also had a nice side effect of losing some weight, only not in the places I wanted.

While I have lost some belly fat most of it is still there stubbornly hanging around my middle. Instead I lost fat on of all things my face. My cheeks seem to be sunken in a bit now. Two jowls of loose skin have also appeared on either side of my chin. Even my neck looks strangely skinny. This adds to the weirdness of my ears, nose, and upper lip continuing to grow. Also the hair on top of my head seems to have migrated to my ears. And my thick, wavy, brown hairs have become thin, wispy, gray ones. When I look at old pictures of myself as a young man and then look at the face in the mirror, I am both shocked and amazed at the mystery.

The mystery in the mirror, though, is just one of many far bigger mysteries in this life that I still don’t understand. Things like why is there war, hunger, and suffering when there is more than enough for all of us in this world? Why does Love feel so good and yet sometimes also hurt so much? Why does God give us so much free will when we so often screw it up? Why does laughter, love, joy, and smiles come wrapped together with anger, fear, sadness, and tears in this mixed up package called life?

I guess I never will understand any of these things completely while I am still in this world. I will do my best then to trust in God to guide me through this sometimes crazy life. I will do my best to keep living my life with joy, laughter, and love even if I do look weird in the mirror.-----


It was November. Most of the leaves had fallen off the trees leaving only skinny, gray skeletons in the surrounding mountains. The sky was gray too with overcast clouds dumping down a cold, bone chilling rain. My mood matched the day. I knew that Thanksgiving was coming up soon and then Christmas but after that a long, dark, cold winter would arrive and I wasn’t looking forward to it.

The older I got the less it seemed I liked the winter months. When I was a boy they meant playing in the snow, making snowmen and snow angels, having snowball fights, and then curling up with my dog by the wood stove and reading my favorite books. Now they just meant watching the days get shorter, shoveling snow, driving on dark, slick roads, and feeling the cold wind bite my face every time I went outside.

I sighed and lay down on my bed. A gloom settled over my spirit and I wished I could get under the covers and sleep until Spring. Just then my little dog jumped up on my bed and looked at me with her big, wet eyes. She looked so sad and miserable that I laughed and petted her. “Is that how I look right now?”, I said knowing that she often mirrored my moods. I smiled and continued to pet her head until she too broke into a happy, panting grin. I snuggled up with her, looked up to heaven, and thanked God for this loving, little dog and the reminder she gave me.

She reminded me that in this life the whole world around us is our mirror. We can either be a reflection of light or a shadow of darkness. We can either be a beacon of love or a grayness of gloom. We can either give the world our kindness and joy or our fear and anger. God in His wonderful Love sent my little pup to show me once again that life truly is what we make it and that we can reflect our warmth, love, and light even in Winter’s darkest days.----


When I was a young father every Spring at the end of May near Memorial Day, my wife and I would take our kids to her family reunion. It always took place at a picnic area on the side of a mountain. On the top of the mountain was her family’s graveyard. The road to the top of it wasn’t too gentle either. Even when it was grated, it was a rough ride with a dirt road full of pot holes, hairpin turns, and jutting rocks that could rip the bottom of your car out if you hit them wrong. If it had recently rained you had to go quick too or you ran the risk of getting your car stuck in the mud. Cars would roar up the road fast then looking for parking spots along the side of the hill in the grassy areas. You always had to keep your eyes on the road even when you were stepping out of your car.

On one of these reunions I remember seeing a small tortoise sunning itself on the top of a rock near the end of the road at the graveyard. I watched as one car zoomed up and barely missed him on the right. Then a second car zipped up even faster and barely missed him on the left. The guy ducked into his shell both times thinking that would protect him, but I knew if one tire ran over the little guy he would be dead. I quickly walked over and grabbed him before the next car came roaring up the hill. Then I walked him deep into the nearby woods. Finally I found another stone where he might sunbath in safety and left him there in peace.

Over the years I have felt a lot like that tortoise at times. I have felt scared. I have felt like hiding in my shell. I have felt like life was about to run me over. Every time this has happened, though, I have felt God’s loving hand lifting me up and carrying me back to the light. Every time God has been there to comfort me, reassure me, and fill me with His Love. Life can’t be lived hiding in our shells. God meant for us to live in the Light. May we always do so.-----


When I was a little boy growing up I would always change out of my good clothes after church and run outside to play for a few hours. When I would come back inside the house would smell heavenly. It was my Italian Nana making our Sunday dinner. To call it a feast would be an understatement. There would be loaves of freshly baked Italian bread with butter. There would be mounds of pasta covered in red sauce slowly simmered for hours. Slow cooked with the sauce too would sometimes be meatballs, sometimes potatoes, sometimes chicken, sometimes steak or deer meat and most often a combination of them. I remember we would all gather around the old, metal dining room table. Then we would eat with smiles, laughter, and joy. I always felt so peaceful and safe there. We always left dinner with full bellies and happy hearts.

As I got older and became an adult myself, I tried to make smaller versions of Nana’s Sunday dinners. I got the sauce recipe from Dad and like a good Italian seasoned to taste. Often I would get very close to making a dinner like her’s but it was never quite right. There finally came a point when I realized what I was doing wrong. I was trying to recapture a taste when what I really wanted to do was recapture a feeling. It wasn’t just the delicious food that made those dinners so wonderful, it was also the feeling of love that was there. Nana always put her love into her cooking and always put her love into her life. Since then I have tried my best to do the same. No matter what I am cooking or what I am doing, I always try to season it with Love.

God Loves us all so much and He wants us to share our love as well. God wants us to put our love into our cooking, our days, and our lives. Each day here can be a banquet of Love if we make it. Each day here can be a feast of Joy when we share it. The choice is ours. May you always choose wisely then and season each day of your life with Love.-----


God loves us all so much that sometimes He even speaks to us in our dreams in order to wake us up. A few months ago I had watched some old action movie on television where the hero was seeking a great treasure while running from a bunch of evil villains the entire time. After I went to bed that night my mind started to replay parts of that movie in my dreams with me, of course, as the hero. The dreams seemed to go on forever. There was danger, narrow escapes, and lots of running. Finally I escaped the bad guys and reached the treasure, excited but exhausted.

I bent down to the treasure box and opened it. When I did, however, I saw that it wasn’t full of gold or precious gems. It was full of light. I squinted my eyes and looked into the light. When I did I saw that this light was my life. Then I heard a voice echoing through my heart and soul. It said, “This is your true treasure and you don’t have to seek it. You already have it. It is your gift from God.”

I woke up with a start. My heart was pounding. My head was spinning. And my eyes were full of tears. I blinked and wiped the water from my cheeks. I knew too that this wasn’t just an ordinary dream but a special message from God. Our Heavenly Father had wanted to remind me of what a true treasure my life was. He had wanted me to embrace this gift that was my life and share all its light, love, learning, laughter, and wonder with others. He wanted me to live fully each day with a song in my heart and a joy in my smile. I sat up and quietly waited for my mind to clear and my heart to slow. Then I gave thanks to God for this dream and for this life.

God speaks to us in so many ways. He speaks to us through people, books, nature, life experiences, and sometimes even through our dreams. He reminds us in countless ways that He Loves us. And He urges us to share our life and love as well. May we always do so.-----


I turned 57 years YOUNG this year, but my body seems a little confused about the YOUNG part. My back still gives me aches and pains everyday. When I stretch and pop it, it sounds like a sheet of bubble wrap or a bowl of Rice Krispies. I tend to make a lot more noise when I get out of a chair or bend over. I don’t remember groaning that much when I was in my 20's. My digestive tract has also gotten a lot louder over the years. And my stomach has become quite grouchy toward certain foods. My blood pressure can no longer handle a lot of salt. And my glasses keep getting stronger as my eyes get weaker. When I look in the mirror too this stranger with age spots, wrinkles, and silver hair keeps staring back at me.

My mind also seems to be a lot more scattered and forgetful than it used to be. I think of something I need to do only to forget it for a little while then have it pop back into my head later in the day. It is like my brain has become a cluttered desk where I am always searching for that thought I misplaced somewhere. It can be truly frustrating at times.

The only part of me that still feels YOUNG is my soul. It sometimes wonders what in the world is going on with my body and mind. Even though it continues to get wiser as the years go by, it still feels energetic, vibrant, and forever young. That is why I try to let it lead the way even if it has to drag my body and mind, with their 57 years of wear and tear, along for the ride. I know that my soul is what is essential. I know that my soul is who I really am. I know that my soul, with God’s help, will lead me where I need to go and have me do what I need to do.

May you always let your soul lead the way. It will bring you love. It will give you peace. It will share your joy. It will keep you YOUNG. It will help you live the life you were meant to live and be the person you were meant to be. And in the end it will lead you home to God.-----


I realized recently that if I ever have to move again I will need a separate truck just for all the stuff hanging on my walls. I have calendars, old post cards, inspirational sayings, nature scenes, my daughter’s diplomas, and so many pictures hanging on them. There are ones of high school reunions, family reunions, friends, Mom, Dad, Nana, my brothers, and most of all so many of my children. From baby pictures to ones taken just this last year there are the smiling faces of my children looking down on me from my walls as I walk through my house.

I noticed one of these just recently, a tiny one cut out from an old Polaroid photo. It was of my youngest son Casey as a baby. He was standing in the bathtub smiling happily. He wasn’t even two years old yet. I took off my glasses and put my face close to see it. There was a light in his eyes that shone through that photograph. I could see the beautiful soul within coming out of that picture. This was before the first signs of Autism appeared in him. This Autism would largely silence his speech, limit his learning, and make him dependent on us for the rest of his life. It would keep him from becoming the boy I dreamed he would be.

I felt the pain of regret and loss looking at that picture. But then I remembered just yesterday when he laughed and snuggled up to me while we watched something he liked on television. I looked into his eyes at that moment and saw that same light, that same love, that same beautiful soul that was in his baby picture. Autism might have affected his mind and changed his life but it never touched his soul. And I know now his beautiful soul is here for a purpose.

Like my son Casey, each one of us has a bright, beautiful, shining soul within full of love and light. God loves that soul too, completely and unconditionally. It is up to us, though, to let that soul out, to let it shine, to let it share its love with everyone, everywhere. May we always do so.------


Summer was winding down and there was a hint of Autumn in the air. The temperatures were cooler, the air felt drier, and I could already see the first yellow and red leaves on the trees. I had just finished taking my dogs for their morning walk when I noticed something. On my back deck porch was a Maple tree stem. It was growing out of a tiny clump of dirt that we had tracked up on the porch. Its base hadn’t even turned to wood yet, but it had three, lovely, red leaves growing out of it. I smiled at this hardy little guy getting so much growth and life out of so little soil. I knew, however, that it couldn’t grow much larger where it was. I bent down and gently scooped it out of the soil. I took it inside to show my daughter and have her take a picture of it. Then I walked it out to the edge of the woods around the meadow behind my house.

I walked into the forest and looked for a spot where the sunlight was still breaking through the giant, growing trees. I found one and dug out a little patch of the soil. I planted my little Maple tree in it and patted the dirt down with a smile. I prayed he would make it to 50 feet high one day. I also took a moment to look at all the life around me. There were trees, bushes, weeds, flowers, butterflies, bees, spiders, and birds all so full of life. I could feel too the Love of our Creator in everyone of them. I thanked God for letting me a part of it all. And I felt so happy that my efforts, however small, were helping it along.

Nature can teach us so much about life. There is so much variety, complexity, growth, and beauty in it. You can’t be out in it for long without being filled with wonder and awe. You can’t be out in it for long without feeling the Love of the One who Created it. That Love flows through us too. Welcome it into your heart. Take it into your soul. And share it with the world. Help God to make this world a better place through your life and your love.-----


I was in my early twenties. I had graduated from college with a degree in Education but still couldn’t find a full time teaching job. I waited each morning then for the phone to ring so I could work as a substitute that day. It wasn’t easy. One day I would be teaching high school science and the next day I would be chasing Kindergartners around a playground. This time I found myself in a local grade school substituting for a 5th grade teacher for the day. In spite of being a substitute I was determined not to just slide by. I went over the lesson plans, taught the subjects, and stayed positive with the students. I smiled, congratulated the kids when they got something right, and encouraged them if they didn’t. I was determined to emulate the great teachers I’d had when I was a boy and not the critical ones who always left me feeling bad.

At the end of the day just as they were leaving the room to get on their buses a girl handed me a folded note. I waited until they were all gone before I opened it. It was a lovely drawing full of childlike wonder and a note that said: “You are the best teacher I have ever had!” My mouth fell open in shock. It really amazed me that one of my kind comments had touched that girl’s heart so deeply. I took that note home and put it in a folder. Anytime I was feeling down or discouraged I would look at it and it always made me smile. Sadly, I lost it during one of the times we moved, but it still exists in my mind and heart.

That experience too showed me the power that a single kind word can have on a life. I never did see that girl again, but I pray that her life has been full of kind words and loving people. And I continue to try my best each day to let God’s love and kindness live through my words and my life. May you do the same. May you fill your words with kindness and your life with love. You will do so much good. You will create so much joy. And your life will never be the same.------


It isn’t easy losing everything you own, but it can teach you a lot. It happened to me when I was only 11 years old. My brothers, Mom, Dad, and Nana all lived together in her 70 year old ramshackle, wooden house. One Summer night Nana’s scream woke up my brother and me. My brother pulled me out of bed and yelled there was a fire in the house. There was so much smoke. There was so much confusion. We all ran towards the front door. At the last second Mom saw our little dog and picked him up, saving him from the flames. Then we were outside dressed only in what we were sleeping in while the house burned to the ground in a matter of minutes along with everything in it. That scene was burned into my mind forever. I can still see my Mom crying while my Dad cursed in frustration as we lost everything we owned.

