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The Beckner Family Web Site

Family ties are precious threads,
no matter where we roam,
They draw us close to those we love,
and pull our hearts toward home.

Allen Beckner and Martha Jane Holmes Beckner

Welcome to our new website for 2003 – 2004!

2003 Beckner Reunion Photos (opens in a new window)
News From Tom’s Desk
Births, Deaths, Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays
Just For Fun
Photos From Years Past (opens in a new window)
Multimedia & Downloads
Sign Guestbook
View Guestbook

If you have anything from your family that you would like to have included on our website please send it to:

or by snail mail to:

Tom Beckner * Rt. 1 Box 234-1 * Walker, WV 26180

We will only have what you send in on our website!
So we need to hear from everyone!

Please Sign the Guestbook to let us know you stopped by for a visit!


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Site Designed By Angela Beckner August 25, 2003©