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Marfan Syndrome is a heritable disorder of the conective tissue. Connective tissue is the glue and the scaffalding of the body,but is important in many more functions as well, such as development before birth,growth after birth,cushioning of the joints, and enabling passage of light through the eye.All organs contain connective tissue ,and the manifestations of the Marfan syndrome appear in many parts of the body,especially in the bones, and ligaments(the skeletal system),the eyes(the ocular system),the heart and blood vessels(the cardiovascular system),the lungs (the pulmonary system),and the fibrous membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord(the nervous system)

The condition was named from a French Pediatrician named Antoine Marfan,who in 1896 descirbed a young girl whose arms,legs,fingures, and toes qwere disproportionately long and thin,whose muscle development was poor,and whose spine curved abnormally.

The following is the basic symptoms of Marfan syndrome if you or any one that you know has these symptoms they should be seen by a Doctor.

Skeletal system
Bones. There are several different ways Marfans affects the skeletal system, below are the common known effects.
Loose jointed (limber)
Arms,legs,fingers,and toes are disproportionately long compared to the trunk.
Limberness in hte feet and ankles produceing flat feet, and inward turned ankles or both.
Scoliosis of the spine
Inward curvature of the chest bone
Outward curvature of the breast bone
Palate (roof of the mouth)is exceptionally high.
The teeth are crowded
The face may appear long and narrow.
Infants may have deeply set eyes,giving the appearance of being older,or at least wiser, than their unaffected brothers and sisters at the same age.
Ocular System
Eyes. Dislocation of the lenses occur in very few other conditions ,and is, therefore,an important hallmark of the Marfan syndrome when present.
Dislocated lenses
Retinal detachment
Cardiovascular System
Heart and blood vessels. The heart and bllod vessels are affects in nearly all persons,yuong or old, with the Marfan syndrome.And is without question the deadliest affect of the condition.
Mitral valve prolapse
Mitral valve regurgitation
Palpitations(extreme tiredness)
Aortic regurgitation
Aortic dialation
Aortic dissection
The Skin
Stretch marks.
Pulmanary System
Sleep disorder breathing
Nervous System
Dural ecstsia (cysts)
Learning Disability
Attention Deficit Disorder
Other Body Systems
Inguinal Hernias
Surgical site Hernias
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