The memories after that night are cloudier. Perhaps it was the shock of it all. I remember being wrapped in blankets by the firemen and going to the house of a family friend. I remember not sleeping well at night in this strange new place. I remember people arriving with donated clothes for all of us. I remember Dad searching through the rubble but only being able to save my Mom’s wedding rings. Most of all I remember seeing my usually feisty and cheerful Nana crying in secret. I remember the sadness in Mom’s eyes and the gloom that hung over Dad while he searched for a place for us to live. In my innocent mind I wondered if we were cursed or if God just hated us.

One evening, though, as we gathered around our friend’s dining room table I heard something I hadn’t heard in a while: laughter. Mom, Dad, and Nana were smiling again, sharing funny, old stories. I joined in the laughter and felt Mom gently touch my hand. I knew then that everything would be alright, that God did love us, and life would go on. I realized too that when you have nothing left but Love, you finally see that Love is enough. I have carried that wisdom in my heart ever since. It has nurtured my life and shaped my soul. That is why I am sharing it with you now. May you always have Love. May you always have Enough.-----


I visited my doctor the other day and had to be put on a medication for the first time. In spite of living a healthy lifestyle my blood pressure was still a bit higher than it should be. The doctor explained that stiffening blood vessels were just part of getting older. I knew it was the natural progression of life and I didn’t resent it too much. It did make me wish, though, that I could go back to my younger, healthier, and more energetic body with the wisdom my mind and soul has now. I remembered again the old Italian saying: “You grow too soon old and too late smart.”

Oh what I would tell the younger me if I had a chance, what wisdom I would love to share so he didn’t waste so much of his time on useless thoughts and negative feelings. I would tell him to quit wishing for wealth, success, and fame. Because none of those things could bring him any real joy. I would instead tell him to play more and pray more. I would tell him to spend less time worrying and more time petting his dogs. I would tell him that those times he played with his children would be the happiest memories of his life. I would tell him that it is the love in his heart that makes him rich not the weight in his wallet. I would tell him that friendship is a treasure that won’t fade or rust like material things. I would tell him to sing with all the joy in his heart even if his voice isn’t that great. I would tell him to dance like no one is watching even though all the angels in Heaven are. I would tell him each day is a new life that should be lived with thankfulness, laughter, love, growth, kindness, service, and oneness with God. I would tell him to fear nothing on this earth because He is Loved by Our Father in Heaven.

Most of all I would tell him that life is eternal even if these bodies aren’t. I would remind him that his soul is both ageless and forever young. And I would urge that soul to spend every second loving God, himself, and everyone else. Because Love is Joy!-----


I remember it was the first winter in our new home. My Nana’s old house had burned down one terrible night the Summer before. Thankfully, we’d all escaped the fire with our lives but we’d lost everything we owned. The only things that my Dad was able to find were Mom’s wedding rings. The plastic case she put them in at night had melted around them. I think the things Mom really missed, though, were all the pictures she had of her family and childhood. Each one held a memory special to her and now they were all gone.

Our new home was nice but still used a wood stove for heating. I was outside getting firewood to take into the house. I could see Mom stepping out in the cold air on the front porch. She was putting some special seeds down in an old fashioned bird feeder. Then she stepped back inside and watched out the window. Soon two Cardinals flew in, landed on the feeder and started to eat. As I carried the wood into the house I could see my Mom smiling through the window. She seemed so happy and even wiped a little tear from the corner of her eye. I remembered her saying once that Cardinals were her Mom’s favorite birds and every time she saw them she could feel her Mother’s love. It made me happy to know that even though she had lost all those pictures and the memories they held, she still could feel her Mom watching over her with love from Heaven every time she saw a Cardinal.

These days I feel the same way each time I see a butterfly flutter by. Each one reminds me of my Mom. Each one fills me with Love. Each one connects me with Heaven. I only hope this Winter to see a few cardinals as well. When I do I will think of Mom and Grandma together in Heaven. I will thank God for the daily reminders that we are watched over and loved. And I will send my love on a prayer to Mom and Grandma in Paradise. ----


It was years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was driving my daughter to the nearest airport to take a trip. It was a 3 hour round trip so after dropping her off at the airport my sons and I stopped at a McDonalds to have lunch. We grabbed a booth and I went up to order our food. Most of the workers there were teenagers just going through the motions of the job, cranking out the food like an assembly line. Working the cash register, however, was an older lady. She was 70 if she was a day. Her gray hair was permed, her glasses hung loosely on her nose, and she looked like everybody’s grandma. Each person that came up to give their order was given a huge smile of hers in return with a few kind words thrown in. It warmed my heart to see how she brightened up the whole restaurant with her good cheer. When it was my turn to order I smiled back and told her that she had the sweetest smile I’d ever seen. She laughed, patted me on the hand and said, “No extra charge, Sweetie!”

When I was driving home I could still feel her loving-kindness in my heart and see her smile in my mind. And I could feel my own face smiling too. When we drove back to pick up my daughter a few days later, we stopped at the McDonalds again. I looked for the lady with the sweet smile but she was no where to be seen. Maybe she wasn’t working that day or maybe she had moved on to bless others with her smile somewhere else. Either way I wished her well. Remembering our brief encounter always brings a smile back to my face.

It is funny how we work so hard to get money to buy things but the things we want the most can’t be bought. They are freely given and joyfully received. Love, smiles, hugs, laughter, intimacy, happiness, joy, and connection are all free of charge. They are the gifts God gives us and the gifts we give each other. May we always share and delight in them.-----


When I was a boy growing up we had a potato garden half the size of a football field. I remember planting it was a family affair. First Dad would use a push tiller to break up the soil. Then Mom would go down the rows dropping seed potatoes into the freshly turned earth. Next would be me dropping a handful of fertilizer in between each of the potatoes. Lastly my brothers would hoe dirt back over the potatoes to let them grow all Summer. When harvest time came I would be astounded at how much the potatoes had grown. They would fill sack after sack and would feed us all the year through.

Mom and Nana had to be creative too with so many potatoes to cook. Mom would make mashed potatoes one day and then use the leftovers to make potato cakes the next. Nana would slow cook them on Sundays in her special red sauce to serve with spaghetti and meatballs. She would also bake them in the oven with chicken, deliciously seasoned with rosemary and garlic.

My daughter tried to recreate Nana’s oven chicken and potatoes just this last Sunday. When it was cooking the smells were heavenly and when I tasted it I was filled with loving memories from my childhood. The happiest part of it all, though, wasn’t those old memories but creating a brand new one with my daughter and sons. What a joyous and loving dinner it was.

They say that potatoes are one of nature’s most perfect foods. They have so many vitamins and nutrients in them that give us energy and vitality. The ancient Incas even built an entire civilization along the cold, desolate Andes mountain range just because they knew how to plant, harvest and store potatoes. I thank God for these little spuds. They nourish our bodies just as Love nourishes our souls. They keep us healthy and strong so we can share that Love with others. And they help us to make delicious dinners and loving memories.-----


I realized this last year that I have now lived here longer than my Mom did. That just didn’t seem right to me. If anyone deserved a long life it was my Mom. She was so full of kindness, laughter, love, and good cheer and she shared her gentle spirit with everyone. During the last 4 years of her life she battled Cancer. But she used even this to grow closer to us all. I remember calling her on the phone everyday to tell her I loved her, something I sadly didn’t do that much as a child. Still after a long, courageous fight she died on a cold, dark day. She was only 55.

After her funeral my own health broke. I developed double pneumonia and even after my body started to heal my spirit still grieved. I didn’t want to go on without her. I wanted my own young children to know her love. One day as I sat in quiet pain on my couch my little girl climbed on my lap to cheer me up. Her brother soon joined her and I held them both close. At that moment I could feel my Mom’s loving presence in the room and I knew that I had to go on. I vowed that my children would know of her love and beautiful soul through the stories I shared with them and I knew that her gentle spirit would live on in my heart. I could hear her sweet laughter in my mind and I knew that it was time to rise up and begin to live again.

The wonderful author Leo Buscaglia once wrote: “Each day is a fresh beginning, a little life unto itself.” Mom would have loved that quote because that is exactly how she lived her life. She never wasted a moment. Each day she shared her laughter, her smile, her love, her kindness and her cheerful spirit. Each day she made the world a better place for me, her family, and everyone she met.

I will do my best Mom to follow your example: to love God, myself, and everyone else, to make each day a fresh, joyful beginning, and to keep you in my heart until I hug you in Heaven.-----


It was late July and except for a few fluffy, white clouds the sky was a brilliant blue. The sun was shining on the green grass giving it a golden hue. Birds were busy flying to and from their nests feeding their rapidly growing babies. The air was full of the smell of fresh cut grass and the scent of sweet Clover. In the meadow behind my house I could see deer grazing by the edge of the woods. Our black cat, Alice was snoozing under the shade of our Maple tree ignoring the little bunny that was hopping along in the graveyard behind my home. I could see too the dandelions, buttercups, daisies, and Queen Anne’s lace blooming along the side of the road. It was like a perceptual overload. All of this beauty was here for me just as I stepped outside.

Taking it all in, my heart felt so full. I breathed in the sweet, cool, morning air and walked barefoot in the grass. I knew that a heat wave was on the way so I wanted to enjoy the comfort of the morning and take in all of these glorious gifts of God’s creation. Just then a lovely, yellow butterfly flew down and landed on a gravestone right in front of me. It fluttered its wings and I smiled. It flew up circled my face and then floated away on the gentle breeze. A peace filled me as I took in its message of Heavenly Love. And I thanked God for this beautiful day, this beautiful world, and this beautiful life.

Isn’t it incredible how God can sometimes use this entire world just to show us that we are loved? All of Nature tells us of His Love from the sun shining above us to the tiniest blade of grass. This Love flows through books, music, art, and knowledge too. People and angels can be messengers of this Love as well. It is up to us, though, to open our hearts and welcome this Love into our souls. It is up to us to embrace this Love, live in it with joy, and share it with the world. It is up to us to grow in this Love forever and make our lives as beautiful as a Summer day.-----


I knew it was going to be a bad fireworks season this year when I saw so many different tents selling them to the public. I was right too. The bangs and booms started before the first of July and lasted way past the fourth. I have never been a big fan of fireworks since I was a boy. It was then that a local fair set off a huge show near our house and I saw how the noise terrified our dogs. I sat on the floor with them during the whole show, holding their shaking bodies.

I know a lot of people enjoy the colorful light shows the fireworks can put on at times. They can be bright, brash, and beautiful. Still, I find that I prefer the gentler lights of Summer to these noisy ones. I love seeing the moon rising above the hills in the evening. It’s gentle, smiling face always reminds me that God loves me and is watching over me from above. The sparkling stars too always look so heavenly and divine when you take the time to look up into the skies and watch them shine. I also love the beautiful, blinking lights of the fireflies this time of the year. Seeing their lovely, little lights as they fly around always fills my heart with joy and light as well. It nourishes my soul and reminds me of what a glorious world we live in. And it makes me want to thank our Heavenly Father for creating it.

I think we all might do better to nurture and grow the gentler lights within ourselves. Our society seems to praise and admire those who come off as booming and brash. It seeks to shower attention on them. It seeks to look only at the surface and ignore the light within. The gentler lights, however, the lights of love, kindness, goodness, and joy are Heaven sent. They are meant to be shared. They are meant to be shined. And when we do so, our souls glow.

May you always shine your gentle, loving light. It will help you grow brighter each day. And it will prepare you for our true Home where the Love and Light never ends.-----


Last week my son, JJ and I were in the grocery store trying to pick up another week’s worth of food for our family. As I was watching my list and searching the shelves to get us our food, my son was scanning the aisles for people he knew. Even though he is 35 years old now he still has the heart of a child and the love of an angel inside of him. He may be considered a “Special Needs” person by the rest of the world but he has been my SPECIAL teacher on how to live and how to love for his entire life.

Just as I was bending down to pick up some cans of tuna fish I heard JJ call out the name of a teacher of his from his school days. There was such joy and cheerfulness in his voice as he called her name. He immediately went over to her and gave her a big hug. We caught up with her for a bit then started shopping again. When I was bending down to pick up a box of pasta I heard my boy call another name with equal joy. It was a girl he had gone to school with many years before but he remembered her face and name and gave her a Huge Hug too. Then as we were checking out and I was reaching for my wallet I heard my son call out again with such happiness upon seeing someone from the sheltered workshop where he works a few days a week. He walked over and gave her one of his Special Hugs as well. I could see too the light in her eyes brighten and the smile on her face widen after getting a hug from JJ. I left the store thinking that my boy had just made 3 people’s lives better and happier just by being himself.

Our Special Needs people can teach us so much about how to live. Just think of how much better this world would be if we all hugged 3 people a day. Think of how much happier others would be if they heard their names called with such joy. Think of how pleased God would be if we all smiled, laughed, loved, and hugged with such pure and happy hearts.----


Ever since I was a boy I have been an avid reader. I have read and been touched by so many books from so many authors. I think it may be one of the reasons I started writing myself. I even enjoy hearing stories about other authors, because often they can teach us a lot as well.

