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Isn't it illegal to show such a handsome sexy man online with out asking for a visa, mastercard, or sum form of money? *LoL* Just playin' This is Trinityz page infact he really has two pages. This page is about him, the other is a page for him. Let me see I've known Trinity for about a year and a half now. We've always hung out and talked but never really got into big conversations until recently. With in the past few months it seems he always knows when to appear and help clear my mind. He's full of the best info and guiding words. Hez got me out of a lot by telling me his opinion and giving me ways to deal with things. Cool thing is I bought him a Lite-Brite for his birthday! Oh and also this whole site is Dedicated to Trinity. I said the word "BubbleGum" like always, and he thought it was the craziest thing. So since then itz been a joke between us and still muh everyday word for Cool. Wiseman once told me emotions were the most confusing thing.

"You're not fully clean, 'less your Zex licked fully clean" *lix ya cheek* :-P

Big Pimpin'

I luv this pic. Hez so laid back and just chillin' in a pimpin' Hat! He's such a character how can ya not wanna just be around him!

**Laugh Out Loud**

Awe, isn't he just adorable when he laughz and tries to hide that smile. Usually all I do is give him grief and we fuss playfully. So between the two of us all we do is laugh together.

Let me think about that one..

I like this pic too. I had like 5 to pick from and it was hard. However this reminds me of the more serious side. Just goes to show ya, he can be geuwine when he needs to be and just crazy all the rest of the time. :o)

Also check out muh pic page "Cracker" made just for Trinity.
