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The Hall Kids

Here they are with Santa on Christmas Eve..and Jodie making sure she didn't forget anything!

Our little man..grabbing santa's beard! And Jenna making one last request!

This is Ben's seat that Santa brought him for Christmas and he loves his truck from Old St.Nick too!

I wouldn't want to run into any of these football fans in the stadium...looks like we have some serious WVU fans in our house!

Our little Mountaineer!

Oh we hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well! We had a great Christmas, was very special this year! Just so happy to have Ben with us and so healthy on his first Christmas! He loved Santa's beard as you can see in the pictures. The kids got all they wanted and then some!

One of our Christmas presents were tickets to the Gator Bowl to watch WVU play Georgia Tech. We had a blast living it up in the nice 70 and 80 degree temperatures in FL. The kids went all out with the team spirit I have to say. We went down for the weekend with my sisters and brother and their families and some friends from church. Man did we hate to leave to come home!

Since we've last updated, Ben has had some illnesses. He was put in the hospital for about three or four days for RSV in Nov. which was pretty tough. Hated being back in there. But he has started his RSV shots now and hopefully that won't happen again. He has had two and still needs three more. They provide him with 30 days of immunity. We were blessed while he was in the hospital though. He was receiving breathing treatments every two hours and really laboring to breath. Kept a high respiratory rate for a while, his oxygen level stayed borderline, but did not go low enough to require oxygen..thank God. And he did eat well so he did not require any IVs while in the hospital. His doctor said that he did great and recovered so fast....she didn't expect him to do so well. But we had a higher power on our side! Then at Christmas he ended up with an ear infection and finished his antibiodics on New Year's Eve, then a week and a half ago, he got sick again, running a real high fever. After a lot of exams and testing, they found out he has a bladder infection. He is now on Bactrum for the infection and is having some side effects that are causing us some real grief, but it's needed to clear the infection, so we have to deal with it. They also told us that since he is so young with a bladder infection, they will have to do kidney studies on him. His doctor said that she will go over everything in detail with me in February. So, here's something else for us to pray about and we ask you to do so as well! Well, thanks for stopping by and we will try to keep you updated as we can when we find out more about these studies and tests they will be doing on him later.

Thanks for checking in and please leave us a note!!

We've added a link to the page for those of you who don't know what happened to us when Ben was born. Just click on the link below for the message we sent out telling our story.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

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