I heard one such story the other day that really made me stop and think. The two famous authors, Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller were invited to a party given by a billionaire hedge fund manager at his home. As the host showed off his lavish mansion to his guests and bragged about the rare works of art he had collected, Vonnegut joked to his friend Heller that their host had probably made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his most popular novel, Catch-22 over its entire history. Heller smiled back and said, “Yes, he probably has but I have something he will never have-ENOUGH.”

What is enough? Our society tells us that nothing is ever enough. The messages and advertisements bombard us every day telling us to spend all the money we have and all the money we don’t have to buy more and more stuff. The lessons of Heaven, however, teach us differently. They say that if our bellies are full from “our daily bread” then we have enough. If we have clothes on our backs to keep us warm then we have enough. If we have a roof over our heads to protect us from the cold, wind, and rain then we have enough. If we have people we love and people who love us then we have enough. And even if all of these things are uncertain or lacking, if we know that God loves us and we welcome that love into our hearts then we have enough.

Our loving Heavenly Father will always give us ENOUGH. It us up to us, though, to embrace it, welcome it into our hearts, and share it with the world. May you always do so.------


When I was a little boy my Mom, Dad, brothers and I all lived in my Nana’s old, ramshackle house. The only way you could reach it was across a battered, wooden, swinging bridge that spanned the river next to it. On the other side of it too was a pair of railroad tracks only 10 feet from the house. I can still remember how the house would shake when the trains hauling coal would go by. Still, it was home and I always felt safe and loved there.

The tracks too were fun to stroll down when there were no trains around. One day my older brother even tried to show me how to walk on a single rail by putting one foot in front of the other. Each time I tried, however, I would stumble and fall. Even holding my arms straight out to my sides for balance didn’t help. I just couldn’t do it like my brother did and I soon gave up.

One day when I was alone I decided to try again. I walked a long way down the tracks and then stepped up on the single rail again. I watched my feet but that only made me stumble more. It was so frustrating. I could walk on an old, wooden bridge that swayed all over the place but not on a solid piece of steel. Finally, I set my eyes upon Nana’s house and gave it one last try. This time, though, I didn’t stumble. I walked on and on with my eyes on home. When I finally reached my front door I smiled with satisfaction and laughed with joy.

Looking back at that memory today I think I finally succeeded because my eyes weren’t on each step I took but rather on my home. I think that is how God wants us to live our lives here too. By keeping our eyes on our true home in Heaven we stumble less and walk with a lighter step. We forgive ourselves when we fall, we pick others up when they do, and we let God guide us all along the way. We travel with so much love, laughter, and joy that with each step we take towards Heaven we also bring a little more Heaven here to Earth. -----


A few weeks ago I stopped at a light by an intersection on my way home. I glanced to the side and saw a little, old man on the grass by the road. His face was full of weariness and sadness and he was holding a sign that said: “Please Help! Need money for food and dog food.” I pulled to the side of the road and talked to him a bit. His wife was ill and on dialysis. And the power and water company had sent them shut off notices unless they were paid in full immediately. They had paid out of fear but now had no money left for food for themselves and their 4 dogs. I drove the guy to a local Dollar store and bought him the biggest bag of dog food they had. Then I drove him back to the intersection and headed home.

Instead of feeling glad, though, I could hear the “better angels of my nature” whispering in my ear. “You bought food for their dogs but not food for them.” As I listened my heart hurt and tears came to my eyes. I asked God to please forgive me. Later in the day I drove back to the intersection hoping to get some food for that poor man and his sick wife but he was already gone. All I could do was pray for God to send better angels than me to help this hurting family.

Looking back on this now I can see that my heart and soul still have a long way to go if I want to become the person I was meant to be. I am still selfish at times. I still judge others. I still don’t give my love as freely and joyfully as Our Heavenly Father would want me too. I can only hope that I will continue to learn, to grow, and to become the Child of God I am called to be. And I pray that God will use me to do His will, spread His truth, and share His Love.

I pray too that one day everyone in this world will have enough. I pray that one day we will all listen to the “better angels of our own nature.” And I pray that one day we will all love each other as purely and unconditionally as God Loves us. -----


I saw the most beautiful woman the other day. She wasn’t that tall. She was 5 feet at the most. Her spine was curved down too. Her skin was thin and covered in age spots from a lifetime of walking in the sun. Her hair was a thin, wispy white. Her smile had as many false teeth as new ones. She was at least 80 years old and may have been over 90. She moved slowly and with great care. Still, when she looked you in the eye and spoke to you, you could see her true beauty shining through.

Her forehead was wrinkled from a long life of hard work and care. But it was the lines around her eyes that caught my attention. These “wrinkles” were deep and permanent canyons that had been formed by a million smiles and a lifetime of laughter. Her eyes were deep set, bloodshot and hidden behind thick, heavy glasses. But you could still see a lovely light shining out of them. When she talked to you they sparkled with a divine radiance that told you she was in touch with faith and love and hope and goodness and joy. I only spoke to her for a minute or two, yet I left feeling better, happier, and closer to God myself. I only hope that one day my own face will show the signs that her’s did, of a blessed life well-lived and well-loved.

It is so strange how people these days are almost obsessed with doing away with those signs. We want to look twenty years old forever. People dye their hair, put cream on their skin, apply makeup to their faces, stick needles full of Botox into themselves, and even have plastic surgery all in an effort to hide the evidence of a life filled with kindness, laughter, and love.

The next time I look in the mirror, though, I am going to thank God for my wrinkles, gray hair, and the sparkle in my eyes. I am going to appreciate the evidence of a million smiles and pray to God to let them get deeper as I live longer and love better each day of my life.-----


My son, daughter, and I all needed new glasses this year, so after searching for an optometrist with an opening we scheduled an appointment. The exams went well and we all ordered our new glasses. The cost was enough to make my wallet weep, though.

When the new frames arrived we all tried them on and enjoyed seeing clearly again. Like I always do I put the used ones in an old shoe box in my closet. Only this time the box was full to overflowing with years of used glasses in it. I felt bad about all of them just sitting there gathering dust. My daughter, however, soon found a company called ReSpectacle that accepts used glasses and then gives them to those who need but can’t afford new ones.

As we packed all the pairs to mail out my mind went back to a time when I was the one in need. I can still remember glueing my broken, plastic glasses’ frames for the twelfth time because we were struggling financially and there was no way I could afford new ones. I remember the tears in my eyes from the glue fumes and the tears in my heart from the pain of never having enough. I didn’t know why God was allowing us to struggle so much when my young family didn’t do anything wrong. It was one of those questions I asked God in prayer but never expected to get an answer to.

I think now I finally do know what that answer is. Perhaps God let me suffer then so I’d have more compassion for those suffering now. Perhaps God let me go without new glasses then so I would donate my old glasses now. Perhaps God let me feel what it was like to be in need so I’d give to those in need. The truth is we all go through pain, struggles, and suffering in this life. We can use them to grow selfish and bitter or we can use them to grow loving and kind. May you always choose kind. May you always choose Love. May you always choose God.-----


It was a rainy day. I was driving down a lonely, little, back road. I hadn’t seen another car in ten minutes. I rounded a curve and saw in the straight ahead a crow sitting in the middle of my lane. His head bent down and I saw he was eating a dead deer that had been hit by a car. I stopped my car, put on my emergency blinkers even though no one else was nearby and got out of my car. I walked over to the dead deer. He was a big guy and took up most of my side of the road. I didn’t want another car to hit him or have to swerve into the other lane because of him so I grabbed a front hoof with one hand and a back hoof with the other. I gently pulled him into the grass on the side of the road so the crow clean up crew could do their job without being in danger too. Then I wiped the blood from my hands in the wet grass, got back in my car, and drove on.

That dead deer stayed in my mind, however. I am sure that when he started his day he didn’t think he would end it by being food for scavengers. I am sure he was expecting another peaceful day of grazing in the grass in the fields by the road and drinking from the river on the other side of it. He didn’t realize that in crossing that road he would be in the wrong place at the wrong time and it would be the end of his life.

This reminded me too that the same is true for all of us. We never know which day of our lives will be our last. We never know how long we will have here. We never know how many more chances we will have to share our love with others. God only guarantees us today.

Don’t waste a day of your life here. Make this lonely road of life a little less lonely by sharing your love, your laughter, your kindness, and your joy with everyone you meet. Fill each day you have with hugs, helpfulness, and happiness. Make Heaven sing by being the very best you, you can be. Then when your last day does come you can greet God with open arms and a full heart.-----


My son works at a local sheltered workshop for the handicapped a couple of days a week. On those days I drive him there, we almost always arrive at the same time as “Miss Stacey.” She is a beautiful woman who has been my son’s friend his whole life. Cerebral Palsy has confined her to a wheel chair. It has twisted her limbs and made it difficult for her to speak. Yet, each time I see her, her soul shines through. There is a light in her eyes that makes you smile. There is a happiness in her grin that warms your heart. There is a love that radiates out from her and touches everyone she meets. In spite of what Cerebral Palsy has done to her body, her spirit burns bright. Each time I talk to her and hold her hand I feel a little bit closer to Heaven.

Stacey has been a beacon of love and joy in my life and in so many others. She has been my son’s friend through grade school, high school, their twenties, and now into their thirties. I can still remember the smiles on their aides’ faces when I would go to pick my boy up after school. In spite of the hard work caring for a Special Needs child all day they still had such a sense of happiness just by being with them. I can see it too in the faces of those dedicated people who work with Stacey today. It is as if they become better just by being with such a sweet soul.

It really breaks my heart when I think that there was a time when physically and mentally handicapped children were confined to institutions or even killed because they were seen as worthless in our world. In truth, they are the greatest teachers of love we will ever have. They show us that accomplishments mean little in the eyes of God. What matters is how purely and unconditionally we love. What matters is the light we shine from within. I know that Miss Stacy’s shines so bright it is seen from Heaven. I only hope to one day live as lovingly, kindly, and joyfully as she does. -----


When I was in college I didn’t own a car so whenever I visited home for the weekend I had to catch a ride with a friend. On one of these weekends my friend, David and I were driving back to the school. He was taking a shortcut to the main highway along a gravel road mainly used by coal trucks. He was driving like a typical teenager, way too fast. Suddenly, as we rounded a curve we saw a coal truck coming straight at us. There was no time to react or get out the way but somehow David did, steering us right towards a ditch before yanking us back to the road. Then, hearts pounding, we drove on, laughing from the fear and excitement of it all.

Looking back now I am sure my friend had some Heavenly help steering the car that day. It wasn’t my first close call with death either. I had survived busting my head open in a bicycle accident, falling off a bridge, a motorcycle wreck with my brother, and more near misses than I could count growing up. I am sure my guardian angel took early retirement when I finally reached adulthood. I realize now too that God had kept me alive all those times for a reason. If I had died back then I would never have raised my smart, beautiful, kind, and loving daughter. I wouldn’t be here to care for my special angels, my two special needs sons, who have taught me so much about love and life. And I wouldn’t have been able to share all these things I have learned over the years through my writings and my life.

One other thing these close calls have shown me is just how precious each day of our lives are here. Each day is a new opportunity to share love, to choose joy, to be kind, to Thank God, and to help others. Each day here gives us so many moments when we can make the angels sing with the love we give and the good we do. Each day here gives us one more chance to grow closer to and become more like Our Father in Heaven. May we cherish them all.-----


It was the start of Spring several years ago. I had pulled out my old lawn mower to cut my grass for the first time. I pushed it over to my front yard. There mixed in with the multiple grass species, green onions, and dandelions I saw something new. A single buttercup was pushing its way through the soil. I bent down to examine it. It was bright yellow with five pedals making a star like shape. I sniffed it too and smiled at its sweet scent. It looked too lovely to cut down so I mowed around it for several weeks.

The next year when I once again pulled out the lawn mower for the first grass cut of Spring I saw that now there were several buttercups blooming where the first one had been. It brightened my day seeing how the beautiful little flower had multiplied so once again I cut around it for as long as I could.

Now, several years later my front yard is filled with buttercups. Some of them have also popped up in my back yard, the meadow and grave yard behind my house, and even over in my daughter’s yard up the road. I also see buttercups everywhere blooming along the sides of the roads and on the grassy hills near my home. I wonder sometimes just how many of these divine, lovely, little creations came from that first flower that I didn’t mow down.

It makes me think too about all the things we can multiply through our lives. Every smile we share creates other smiles as well. Every act of kindness we do brings out the kindness in those around us. Every moment of love we create multiplies in all the hearts it touches. In the garden of life what we give is what we grow. And when we give in love, joy, and goodness we make God smile. May all of your days be full of love then. May all your days be full of growth. May all of your days be as bright and beautiful as a billion buttercups.-----


When I was in my early twenties my wife, kids, and I lived in a tiny one bedroom apartment above what used to be a drug store. We moved the dining table out of the room next to the kitchen and put it in the living room. Then we put two small beds there for our children. My son was only four and my daughter two. My wife was pregnant with our 3rd child as well.

