My Wallet

Yea, I know there are a lot of these "what's in my wallet" pages; two of my friends have them- So, I thought, "What the hell" and decided to do my own.

About the Wallet Itself

I just bought this wallet on March 23, 2001. My old one was falling apart. This one's a lot cooler anyway...

What Wonders Await Inside?

  • Buzzclub card for The Wall
  • Martinsburg Public Library Card
  • Red cleaning cloth for my glasses
  • MCI card with 800 # to reach home
  • Voter's registration card
  • BB&T Check Card
  • BB&T Account Identification card
  • Chase Platinum Visa card
  • Waldenbooks Preferred Reader card (Yea, they conned me into buying it...)
  • Video Den card
  • Worshiper of Bermuda Official Membership ID card
  • A couple fortune cookie fortunes
  • Pic of me that my friend Ana took with her Izone camera
  • Steve Jay's business card with his web address, given to me by Steve on 11-12-99
  • Two pics of me and Al from 7-23-97
  • Pic of my dog when he was a puppy
  • Pic of my friend Jamie who was killed in a car accident January 1999
  • Em's formal senior portrait
  • Pic of my cousin's baby Caitie
  • 2 expired instruction permits