One day I was letting my wife rest in the bedroom while my little ones played in the living room. I was folding a few clothes on their beds while I heard them laughing and chasing each other around the chairs and couch. I smiled and continued to put their clothes away until all of the sudden it got very quiet. Concerned, I walked into the living room and saw that they had both fallen asleep in the middle of their game. I laughed when I looked down at them. Then I lovingly picked up my son, walked to his bed and tucked him into it. I went back for my daughter and picked her up as well. She stirred a bit in my arms so I rubbed her back and kissed her head while she wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. Then I placed her gently under her covers and watched her drift back to sleep. I stood there quietly for a long time just watching them both sleep. My heart felt warm and full of love for them. I felt so blessed to have them in my life and I thanked God for giving them to me. I wondered too if this is the way our Heavenly Father feels when He watches over us.

I know that one day I will leave this world and return to His Loving Arms. When I do, however, I want to do it like my children did that day. I want to live each day with all the love, laughter, and joy I possibly can. And when I finally drop I want to do it with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. May all of your days be full of such laughter and joy. And may your heart be forever full of love until you return to the Loving Arms that made you.-----


It was early winter several years ago. I had pulled out my old winter coat for another year’s use. It was still in pretty good shape although it was looking dingy from so many winters wear. I didn’t really need a new one but I wanted one and casually mentioned it to my daughter one day. She is such a sweet, loving soul that I should have guessed what would happen next. A few weeks later she gave me a gift of a bright red, brand new, winter’s coat.

I put the old one in my closet and started to wear the new coat every day. Each day, though, when I opened my closet something bothered me. It seemed a shame that my still good, old coat should just sit there keeping no one warm during the cold, winter days. After a few weeks I took it out and drove to a local charity thrift shop. I knew that there someone who couldn’t afford a coat otherwise could get my old one. I dropped it off, chatted happily with the staff for a bit, and walked out the door. As I did so I saw a shivering man in only a thin jacket walking in. I wondered if he would end up in my old coat. Then I smiled and went home with a warm heart.

My new coat is my old coat now. It too is getting a little dingy and worn. It has black stains on the sleeves from where I patched the roof last winter. It is in too bad of shape to even donate to charity. I wonder if I should buy a new one soon but I think I will wait a while. I don’t really need a new one and maybe I can find a few more things to give to the charity thrift shop instead.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “Want is a growing giant whom the coat of Have was never large enough to cover.” Perhaps the best way to deal with our wants then is to give of ourselves instead. Love, after all, brings us the most joy. And the more of it you give away, the more of it you have. It is our gift from God and our gift to God as well. May all of your days be full of warmth. May all of your days be full of giving. May all of your days be full Love. -----


It was a Summer afternoon a long time ago. I was a little boy watching my favorite rerun on our tiny little television set. All that was about to change, however. CRACK! BOOM! the lightening and thunder sounded. Suddenly my Mom ran into the living room, unhooked the antenna wire and dropped the metal claws into a glass mason jar by the TV. I started to complain but knew better. Mom wasn’t going to risk lightening hitting our antenna, running through the wire, and blowing up our only TV set. There was no way she was going to let me go outside and play either so I settled into my chair and reread a book for the tenth time while she placed empty coffee cans under the leaks in the roof my Dad hadn’t had a chance to fix yet.

Later after the lightening and thunder had passed and only a gently falling rain remained I saw my Mom walk out onto our back porch, sit down on our old porch swing and watch the rain. She loved watching it water the flowers, forests and gardens. She enjoyed seeing it swell the river down the hill from our house. She knew it would be providing water to drink and wash and clean and live. She had told me all this many times too, but my young mind was too selfish then to take in all in. All I knew was that rain storms meant no TV and no playing outside.

This time, though, I took the time to watch it fall. I saw the peace on my Mom’s face as she did too. Quietly I walked out on the back porch and sat down next to her. We didn’t say a word. We just watched the rain, water the world. We just listened to its tap tapping music on our roof. We just breathed in the sweetness it brought to the air. I couldn’t explain why then but I was so happy to just be there with my Mom. And I was happy that it was raining too.

The next time it rains turn off your TV, computer, and phone. Take someone you love by the hand, walk out on your porch, and just watch the rain. I guarantee it will bring you closer to this world you live in, closer to the loving God who created it, and closer to the one sitting next to you. May the rains of this life always water your soul and help your Love to grow.-----


It was a glorious Spring day. The Earth was finally awakening from her Winter slumber. New life was everywhere. The sky was clear and blue. The air smelled sweet. The sun was kissing the world with its warmth. It was already nearly 70 degrees.

I was driving to pick my son up from the sheltered workshop were he works a few days a week. On my drive I saw the daffodils and tulips blooming in people’s yards. The meadows were full of yellow dandelions with some already turning into little white balls of seeds. The trees were starting to awaken too. The blossoms on them were white, purple, and pink. The songs of the birds were in the air as well. It was almost as if our Heavenly Father was giving us a peek of what Heaven might look like. I was soaking it all in and feeling the love from the creation all around me. I longed to be a part of it and share my love as well.

I pulled into the driveway of the sheltered workshop and parked my car. As I got out I saw a lost little caterpillar crawling the wrong way towards the sidewalk. He was just about to go under my tire when I reached down and picked him up. I held him gently in my hand and walked over to the grassy hillside on the other side of the parking lot. I sat him down and said: “You will never become a butterfly if you get run over my friend. Please stay in the grass.” Then I walked off with a smile on my face and a happiness filling my heart.

A friend once wrote me and asked what he could do to make a difference in this world. I wrote him back and said: “Everything!” Everything we do makes a difference in this world. Everything we do can help God’s creation. Everything we do can help us take our place in the vast tapestry of His Love. Every act of kindness, every shared smile, every moment of love makes a difference. Even saving as single butterfly is priceless in the eyes of Heaven.-----


When I was a young father struggling to get by I worked for a while in a lumber mill. It was hard, back-breaking work for little money. In the two years I worked there the job turnover rate was so high that only 4 of the people I started with were still there in the end. I did my best to make it through each day. I lived in my imagination and sang songs in my mind while my hurting body bent, lifted, and carried the heavy lumber over and over again.

One Summer day I came home from work covered in sweat and sawdust. My back ached, my feet hurt, and my entire spirit felt drained and depressed. My wife brought me dinner on a TV tray, but I was too tired to eat, too tired to shower, and even too tired to watch TV. I just lay on the couch wondering how much longer I would be able to go on at this job that was weakening my body, hurting my heart, and eating away at my soul.

I glanced out the living room window and saw my young children playing outside. They were swinging on an old swing set, chasing each other around the yard, and laughing with such joy. I kept watching them while my eyes misted over. I could feel my heart beating with love for them. I knew in that moment that I would give my life for them. And I also knew that I could continue on in this job for them, no matter how hard the work or how long I had to be there. With tears in my eyes I thanked God for giving me them and promised to love them, care for them, and be there for them forever.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to stay at that job for much longer, but that moment did stay with me to this day. I think maybe one of the reasons God puts us in this difficult, often painful world is so we can learn to Love that much. Love conquers every fear, heals every hurt, and helps us become who we were meant to be. Love makes us more and more like the One who made us. May all your days no matter how difficult be filled with Love then. May you spend them all loving God, yourself, and everyone else.------


I was eighteen years old. I had borrowed my Mom’s beat-up, blue Pontiac for the day. I was driving 12 miles to the county newspaper office. I had on the seat beside me a short one page story I had written and I hoped to get it published that day. I was excited, nervous, and a little scared. What if the publisher didn’t want it?

When I arrived I parked across the road and knocked on the door. The secretary let me in and walked me to the publisher’s office. He was a large man but the kind smile he shared with me soon put me at ease. He read my handwritten story. I didn’t even own a typewriter at the time. Then he said he really enjoyed it and would include in his next week’s edition. My heart jumped with joy but I wanted even more. I asked him if I could keep writing for him each week. He thought about it for just a moment then agreed. He even said he would pay me five dollars for each new thing I wrote. I was so happy that I literally skipped and danced on the sidewalk when I got outside. Little did I know that moment would change my whole life.

That was almost 40 years ago. I continued to write something new for my publisher and friend each new week and as I wrote I grew. I learned so much about love, kindness, joy, and God and each time I learned something new I wrote it in a story and my friend published it. Without him I never would have become the writer I am today. Without him I never would have become the person I am today. Without him I would never have had the chance to share what I learned.

My friend and publisher died recently. My heart still aches for his loss. He was such a good, kind, loving, and wise man. This world will be less without him in it. I know too that God had us meet so he could help me like he helped so many others with his beautiful life. I thank God for him and know he is smiling down on us all from Heaven. May we all live with such Love.-------


My daughter is such a beautiful, loving, giving soul. Everyday she comes over to my house to help me take care of her two mentally handicapped brothers. I don’t know what I would have done without her all of these years. Her love isn’t limited to just people, though. She has also rescued several dogs over the years and showered them with love and affection. Last year too she started to feed a female, black, stray cat that we named Miss Alice. Then it seems word spread because soon other strays started coming around to feast on her food and her love. The latest one is a male, orange, Tabby that she named Tang after the powdered breakfast drink.

Tang isn’t quite like the other cats, however. My daughter calls him a dog in a cat suit because there is no aloofness about him at all. Every time he sees her he meows for her to pick him up and pet him. Just yesterday I watched as she started to walk back up the road to her own house. Suddenly an orange blur appeared from under her front porch steps. It was Tang. He ran down the road to her meowing all the way. When she finally bent down to pick him up and pet him you could see his eyes close as he soaked in the love of her heart. He rubbed his head against her and purred with pure joy. I laughed as I watched her carry him back up the road to her house like a baby. He never once tried to get down. He just enjoyed being in her arms.

I wonder how much better our own lives would be if we took a lesson or two from that dog in a cat suit. God’s Love is all around us. He speaks to us in a thousand different ways. He seeks only to live in our hearts and our lives. If we were as wise as Tang is we would soak in that Love every chance we got. We would cherish our time in His arms. And we would joyously share our own love as well. Perhaps one day I will be as loving and wise as this furry feline. Until then I will keep trying my best to Love, each and everyday. May you do the same.-----


I was in the middle of my first fist fight. I can’t remember exactly when it happened. It was on the playground in either my kindergarten or first grade year of school. I can’t remember what started it either. I guess I said or did something that angered the other boy. I do remember that I was losing badly. My feeble swings were missing wildly while his punches kept landing right on my face. The other boys were cheering us on until someone yelled that a teacher was coming. We all ran so as to not get in trouble but I was hurting, not only in my face but also in my heart.

I decided then and there that I didn’t much care for fighting. I would rather be friends with people. I would rather laugh and play and enjoy their company than fight with them. I would rather love than hate. I would rather be kind than be afraid. I spent the rest of my childhood avoiding fights for the most part and breaking up fights between others when I could. And the funny thing is the boy I was fighting that day soon became one of my best friends.

How I wish the whole world could learn what I did that day on the playground. We have had so many needless wars, so many horrible murders, so many senseless shootings, so many people hurting other people in this world. I am sure that Heaven must weep at times watching down on us. If only we could all learn to see everyone as a potential friend, everyone as a good neighbor, everyone as a member of the same family. That is how Our Father in Heaven sees us. He didn’t put us here to fight each other. He put us here to love each other and help each other always.

I have faith that one day we will create a world where war, killings and even fist fights are a thing of the past. I have faith that one day we will see everyone as friends, neighbors, and family. I have faith that one day we will all finally love each other as God loves us. But it all starts with what we do today. May your day then be full of love and free of fist fights.-----


In the last months of his life my brothers and I moved our Dad from a crowded V.A. hospital several hours drive away to a local nursing home just a few miles from us. I spent as much time as I could visiting him there. Cancer had ravaged his body and was now eating away at his mind. I could tell that he only had a few months or weeks left to live.

During one of those visits I walked into his room only to find him in a deep sleep. I sat by his side for a while silently wishing for more time with him and also regretting that I hadn’t made the most of all the years we did have together. I got up and started to walk out. The nursing home smelt strongly of disinfectant. And in spite of the kindness and loving care of the over worked staff, there was an air of sadness and loneliness in this place. So many people were nearing the end of their lives here and I am sure many visitors had the same regrets that I did.

Finally I reached the doors and walked outside. A rain was starting to fall and it matched my mood. As I started to walk to my car, though, I saw a woman in a wheelchair struggling to move herself out of the rain. I quickly walked over and helped push her inside. She thanked me and gave me the most beautiful smile I had seen in a long time. In that moment I felt a light shine into my soul and a warmth return to my heart. I walked back out, let the rain wash over me, and thanked God for all the years He had given me with my Dad. I also knew that even if Dad died, the love we shared would still go on.

I still think of that moment of loving-kindness often. It reminds me that while we might not be able to live every moment here to the fullest we can still cherish the moments we do. Life is meant for love. Life is meant for kindness. And love and kindness transcend even death. They are eternal treasures in the eyes of God. May you fill your days with them.-----


I was feeling a little off when I woke up this morning. At first I wasn’t sure why but then I remembered that we had set the clocks forward an hour the night before, which meant I was running on an hour less sleep than usual. Of course, I knew it wasn’t affecting time at all. It was just forcing my body into a new schedule again just as it had last Fall.

It’s become a lot harder to do this as I’ve gotten older. My body doesn’t seem to enjoy having any changes sprung on it. It was already getting more achy as it aged and forcing it up an hour early didn’t make it any easier. Finally, I got up and stumbled into the bathroom. I turned on the light and blinked back the harshness of it. After my eyeballs adjusted to it I glanced in the mirror and wondered who this old man was staring back at me. He looked so tired. His hair was thin on the top and gray on the sides. His forehead wrinkles and laugh lines were permanently etched into his face. He had a lot of age spots from being out in the sun for over 50 years. His beard was scraggly and looked like someone had spilled salt and pepper on his face at the same time. When he stretched his back popped and his eyes bulged. His aging face and aching body seemed strange to the soul living inside of them. That soul was eternal, vibrant, and forever young. And when I looked in the mirror I could still see it there, hiding behind the wrinkles but shining through the eyes. And I knew that was who I really am.

Time truly is a funny thing. We can’t switch it. We can’t change it. It flows ever onward and carries our bodies along with it. Yet it is forever foreign to us. We are Children of God. We are beings of eternity. We are only here for a temporary time and the souls inside of us know this. Maybe we should worry less about our clocks and our bodies then. Maybe we should focus instead on our souls and all the love we can share. These are the things that last forever.-----


Last year my daughter started feeding a stray, female, black cat that we named Miss Alice. Well since then things have progressed. First two other stray, orange, male cats that we named Garfield and Tang also showed up wanting to be fed. Then the local birds noticed and started flying down to feast on any left over cat food after those three had finished eating. Now my daughter has become like an animated Disney princess. Anytime she walks outside the animals gather around.

The only one who seems unhappy with this new arrangement is Miss Alice. She will often chase the male cats away until she is finished eating. And the other day when I walked over to my daughter’s house Alice came up meowing asking to be loved on. While I was scratching her head and petting her back, Tang saw what was happening and also meowed for attention. The second he did Miss Alice hissed him away. She wasn’t about to share me or anything else.

The thing that Alice the cat doesn’t understand is something that took me years to learn too. It is that there is an amazing thing about love. It is a thing that confounds poets and philosophers. It is a thing that makes mathematicians heads spin. It is a thing that we can’t fully understand but just have to accept on faith. It is the truth that the more love you share and give away, the more love you have. Some gentle, loving souls like my daughter seem to know this intuitively. The rest of us have to learn it the hard way.

Either way it is a true miracle. It is in sharing love that we connect ourselves with the love that fills the universe, the love that created all things, the love that our Father in Heaven has for us all. It truly is in loving that we are loved. It is in loving that we are lifted up. It is in loving that we grow as God’s children. May we all learn this even if poor Miss Alice never does.-----


When I was a boy my first friend wasn’t another little boy or girl but a bent, worn 80 year old man. It was the early 1970's. We lived 4 miles from town. My two brothers were much older than I was. And the television only got in one channel clearly. I spent most of my time then playing alone outside in the yard and woods near our home. It was only a matter of time then before my exploring led me to “Little Frankie’s” house. Everyone called him Little Frankie because he was short and bent from a lifetime of hard work. Our only other neighbor at the time too was a much bigger man also named Frank.

Little Frankie’s house was a slowly crumbling structure that was over 100 years old. He lived in the only 3 rooms of it that were still safe. Although he had money from a lifetime of working and saving, he preferred to live there. His house had no electricity or running water. He cooked his meals and heated his house with an old cast iron stove. He got his water from a mountain spring that ran next to his house. He still worked everyday weeding, gardening, cooking, and cleaning. For some reason, though, we became fast friends. A first generation, Italian immigrant, Frankie didn’t speak English very well but I understood him enough. He would fry potatoes in a cast iron skillet on his stove and share them with me. Then he would talk and show me old photos from years and years gone by. He became my Godfather and best friend in those earliest years of my life. There was a peacefulness and serenity about him that seemed out of place then and even more out of place now. He worked hard, worried little, gave freely, smiled easily, laughed gently, and loved kindly. I am still working today at living as beautifully as he did back then.

Our friendship was short-lived because he died when I was still a little boy. It was my first experience with death and I mourned Little Frankie after he was gone. Yet, a part of him still lives on here in my heart and mind. I am a better person because of the brief time we spent together. I am kinder, more loving, and closer to God because of our friendship.

My friend Frankie showed me how to live simply, happily, and well. And I thank God for letting him touch my life. I think we all too have those special teachers in how to live and love, who touch our lives briefly but stay in our hearts forever. May we always love them, cherish them, and embrace what they teach.-----


One of the Christmas presents that I got this year was a poster with the “Peanuts” character Snoopy smiling and hugging the character Woodstock. Above it is the caption: “Happiness is a warm puppy.” It always makes me smile when I look at it. When I glanced at it this morning, though, an old memory awakened in my mind that made my heart smile as well.

I was a very sick little boy. I was at home with the Mumps. This was long before vaccines made them rare. My face was swollen, my throat was sore, I couldn’t eat, my body ached and I just felt miserable all over. My loving Mom had put me in her own bed to keep an eye on me, but I wasn’t getting better. I was just hanging on. To make matters worse my dog Duke had run off again. He was an indoor and outdoor dog and whenever a stray dog was in heat, Duke would follow her hoping to increase his lineage. It had been several days now and he hadn’t yet come back home again.

Finally that morning my Dad found him half starved and collapsed in front of our home. He picked him up, carried him in the house and gave him water and a good meal to eat. Then Mom cleaned him off, carried him into her room and put him in bed with me. Something in her heart must have told her that snuggling up together would help us both to feel better. She was right too. The second I saw my beloved pup, I wrapped my arms around him, and felt my heart fill with pure happiness. I think it was in that moment that I finally started to heal. It wasn’t long too before Duke and I were both well and playing outside together again.

Dogs are one of the greatest gifts our Heavenly Father has ever given us. Everyday they warm our hearts. Everyday they give us pure, unconditional love. Everyday they teach us about living in happiness and joy. May we always Thank God for them and embrace they lessons they teach.-----


I don’t spend very much time on the internet these days. Oh, I check out what my family and friends are doing on Facebook, enjoy a funny video or two, and take in an inspirational post. I try to stay away, however, from the hateful, angry talk, the politics, the arguments, the bullying, the lies, the conspiracy theories that are everywhere online. They can eat away at your soul.

I did see one interesting post the other day, though. It was like a moment from a science fiction movie. Under the question: “What would you do?” you saw two hands. One was holding a red pill and one was holding a blue pill. If you took the red pill you could restart your life at 6 years of age with all the knowledge you have now. If you took the blue pill you got $10 million dollars in cash. It took me about half a second to decide to take the red pill.

If I were 6 years old again, knowing what I know now, I would run across our old swinging bridge after school, burst through the front door, hug my Mom and tell her just how much I love her. Then I would do the same with my Nana. I would even risk embarrassing my Dad by giving him a huge hug when he got home from work. They are all in Heaven now and I still miss them every single day. I’d try not to change any of my life’s choices. I would still want my life to turn out like it is today. The only change I would make would be how I felt inside. To relive my life with a heart full of thankfulness, a soul overflowing with love, to be free from fear and full of joy, to be full of wisdom and appreciation would have made everyday of that life a blessing for me and a gift for Our Father in Heaven.

Of course there is no magic pill that will let me relive the last 50 years of my life, so I will do my best to instead live my remaining time here with all the love, laughter, goodness, gratitude, joy, kindness, and light I can. After all, that 6 year old still lives inside of me and I do have now all the knowledge I have gained over this lifetime.

May you always live your life with the heart of a child and the knowledge of the wise. May you share your love, your learning, your kindness, and your joy with everyone you meet. May you embrace each day as a gift from God and live it like your gift to God.-----


My two adult sons still live with me. At a young age both of them were diagnosed with Autism. Both of them are mentally challenged as well. In the eyes of this world they are often seen as less than the rest of us, but in the eyes of Heaven they are far higher and wiser than I will ever be. Everyday they teach me more about how to live and how to love.

One of the things my oldest son loves to do is make simple key chains out of colored and lettered beads. Our house is full of them. They hang on the walls to decorate his old, broken key collection and everyone of my own keys has one too. He has given them to his Mom, sister, Grandma, and so many others.

Well, recently my sons’ primary health care provider retired and my daughter had to schedule an appointment with a new doctor so they could have their allergy medications renewed. My oldest son was excited about meeting the new doctor. He talked about meeting her for days before the appointment. He also made her a gift without telling me. As soon as she walked in to meet him, he pulled a key chain with her name on it out of his coat pocket and said with a smile, “This is for you!”. The look of surprise, delight, and joy on her face was something to see. It clearly made her day. I guess she hadn’t expected so much love, trust, and kindness so quickly and freely given. But that is what my son does. He shares Love freely, purely, and unconditionally. I only pray that one day I will be able to love and give as easily as he does.

Perhaps this world needs to stop seeing the mentally challenged as less and start seeing just how much they can teach us. They are far closer to Heaven than we are. I know that everyday God and His angels are smiling down on my sons as they share their love, laughter, and joy with the world. May we all one day learn to Love as divinely and beautifully as they do.-----


It was several years ago. We were in the midst of a long Winter. It was full of below freezing days and even colder nights. I was shoveling out from snow after snow. And even when it warmed up a little, the skies stayed gray and bitter, bone-chilling rains fell. People were even joking about shooting the groundhog when it predicted six more weeks of Winter. I myself was feeling tired and a bit gloomy. It wasn’t so much the snow or even the cold that was getting me down. It was the lack of light. I couldn’t remember a Winter with so many gray, overcast days.

It was another gray day and I was outside taking my dogs for their mid-day walk in the meadow behind my home. The temperatures still hadn’t risen above freezing. The dead grass crunched under my feet. The gravestones in the graveyard there still had snow on them from the night before. Just as I was about to take the dogs in, however, a flash of yellow caught my eye. I stopped and looked closer to see a single, silly dandelion poking its head through the frozen ground.

I walked over to it and bent down to reassure myself that I wasn’t hallucinating. “You’re early!”, I said with a laugh. Then I knelt down in the snow and lowered my nose to smell the hardy, little flower. I closed my eyes, breathed in deep, and felt a little Spring come to life in my heart. Then for the first time in days the clouds broke, the sun shone through, and I watched as that little dandelion drank in the light. I walked home smiling with a little more light inside of me as well. I knew that God’s Spring lived in my soul no matter what the weather was outside.

In this life we all get our share of cold, wintry, gray days. We can let them define us or we can be like that dandelion, share our beauty and invite the sun to come out. The choice is ours. Be the dandelion then. Delight your Father in Heaven by shining all the beauty, love, and light that is within you. Carry your own Spring deep in your soul even during the Winter times in this world. And make this world a more beautiful place by being the most beautiful you. ----


My daughter has a new app on her phone that can clear up and enhance old photographs. She used it to make copies of pictures from my old photo albums, brighten them up, and email them back to me. There were pictures of Mom, Dad, Nana, my brothers, me and my first dog Duke. Looking at them brought back so many loving, happy memories. I even put one on my laptop computer as my new screen saver.

It is a picture of me sitting in my favorite chair, across from the wood stove, next to a cluttered bookcase full of old books. I am wearing my special Snoopy sweatshirt and hugging Duke. There is a big smile on my face and a joyful twinkle in my eyes. It was how I spent a lot of my Winter afternoons as a boy, cuddling with Duke and reading an old book.

It is strange too how 50 years later that boy still lives inside of me. I still love comfy chairs, warm stoves, old books, Snoopy, hugging dogs, and reading books on cold, Winter days. Yet, when I look in the mirror now all I see is thinning, graying hair, age spots, and lots of wrinkles. The only thing that hasn’t completely changed in that reflection is the eyes. They are hiding behind glasses now. They are set a little deeper in my eye sockets. The innocence in them has been replaced with wisdom. But they still have that same joyful twinkle.

Looking at the little boy smiling at me from the computer screen and that 56 year old man looking back at me in the mirror can be a bit confusing at times. They seem so different. Still, they are both me. It is one of those things we have to deal with being eternal souls living inside temporary bodies. Perhaps the best thing we can do is to pay less attention to those reflections in the mirror and more to the reflections of our lives. We are all here to reflect back the Love of God to everyone here on Earth. And when we do we remain both joyful and forever young.------


When I was a boy growing up we didn’t have much. Most of the clothes I wore were hand me downs from my two brothers. The books I read were old, worn, and dog-eared with stained, yellow pages. My toys were few and came only at Christmas or my birthday. We didn’t even buy that much at the grocery store because we raised so much of our food at home. We raised pigs for meat and had four HUGE vegetable gardens.

The largest of these gardens was dedicated entirely to potatoes. I remember my Mom, brothers, and I hand planting them after my Dad had tiled the soil. Each year the crop was enormous. We had potatoes with almost every meal. There were fried potatoes for breakfast, oven cooked potatoes with chicken for dinner, potatoes slow cooked in my Nana’s special, spaghetti sauce, and mashed potatoes with just about everything.

Nothing in our house ever went to waste either. Whenever Mom had made too much mashed potatoes for dinner one day, the next day we had potato pancakes. Mom would take the left over mashed potatoes out of the fridge, add egg, flour, salt, pepper, and just a bit of garlic and we would all sit down to a table full of delicious little pancakes. I can still taste them even now though I have never been able to duplicate her recipe. Mine always taste a little bland compared to hers. Maybe she added a secret ingredient that I don’t remember or maybe it was just the love with which she cooked them. It flavored all her meals. Each time I ate one I felt warm not just in my belly but in my heart as well. What I wouldn’t give to sit down to just one more meal with Mom, give her a hug, and tell her how much I love her and miss her now that she’s in Heaven.

Like Mom may you always flavor your meals with love. May you always flavor your lives with love. May you become a gourmet for God filling hearts wherever you go.-----


It was early January and my stomach was grumbling at me. It had grown used to all the extra food I had been eating during the holidays and wasn’t happy that I had gone back to my usual diet. “Hey!”, it yelled. “Where is my extra serving of turkey? I want another glass of eggnog! How about some more Christmas cookies and peanut butter candy?”

While I tried to ignore the hunger pangs my back was complaining as well from all the extra work I had made it do over Christmas. The horrible arctic cold snap had caused our water meter to break so I had to haul water from my daughter’s house for 4 days over the Christmas weekend. My back hadn’t quite gotten over this and was still sore and achy. It made me miss those early teenage years when I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain an ounce. I could also jog 2 miles, swim all day, lift weights in the afternoon and never have a sore muscle in my body.

“Why is it that by the time we learn to really live and love in this life our bodies are already on the decline?”, I thought. I would have enjoyed my earlier years so much more if I knew then what I know now and cherished my good health, energy, and youth instead of taking them for granted. As soon as I thought this, however, a wise little voice whispered in my mind. “You can’t enjoy today by missing yesterday. You have to live in the NOW. God only gives us one day at a time. It is up to us to fill them with love and live them with joy.” I thanked God for that reminder, rubbed my sore back until it felt better, then took pleasure in eating my simple bowl of morning oatmeal. I knew too that no matter how many more years I get in this life each day of them is a gift from God, achy body, hungry tummy, and all.

Don’t let your own body aches and tummy grumbles get you down then. Live fully each day. Love fully each day. Life here on this world is short, but the love we create here is eternal. -----


One thing for sure is that my home will never be in an issue of Better Homes and Gardens. It isn’t just the broken tile on the floors or the worn out furniture covered in dog hair. It is also the walls. Instead of just a few tasteful paintings here and there my walls are literally covered with stuff. There are calendars, pictures of my children and animals, inspirational poems and sayings, nature pictures, birthday and father’s day cards, dream catchers, art work my daughter did in grade school as well as her college diplomas, plastic and wooden butterflies, post cards, pictures of my Mom, Dad, Nana, Aunt Charlotte, and other relatives, and pictures of friends and children I’ve sponsored overseas. I keep them all on my walls because they all remind me of Love.

Nestled among them too are 4 faded photos I got over 20 years ago. My former priest had a twin brother who was a missionary and ran an orphanage overseas. I remember I sent a small donation to them back then and received these pictures of children in the orphanage.

One speaks to my heart especially. It is a small boy no more than 8 or 9 years old. He is using a broken ladder as a chair and eating out of metal plate. Yet, even though he had so little, there is a look of such joy on his face. You can see in his smile that he is loved and that is all that matters. All these years later that love and joy still shine through the picture. I still wonder about him too. He would be grown now maybe with children of his own, perhaps passing on all the love he was given to them. I still send him my love and keep him in my prayers.

It is truly amazing how a single moment of love can stay with us for a lifetime. Maybe that is how God intended it to be. Love isn’t meant to fade after a moment. It is meant to shine for an eternity. All I know is when I look at that faded photo and see that joyous smile, that moment of love lives on in me. May all of your moments of love live on in you as well.-----


My daughter had overbought several times over the last six months so her food pantry was full and she wasn’t sure she would be able to eat all the stuff she had left. She asked me then to donate two full boxes of dry goods to the local food pantry. I was happy to do so and took them over. I was overwhelmed, though, by the enthusiasm, the joy, and the love with which her donation was received. The lack of donations plus the high price of groceries had hit the charity hard and their shelves needed every donation they could get. We were thanked over and over and as I drove home smiling my mind went back to another time when we were the ones in need.

Money was tight. My job barely paid the rent and extra bills that month had cut into what we had saved for the groceries. My next check was a week away and we didn’t have enough food to get us there. We went to a food pantry and I watched our little kids playing outside while my wife picked up a box full of food to feed us. I was worried, nervous, and scared. I had never had to seek help like this before and I just hoped it would be enough so our children wouldn’t go hungry that week. My heart swelled with gratitude when my wife finally walked out with a smile on her face and the box in her arms. And as we drove home I silently prayed and thanked God for all the good people who had given so we would not go hungry.

Our Heavenly Father created this great, big, round world for all of us to live on. It is one huge circle of love. Sometimes you are giving that love to others. And sometimes you are receiving that love from others. It is all the same, however. It is all one. It doesn’t matter whether you are giving with love or receiving with love as long as you are LIVING WITH LOVE.

Take your place in the circle then. Never be ashamed to receive a gift of love. Never be afraid to give a gift of love. It is what we are all here for. It is what life is all about.-----


It was a month or so ago. I was at a tire dealership getting new tires put on my car before winter weather set in. It was a long wait so I settled into a chair with my book when suddenly I heard a voice that I hadn’t heard in many years. An old friend from grade school had recognized me. I certainly didn’t recognize him at first. He had white hair and a white beard now. The last time I’d seen him his hair had been a bright, fiery red.

We soon started talking trying to catch up on each other’s lives. It is hard to fit forty years in a few hours, though. Still, we talked about our families, friends, lives, jobs, pains, and struggles. We relived old memories too and shared laugher and joy together. It felt so good catching up with my old friend. Then he said something that still sticks with me. “Joe, I want to thank you for being my friend back then.” He talked about how he had struggled in school and had a stutter that caused others to tease him, and how that filled him with anger, darkness, and pain.

After we said goodbye and I left I tried to remember if I had ever been one of those who had teased him but couldn’t. I hoped I hadn’t. Even as a child I never wanted to see someone in pain or unhappy. I was glad too if even a little bit my friendship and kindness had helped him through that dark time. And I thanked God for getting to see him again.

It is amazing how the circle of life goes round and round. An act of kindness can travel the world for years from heart to heart and soul to soul until it circles back to us. I never knew how just being a friend could mean so much to another. That is why now I want to thank all the old friends and new ones who have touched and enriched my own life with their love and kindness. “Thank you All!” You helped me to become who I am today. You helped me to grow in love, kindness, and joy until I was able to share it with the world. You helped me along the path of love that led me to faith, goodness, grace, and God.

Never stop being a friend to others. Share all the love and kindness you can, every way you can, whenever you can, and for as long as you ever can. You can never imagine how much it might mean to another. You can never imagine how it might touch a heart or change a life.-----


It was a rainy, December day 30 years ago. A cold hung in the air that chilled you to the bones. I was even wishing the temperature would drop a few more degrees so at least it would snow. My wife and I were standing in a line at a volunteer fire department building with our two year old daughter, Beth. It was going to be her first time meeting Santa and my wife had brought her camera along to catch the moment.

When Santa finally appeared with his bag of gifts most of the other younger children backed away in fear at this strange man with a big white beard and red suit. My daughter didn’t, however. She wasn’t scared at all. I think it was because one of her grandpas had a beard even bushier than Santa’s. Instead she literally jumped up and down with joy in a little circle almost coming out of her snow boots in the process. Seeing her happiness Santa approached her first. “Ho Ho Ho! What do you want for Christmas little girl,” he asked. Beth didn’t say anything. She just reached up and gave Santa the biggest hug in the world. My wife laughed and I smiled seeing this beautiful moment of Christmas love. And all of the sudden that cold, damp firehouse seemed warm and bright. Or perhaps it was just all of us being filled with the spirit of Christmas by watching my little girl share her love and delight.

These days my little girl is 32 but I still enjoy every warm, loving, hug she gives me and I still carry that Christmas moment in my heart and mind to warm me any time this world seems too cold or bleak. It keeps my soul on the big picture. It keeps my heart on Love.

Margot Silk Forrest wrote, “The big picture is nothing more than a million moments all strung together.” May all of your moments then be full of the spirit of Christmas. May all of your moments be full of Love. And may God live through you in them all.-----


As November slides into December and the Christmas season starts each year, I still feel haunted by a pair of eyes. I saw them many years ago. I had taken my children on a long trip to a mall to do our Christmas shopping. Everything seemed to be on sale with bargains on all the stuff we bought. As we left I saw we still had over $100 dollars left to save for the winter heating bills to come.

As we headed out along the side of the road right before the turn off, a woman stood. She was dressed in worn, threadbare clothes, and a dirty coat. She was holding a sign that read: “Homeless, Please Help!” The thing I noticed the most about her, though, were her eyes. She had the saddest, loneliest eyes I had ever seen. I pulled over and took out all the extra money we had saved. I handed it to my daughter and she got out of the car and gave it to the woman.

Driving home I didn’t feel proud or good or happy. I just wished I could have done more for that sad, homeless woman. I wondered too why in this world of plenty there are still so many homeless and hungry among us. All these years later I still wonder these things and I am still haunted by the woman with the sad eyes. I still pray for her and hope that she is still alive. I pray that she has found a home and knows that she is loved. And I ask God to watch over her and be with her always.

What can we do to help the homeless, hungry and hurting in this world? Perhaps we just need to follow Jesus’ commandment that we “Love one another.” Perhaps it is as simple as that. Keep loving then. Keep giving. Keep caring. Keep doing what you can with what you have. Keep helping God day by day to make this world the place it was always meant to be. Then one day everyone will feel loved. Everyone will love. And everyone’s eyes will shine with joy.-----


I was sitting on a long, black, folding medical table. Beside me was a woman in scrubs talking about the cold change the weather had taken recently. A radio in the corner was playing Christmas music even though it was still weeks away. I took a sip from the bottle of lemonade I had brought with me so I wouldn’t get dizzy. I looked around at all the other people laying back on their medical tables too. Each one of us had a needle in our arms with a long tube running down from it filling a plastic bag below. Each one of us had come to give a precious gift to help others, make the world a better place, and perhaps even save a life.

It was the local blood drive and I had driven 12 miles across snowy roads to get there. I tried never to miss one even in the wintertime. In spite of all the time it took I felt blessed being able to give this gift back to others. I had been given so much in this life: a loving family, many friends, sweet adorable pets, a comfy home, and enough money to meet my needs. Every day my prayers always included the words: “Thank you God for my life.” The gifts I had been given felt wonderful, yet the one thing that brought me more happiness than anything else was giving something back. You see, in this life nothing brings you as much joy as taking your place in the great circle of Love that God created for us all. In this circle you receive and you give until it all becomes one. The more you give back, the more you get in return. The more love you let flow from your heart, the more love flows into it from above.

There are so many gifts you can give in this life too: a smile, a kind word, a few dollars, a hug, a caring letter or e-mail, and even a pint of blood. Each one of them is priceless and precious. Each one of them brings a little more Heaven into your heart. Each one of them makes God smile. May you fill your life with giving then. May you fill your life with Love.-----


When I was a teenager our church sent a group of us teens on a religious retreat. There were lots of teens from other areas there as well. Over several days we had discussion groups, hikes, outings, lessons from the Bible and other writings, and a bunch of other activities all designed to help us learn and grow spiritually. The funny thing is that as well intentioned as all of these things were, over the years all of them have faded from my memory. Of my time at that retreat only one memory remains clear in my mind.

It happened during a free time period in the afternoon. Most of the other teenagers had formed groups and ran off together to do stuff. I chose, however, to stay in my room. I was missing my home and feeling a little sad and lonely. Finally, I walked down to the empty rec room and saw a record player with a stack of records nearby. I picked up the first one and put it on the turntable. Suddenly, Neil Diamond’s voice filled the air singing his song “Turn on your Heartlight.” This was a song I later learned was inspired by the movie “ET.” I sat down and listened carefully. When the lyrics sang, “Turn on your heartlight, Let it shine wherever you go, Let it make a happy glow, For all the world to see,” something happened in my own heart. I felt a warmth there, a light there, and a love there. It was as if God Himself was speaking to me through this song. I memorized the lyrics and often sang them to myself over the years whenever I was feeling sad or lonely. And they never failed to uplift my spirits, warm my heart, and bring me closer to God.

Maybe the best lessons in life are the simplest ones. Turn on your heartlight then. Let it shine wherever you go. Let it help you to share your light, love, kindness, and goodness with everyone you meet. Let its glow bring you closer to God today, tomorrow, and for all eternity.-----


With Thanksgiving fast approaching I have been thinking of all the things I am thankful for in my life. The funny thing is that the things I am most thankful for aren’t things at all. It is all of the special people who have blessed my life over the years.

I am so thankful for Mom, Dad, and Nana. We may not have had much growing up but one thing is certain. I always felt loved. I always felt cared for. I always felt supported and encouraged by them all. I am so thankful for my two brothers, Eddie and Tony. Even though they were five and seven years older than me they often made time to play with their little brother. Yes, they may have picked on me from time to time but they always protected me as well. I learned a lot about growing up by watching them both. I am so thankful for my wonderful wife, Fonda. We may have grown apart and divorced but we also had 3 beautiful children who blessed our lives so much. And we remained friends through all these years to this day. I am so thankful for my two sons, JJ and Casey. You guys may have come into this world with mental disabilities but it was your spiritual abilities that taught me so much about how to live and how to Love. Because of you both I laugh more, smile more, and am closer to God. Because of you both my life is blessed with Joy every single day. I am so thankful for my daughter, Beth. You will never fully know how much your love has helped me and touched me over the years because words cannot express it. You are a true Earth Angel even if you don’t believe it yourself. I am so thankful for all of my friends, some who I see everyday and some who I’ve never met in person. Your kindness, encouragement, and support uplift my spirits always. And I am so thankful for all of my beloved pets over the years. I doubt I could love as openly and unconditionally as you loved me, but I do keep trying to learn from your example.

They say that if you could only say one prayer in this life: “Thank You!” would suffice. Let me say then: “Thank You, God for all those you have brought into my life.”-----


For my 56th birthday my daughter, Beth bought me two beautifully carved wooden butterflies. I hung them in prominent places on my walls so that I can see them often during the day. Each time I do too they give me a wonderful reminder of Love.

My daughter and my love of butterflies goes back many years. After a long battle against cancer my Mom had passed away when I was only 25 years old. Beth was only a baby at the time and never got to have any memories of her grandma. I tried to make up for it by telling her stories of my Mom but each time I did I could see that there was a little sadness in Beth’s eyes. One day when she was only seven or so we were outside at the playground. Beth suddenly said how much she missed not having her grandma around. Well, sometimes I say the right thing and this time I told her how much her grandma loved her. I said she was watching over her from Heaven and that maybe she was even hitching a ride on the back of a butterfly to come down and get a closer look. At that very moment a butterfly appeared flew around Beth’s face and then fluttered away. We both laughed with our hearts full of love and joy.

Since that moment all of those years ago both Beth and I seem to attract butterflies like flowers. Whenever we are outside they seem to fly down, circle around us, take a good look, and then fly away. And each time we are reminded of my Mom’s love watching over us. The only time this doesn’t happen is during the coldest months of the year when there are no insects of any kind. But now during those times I can take a look at the two, beautiful, wooden butterflies my daughter bought me and still be reminded of that love.

We all need reminders that we are loved in this life. We need reminders that we are loved by God, by those who have passed, and by those who are still with us. Perhaps the best way to remember, though, is to be a reminder of Love yourself. May you always do so.-----


It was the middle of winter some 30 years ago. I was a young father with 3 little children counting on me. My college education, however, wasn’t helping me to find a good job in our depressed area. My work as a substitute teacher had dried up and now I was working in a saw mill for just above the minimum wage. As I got ready to go to work I wrapped band-aids around my fingers and put more in my pockets. Cutting and stacking lumber for 8 hours a day had caused my fingers to split and bleed at their tips in the cold, dry, winter air. I looked in the mirror and sighed. Then I walked down to my car in the snow and hoped it would start.

That day at work was harder than normal. We were short handed on workers. The machines kept breaking down. And we had to rush to catch back up as the lumber stacked up. On top of it all the heaters in the building weren’t working and we could see our breath as we spent hours chopping, stacking, carrying, and packaging the hard wood flooring to be shipped out.

When the work day finally ended I walked wearily toward the time clock, took off my work gloves and inspected my aching fingers. The splits were worse than ever and I had bled through the band-aids again. I tried to straighten out but my bad back cramped up as I did. I don’t think I had ever felt that tired, hurting, and sad before. I started my car and drove back home. I looked at the snow and blinked back tears. I wondered how long I could keep doing this, if things would ever get any better, and why life was so hard.

I tried to put a smile on my face as I opened my front door but instead one appeared naturally. My daughter ran up to me, yelled “Daddy!”, and wrapped her little arms around my neck. I lifted her up and my heart exploded with Love. My tired body didn’t feel so tired anymore. My aches and pains disappeared into her hug. And the joy in my heart chased the sadness away. In that moment I knew I could continue on and that things would get better. In that second I remembered again that I was here for Love. I kissed my little girl’s cheek, held her tight, and thanked God for my life as hard as it was.

I think we all have bleeding fingers and band-aid days in our lives here. But with God and Love we can make it through them all. After all, work may give us a living, but it is Love that gives us a life.-----


Earlier this year the phone companies stopped supporting the software for my old 3G flip phone so like the rest of the modern world I was forced to buy a new Smart Phone. I didn’t use it much at first, only to get a call from my daughter or to play a game or two. Soon, however, I found it far easier to surf the web or check out facebook on the smart phone than my computer. Even with my limited time I quickly found myself spending more and more of it on this phone. It happened almost without me noticing it.

Yesterday I was on it scrolling and scrolling through the sea of stories, posts, news, and videos. Then suddenly a long, white, furry nose pushed its way between me and my phone. I started to push it away but that only got me a lick from my chin to my glasses. Laughing I put the phone down, took my smeared glasses off and petted my dog. Soon we were hugging, romping around, and playing fetch down the hallways of my home. And I noticed something too. There was a feeling in my heart: a wonderful mixture of love, laughter, and joy. It was a feeling that I hadn’t gotten once during all that time I had spent on my phone.

Strange how it took a dog to remind me of what is important for our souls. I vowed then to spend less time on my addictive phone and more time doing the important things in life like hugging my children, talking to my friends, writing letters, loving others and even playing with my dogs. It is these things that fill my heart with love. It is these things that fill my days with joy. It is these things that bring me closer to Heaven, goodness, and God.

Technology is here to stay. But we shouldn’t let it control us or our time. We should use it only when it helps us to do the important things like loving each other, making this world a better place, or growing closer to our Heavenly Father while we are still here on Earth.-----


It was the end of Summer and the cool breezes of Fall were in the air. I was a twelve year old boy: skinny, gangly, and in the midst of puberty. Before me was a truckload of wood my Dad, brother and I had unloaded the day before. Now I needed to take it one wheelbarrow load at a time around the house to where we were stacking the chopped wood into cords and covering it with tarp to keep it from getting wet. We were still a few cords short if we wanted to keep the wood stove heating our home for the cold Winter to come.

I got off to a quick start but soon realized I needed to go slower if I didn’t want to exhaust myself. I took my time then stacking the wood so each cord was sturdy with no chance of toppling over. It became a game seeing how neat I could stack it and I found myself even smiling during this hard work. After a while the wood was stacked and my skinny arms were tired but I wasn’t done yet. I still needed to fetch the five gallon water jugs from the spring near our home. Our well water was so full of iron that it tasted terrible, so all cooking and drinking water had to come from the spring. The five gallon jugs felt like they weighed a ton, but taking them one at a time I got them up the hill and back to the house.

I was worn out by this time but as I carried up the last jug I saw my Mom smiling at me from the porch with a glass of iced tea in her hand. She gave it to me and we sat down on the porch with our dogs at our feet. We never said a word just watched the leaves blowing in the breeze, but there was such a peace, a love, and a joy in the air that it felt like it came from Heaven above.

Recently I read an old Zen proverb that goes: “Before enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. After enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water.” It awakened that memory in my mind once more and I felt myself smiling and thanking God and Mom for that special moment that lives on in my heart.

Enlightened or not, in this life we all have some wood chopping and water carrying to do. It is best then to do it with love in our hearts. It is best to do it joyfully under Heaven’s eyes. And when you are done it is best to sip some tea with someone you love.-----


It was Autumn here in the mountains of my home. Although the morning sun was out and the sky was clear the temperature hovered just above freezing. The cold nights had accelerated the changing of the leaves too and although we were still a few weeks away from peak colors the hills looked like Heaven.

I was walking over to my daughter’s house when her black cat, Alice greeted me in the road, walked around my legs, and meowed. I leaned down to scratch her head and pet her back. And as I did I looked at the loveliness of the leaves. The trees looked painted by God’s own hand. The reds were so deep and rich this year. The oranges were ablaze with brightness. And the yellows sparkled in the sunshine like tiny suns themselves. Even the fallen, dry, brown ones smelled wonderful. Just looking at them all warmed my heart. Standing there soaking in all that beauty I had a deep desire to create something myself. I wanted to create something full of the same love and beauty that God had created this world with. And at that moment I heard a whisper deep within my own soul. “You already do!”, it said.

Suddenly, I felt filled with Light and Love and I realized that my entire life here was an act of creation. Every smile I shared created Joy. Every hug I gave created Love. Every kind word I said or helpful thing I did created a little more goodness in this world. Even petting Alice the cat while she purred away created peace for both her and me.

The same is true for all of us. Our entire lives here are an act of creation. The only question is what are we going to create? I pray that you choose to create Love, that you choose to create Joy, that you choose to live each day in goodness, laughter, kindness, and light. Then each day of your life will be blessed and you will make the Creator of us all smile.-----


Isn’t it amazing how you can hear or read a story a hundred times and yet when you hear it again you learn something new? That happened to me recently when I reread the story below.

In the Middle Ages a man journeyed to where they were building a new church in a distant city. He saw the many people laboring on it. He walked up to a man cutting rock and asked what he was doing. “I am a stone mason”, the man said. “I spend all my days cutting and shaping stones.” The traveler then walked over to a man sawing a beam and asked him the same question. “I am a carpenter”, the man said. “I spend my days cutting and hammering wood.” Finally, deep inside of the church the traveler saw a wrinkled, weathered-looking woman sweeping up the splinters and broken pieces of stone with an old broom while humming to herself. He asked her what she was doing. “I am building a glorious cathedral to honor our Loving Father in Heaven”, she said with a smile.

Now before I had always read that story with a smile on my own face. I took it as a lesson on taking pride in your work and seeing the value in your job. But this time I felt something deeper in my heart. My mind cleared and I saw there was an even deeper meaning to this story. It wasn’t only about how you feel about your job but also about how you live your life. In that moment I saw that each one of our lives here is a cathedral that honors our Loving Father in Heaven. Each choice we make is a stone we lay. Each act of kindness we do is a beam we hammer into place. Each moment of love we create builds it up higher and more beautiful.

How is your life going to look at the end of your days? Is it going to be a glorious cathedral full of light and love that reaches up to Heaven or is it going to be a pile of crumbled rock? It is up to you and it is never too late to start. Open your heart, grab your broom, and start sweeping.-----


While getting a degree in English Literature had seemed a great idea in college it didn’t prove to be a wise choice when searching for work after I graduated. I was a young father with a wife and baby at home and another on the way. The only work I was able to find was as a busboy at a restaurant and I was barely making enough to eke out a living. This would get even worse one day when for no reason I could see the manager fired me. I drove home angry, sad, frustrated, worried and depressed. “What do I do now?,” I asked myself.

As I drove on the sun started to set and the sky turned the most beautiful shades of red, pink, purple and gold. At that time my faith was far less than it is today but I still felt a sense of peace as I looked at that Heavenly sight before me. I felt loved. I felt secure. And all at once I knew that everything would be alright. As the sunset started to fade I turned on the radio of my little car. At first only static played but then suddenly I heard the band Three Dog Night singing, “Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music!” And while my feet couldn’t dance while I was driving, my heart did.

That is only one of many moments over the years where God in His infinite Love has touched my heart, mind, and soul when I needed it the most. Each time my anger has turned to smiles, my sadness to joy, my frustration to serenity, my worry to peace, and my depression to Love. These days I try not to seek out these moments but rather to live in them daily. I try to trust in the Love that surrounds us all, stay connected to it in my heart and soul, and share it through my writings and my life.

God’s Love is all around us. We need only to invite it into our souls. Then no matter how dark life gets the sun will continue to shine in us and through us always.-----


My two adult sons still live with me. Both of them have Autism and other mental disabilities. My oldest boy works a few days a week at a local sheltered workshop. His younger brother, however, isn’t as high functioning. He speaks only a few words and stays home with me full time so my daughter and I can care for him.

The other day I was walking into a fast food restaurant holding his finger so we could go to the rest room before getting something to eat. As we walked by a teenage boy I could see him staring at my youngest son. He quickly looked away either because he was uncomfortable or because he didn’t want to embarrass us. I wasn’t mad at him. Many people have done the same thing over the years. I only wished that they could see what I see when I look at my sons. I only wish that they could see behind the disguise.

You see, I have come to know that both of my sons are far brighter and more beautiful souls than I am. I have been blessed to be able to care for them, to love them, and to learn from them all these years. I am sure that both of them volunteered to come to this world as mentally challenged to help teach us all how to love more deeply and unconditionally.

I have been my sons’ student as well as teacher in this life. As their father I did my best to teach them how to learn and do things with their limited intellectual abilities. And they did their best to show me how to laugh more freely, love more openly, and have joy more easily. When my sons laugh it sounds like Heaven’s music. When they love it is with the innocence of a child and the beauty of an angel. They live much closer to the light of God than I do. And I am honored to have been able to care for them and learn from them for all of these years.

When you see the mentally challenged in this world then don’t just look with your eyes. Look with your heart. See beyond their earthly disguise to their Heavenly soul. Let the light inside them brighten your own light as well. Let the love they share help you to share your own love too. They truly are God’s angels in disguise. ------


My Mom would have been 85 years old this year if she had lived. She gave birth to me 3 weeks after her 30th birthday but passed away when she was only 55. It was heartbreaking losing her when I was only 25 years old. I felt like I had just started to grow up and get to know Mom as a real person and not just a mother. I had hoped for many years of loving friendship with her but it was not to be.

Now I am the same age that she was when she died. Her grandchildren are all grown adults. Thirty years have passed but at times it still feels like yesterday that she was with us. I remember that I hated not having her here to watch her grandchildren grow up. I used to tell my daughter that her grandma was still watching over her from Heaven and perhaps her spirit was even catching a ride on a butterfly’s wing to watch her up close. And it seems like every time I said it too a butterfly would float by us and circle around before flying away. Then we would laugh and our hearts would be filled with love.

This year I noticed my Mom’s birthday on the calendar. I still wrote it down every year even though I never forgot it. I wondered if I might see a butterfly that day to once again remind me that she was watching over me with love. It was still dark on her birthday as I leashed up my dogs for their morning walk. I flicked the porch light on and walked outside. As soon as my pups finished doing their business we walked back in. As I closed the door, however, two moths fluttered into the house and flew around my head. I smiled and thanked Mom for not even waiting until the sun was up to remind me that I was watched over and loved. I gently caught the two moths and released them back outside with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.

Always keep your heart and mind open to messages of love from above. God, the angels, and our passed loved ones all love us and are watching over us. And the reminders of their love are all around us. We just need to recognize them, even when they are a couple of moths.-----


The first time I met Kai she was sitting in my front yard petting my dog, Harley. Harley was a big black Lab and Husky mix and his bark was intimidating but Kai had turned him into a little puppy wanting only to be petted by her. She seemed to radiate a loving-kindness that rippled out to touch us all. She and her husband Sean had just moved into our neighborhood and in no time Kai had befriended everyone. She played with and encouraged the neighborhood children, she rescued a stray dog that had been wounded by a bear, she laughed and gave and shared and loved us all unconditionally.

In no time Kai and Sean had become fixtures in our neighborhood. My daughter, sons, and I visited them often. Kai always seemed to have a piece of cake ready to eat and a heart to heart talk ready to share. Kai also loved the Hawaiian culture and embraced the “Aloha Spirit”, even though she wasn’t native to Hawaii. She had been a former Hula dancer in her youth and gave me a Hawaiian shirt as a gift. Even though it was too small for my big belly I wore it often when I visited her and Sean.

Kai also encouraged my writings about life, love, spirit, and God. She didn’t have the internet so I would bring her a printed copy of each new thing I wrote. Often she asked me to read it to her while she closed her eyes and soaked in the words. I was always happy to do so.

Through all this time, though, Kai was battling Cancer. She had told me the first time I talked with her that she was terminal. That made her even more determined to live all her days here to the fullest, shining her light, seeding her love, and sharing her joy. In time her health declined, she slept more and grew weaker. I visited less often not wanting to tire her but when I did no matter how bad she felt Kai always shared her kindness and her smile.

Kai died on a cold, winter’s day. I walked through the heavy snow to her home to tell Sean how sorry I was and how much she would be missed by us all. Sean moved away soon afterwards and all of us were left a little emptier without Kai’s presence in our lives. Whenever I looked at that Hawaiian shirt, however, I would remember Kai and smile. That is why these days I only wear Hawaiian shirts be it Spring, Summer, Winter, or Fall. Wearing them makes me feel closer to Kai and the love she shared while she was here. I look forward to meeting her again one day in God’s Paradise. Maybe we can share a little “Aloha Spirit”, have a heart to heart talk and a piece of cake. And I’m sure she will smile seeing my Hawaiian shirt.-----


After a whole week of rain we finally had a comfortable, beautiful Summer day outside. My family and I were driving to a nearby town when my daughter spotted a yard sale. A few miles down the road we saw another and another and another. In all we counted 21 yard sales on our drive. I joked that they pop up like flowers when the rain ends. We saw tables full of nick nacks. We saw plates, glasses, and silverware. We saw old toys and a couple of guitars. We saw huge piles of clothes and even a piece of furniture or two for sale. Most of all we saw lots of smiling people talking, laughing, sitting, and standing in the sunshine.

Seeing all of this brought back memories of my childhood. Most of the clothes in my closet back then came from yard sales. My Mom was a talented yard sale shopper and when I was little she would drag me along with her. I used to hate going to them until one special day when I saw that they also sold old books at them. After that I always browsed the books until it was time to go and sometimes Mom would buy me one too. Soon a large part of my at home library came from yard sale books. To me they were more priceless than first editions.

Why do we have yard sales? It certainly isn’t for the money. For all the time and effort people put into them they would hardly make minimum wage from the sales. I think rather it is that yard sales bring us together. We get rid of our old things and we buy “new” old things. We talk and catch up with old friends and new neighbors. We get a chance to help and give and share without seeming to. We connect in kindness and love amongst all the old stuff.

I think yard sales teach us something about life too. We can’t really own anything here, after all. All we get is temporary possession of our stuff. Then it is time to let it go and pass it on. Then it is time to leave this world and return home to God carrying only the love within us. -----


When I was a boy we lived across a river from the main road and the only way to get to our house was across an old, wooden, swinging bridge. We also lived right next to Camp Caesar which hosted camps all summer long. And the best thing about it was it had a public swimming pool. I remember spending almost every day of my summers at that pool. I would be there when the pool opened at 1 P.M. and swim until it closed at 5 P.M. Usually my brothers and a lot of my friends would be there too. We had so much fun laughing, playing, swimming, splashing, and going off the diving board.

One time, however, I went to the pool to find it crowded with strangers. None of my friends were there and mainly is was older parents with little children. I stayed for a while but felt lonely. I left early and walked home sad and sulky. When I got to the swinging bridge, though, I saw my one friend who was never allowed at the pool. He stood on the bridge with his face smiling and his tail wagging. It was my dog, Doobie patiently waiting for me to come home. I hurried across the bridge to hug him and then we both ran down to the river below our house to swim. We jumped into the cold, clear water. We swum around each other. We romped, splashed and played fetch with a stick in the shallows. And Doobie happily chased my loneliness away with his doggie kisses and gentle love. During all of those Summers spent swimming as a boy that is the day I remember the most.

The Summers in this life fly by so fast. They are too precious to waste a moment feeling sad or sulky. Let God’s love chase away your loneliness then. Spend your days here like my dear dog Doobie did: sharing love and scattering joy. And as you swim down this river of life always remember that LOVE awaits you at its end.-----


I love old stories, parables, and fables. They say so much with so few words. They reach right into your heart and mind and shine the light of truth.

One of my favorite of these stories is of an old farmer. He was constantly worried about his farm, his health, and his family’s security. This made him frustrated, fearful, angry and upset. He often took this out on his family as well. One day plowing in his back field his plow hit a chest full of gold coins. He was shocked by his sudden good luck and wondered what he would do or buy with his new wealth. In the end he decided to bury the treasure again and save it. It would be his security in times of hardship. Over the years he never dug up the gold or spent a single coin of it. Knowing it was there, however, caused a change in him. He was no longer worried or fearful. Instead he became peaceful and happy. He was kind to his sons and loving to his wife. He gave to charity and helped his neighbors. His whole life became a gift of love. The entire community was amazed at the change in him.

Finally on his deathbed he gathered his sons together to tell them the secret he had kept to himself all of those years. After he peacefully passed away his sons went out to the field to dig up the chest of gold coins. When they found it, though, it was empty. Someone had discovered it and stolen the gold long ago.

What all of us in this life need to see is that our true security isn’t buried in our backyards but buried deep in our hearts and souls. Gold is temporary. God is eternal. He loves us all so much and He is here to support us and walk with us throughout our entire lives here. Why worry then? Instead dig up your treasure of love within and share it with everyone. You will only grow richer and the inheritance you leave will last forever.-----


I had just stopped by the local grocery store to pick up a few items. The small store was almost empty and only one cashier was working. I pulled up to her aisle and waited while the guy in front of me was unloading a full cart of food. I was in no hurry so I relaxed while she rang him up. He put all the bagged groceries back into his shopping cart and was about to leave when he asked if he could push the cart up to his apartment a quarter mile away, unload it, and bring back the cart. The cashier was new and wasn’t sure what to do. I spoke up then and said that I’d be happy to give him a lift back home.

Outside we loaded his groceries in my trunk and talked on the short trip to his place. He was new in town having just moved here recently. And like all of us he was feeling the squeeze of the high cost of living. I nodded knowingly and helped him unpack the trunk before pulling out and heading home. I thought to myself too: “The cost of living keeps going up, but at least the cost of loving has stayed the same.”

That is the funny thing about the cost of loving. It really doesn’t cost us anything at all. You would think if you spent your love on helping your family, your neighbors, your friends, and even the strangers you meet that sooner or later your love would run low. Sooner or later your heart like your wallet would be empty. Thankfully, Love doesn’t work like that. God in His wisdom fills us full to overflowing with His Love. And when we share our love it doesn’t diminish. Instead, we find that we have even more love to share.

What a glorious thing Love is! It costs us nothing. And every time we give it away it pays us back even more. In truth, it is what makes life worth living. Fill your days with love then. Fill your heart with love. And always remember that the most priceless thing on earth is FREE.-----


It was the Summer that everything broke. So far we’d had two broken washing machines, a dead DVD player, a cracked faucet, a broken chair, a flat tire, and vet bills for our oldest, ailing dog. All of them had seriously drained my savings and made me wonder what the heck was going on in my life. The latest problem had been a toilet tank that stopped filling. It was a 30 mile round trip to the only open hardware store but I made the drive. It did feel like the straw that broke the camel’s back and I was feeling both stressed and a little depressed from it all.

After picking up a new valve for the toilet tank I started driving home. Suddenly, a yellow butterfly fluttered in front of my speeding car. I knew I must have crushed it against the grill. I felt terrible. Ever since my Mom died 30 years ago butterflies had served as a special reminder of her love for me. In my heart I saw her spirit riding on the back of every butterfly that flew by me. Now I had killed one.

I felt an urging deep within to pull over as soon as I could and check the grill for the dead butterfly. I pulled over to a wide spot in the road and parked the car. I got out and looked down at the grill. The yellow butterfly lay flat against it but looked otherwise undamaged. I eased my finger down towards it and as soon as I did it took flight. It fluttered once around my head and then flew away with its golden wings shining in the sun. Tears filled my eyes and I thanked my Mom and God for this miracle. I knew too that it was a gentle reminder from above that no matter how broken the things in my life may get, I was loved and watched over from Heaven.

Don’t let the broken things in this life break you. Life is full of stress, strain and struggles but through it all you are LOVED. God loves you and God wants you to live a life of love, laughter, kindness, faith, and joy. May you always do so with a smiling face and a happy heart.-----


I don’t believe in luck, but if I did I would say I have had a string of the bad kind lately. Last week my washing machine broke. It just wouldn’t wash. I hadn’t had it that long either. Like anyone these days I tried to figure out if I could fix it online but soon realized the repairs would cost more than a new machine would. Then this week my daughter’s washing machine broke. It was an older, simpler model so once again I tried to fix it myself and even called my friend who was good at household repairs to take a look at it. Once again, however, it was broken beyond any easy repair. I ended up having to order two, new washing machines putting a couple of big dents in my credit cards. Both got delivered quickly but I still griped to God about the rough patch I was going through.

As soon as I did my memory traveled back in time to when I was a child. I saw my Nana hand loading an old fashioned wringer washing machine with my dirt caked jeans and muddy shirts. It didn’t have a spin cycle so Nana had to put each item through a pair of rolling pin sized wringers to squeeze out the water. Once I had foolishly tried to help and caught my fingers in them. That was a pain I remember to this day.

When the washing was done Nana would often pat the machine affectionately before she took the clothes outside to hang on the clothes lines to dry. She had grown up hand washing clothes and was grateful for the machine that did so much of the work for her.

Remembering this helped me to realize that once again I was looking at things the wrong way. God has blessed me with so much more than my Nana, Mom, and Dad had. I was getting caught up in the problems and inconveniences of modern life instead of thanking God for all I have and all I am. I apologized to God then and thanked Him for that beautiful memory.

The good old days had their share of struggles and joys. And the good new days have their share of struggles and joys. What matters is how we live them. What matters is what we learn from them. What matters is that we LOVE through the struggles as well as the joys. May all your days be full of Love then no matter how dirty your clothes get.----


Driving here in the mountains of my home can be a challenge even in the Summertime. The potholes and patches in the roads make for a rough ride. The low hanging trees, full of green leaves limit your visibility. And you always have to be on the lookout for dogs, cats, and deer crossing the road.

I saw a sad sight here just the other day. As I was driving along I saw a baby fawn lying dead along the side of the road. Its white spots were still on it. A few miles down the road I saw another fawn struck dead on the other side of the road. It was so sad seeing them like that and I slowed down in case more deer were coming down the mountains to drink from the river that ran along side the highway. As I drove on more carefully I took in the sun draped hillsides and enjoyed the God-given beauty of them. I rounded another curve and felt an urging inside my heart and a voice inside my mind. “Slow down, more!”, it said. I braked again and suddenly two adult Doe deer leaped across the road. I stomped on the brakes until I came to a complete stop, and just as I did two speckled fawns appeared from the woods running after their mothers. I watched them pass and blinked back tears of relief that I hadn’t hit and killed those babies. Then I smiled and thanked God for sending that message into my heart and mind.

They say that “God speaks to us in whispers.” I have found this to be true more often than I can count. So many times I have felt a whispered urging in my heart and mind to do something good, to say something kind, to help someone in need, to share a smile, to offer an encouraging word, to pray, to give my love away freely, or even to step on the brakes. And each time I have listened I have been bles