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Concert Review: Hershey, PA- July 9, 2000

Ah....another wonderful adventure at the Land of Chocolate....

My dad and I arrived at the park at around 11:00 A.M. and met up at the amphitheatre with Sue K., who was holding our place in line. (Thanks, Sue!) For most of the day, I hung out in line and talked to people. I did get out of line once to get some food with Sue, though. It was nice to see Sue and my fiancé Dave again. :) It was also great to meet Jackie, Christina, Tara Lyn, and Amy. We had some fun conversation.

At around 4:30ish, we were finally let into the amphitheatre. I got my seat from last year in the front row and center. I put my things down and found an important looking guy to help me track down our backstage passes. When I finally got them, I scrambled back to my seat. While we were waiting for the show to start, some kid threw up on this woman beside me who had pushed her way to the front of the line right before we were let in- HA! I was very lucky. That mess was still being cleaned up when the show started with "Gump". (I was really pleased with the changes in the set list for Hershey this year.) After "Gump" was "Polka Power!" Dave had passed out little containers of bubbles from a wedding for us all to blow at the end of the polka and for "Yoda". We only got to use them during the polka. Al had this big grin on his face, but park security didn't like it and made us stop. We were actually helping out with an important part of the show; the guys didn't have the bubble machine. We all got a heavy snow bath during "The Night Santa Went Crazy". (It was needed after sweating in line all day!) That was the first time I got "snowed" on; it was really cool except I accidentally inhaled some of the soap. Then during "Smells Like Nirvana", after the gargle solo, Al threw the water directly at Dave! It was hilarious! The rest of the show was wonderful as usual. I was glad to see Jon get to do his drum solo, and Rubén was really hamming it up with the crowd before "The Saga Begins" and "Yoda".

After "Yoda", Dad and I made our way backstage. Skip led us to this tiny room and told me, "Don't be nervous," before we got in there. I couldn't help it, though. I always get nervous around Al and the guys even though I know I shouldn't be. They're always so kind. The room was practically empty. Al, Jon, Danny Brant (who was subbing for Jim West), and the SLN cheerleaders were just sitting around the room chillin'. I said, "Hi, guys," and since Al was sitting down, I walked over, sat on his lap, and gave him a hug. I sat on his lap again a few moments later again to pose for a pic. Then I got up and got out my art work- From there on, I babbled, stuttered, mumbled, and pretty much made no sense. The guys are always so gracious about my work, saying "Wow" and the like. I really appreciate it. Al was sweet as always, but in sort of a weird mood. Jon asked how I've been and if I had any plans for the fall. I said, "Well, I have college in five weeks." (I was mumbling nervously, trying to be didn't work.) Then Al looked up at me and said, "You have collagen in five weeks? For your lips?" So, I went along with him and said, "Yea, they aren't big enough." :) Then I fumbled for my picture of me with Al from the State College show for him to sign. I tried to ask him to personalize it, but my words didn't come out as eloquently as I'd hoped: "Uh, could you....sign this....*mumble*, and, uh, make it out ta me?" I felt like a moron. Then Al said something that completely threw me: "What? You want me to make out with you?" Then Jon said, "Whoa! Okay, everybody! Clear the room!" If I hadn't been sunburned anyway, I would have turned blood-red. I think I responded with, ", no," and tried to be coherent again. I almost died. I was that speechless. In the end. I did get my words across, and Al wrote, "Hi, Allison! Love, 'Weird Al' Yankovic" on my pic. Yay! Then I walked over to talk with Jon, and then he introduced me to Danny. I thanked Jon numerous times for all he's done for me. I got a couple big hugs and a kiss on the cheek from him. :) Then I talked with Danny a bit and got a big hug from him too! Wow, Danny's really talkative! He's really into art and Looney Toons- How cool is that?! A couple minutes later, Dad asked the cheerleaders to pose for a pic and said, "This is for me." I was like, "Dad....they're probably teenagers...." So, in retaliation, I stepped over to where Al was standing and said, "Well, okay. I'm going to do this. This is for me." I took a moment to explain to him that I'd promised Tera I'd give him a hug and a kiss for her. So, I gave him a hug and went to give an innocent kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head and gave me one on the lips! Wow! I didn't want to bother the guys for too long since they had to get ready for another show. So, when we were ready to leave, Jon walked with us out to the door- What a swell guy!

Then Dad and I made a trip to the car to drop off some things and went back to the rear of the amphitheatre where Sue, Tara Lyn, and Amy were talking to Jon. So, we got to chat with Jon a few more minutes. Then Al was brought back from riding a roller coaster on his little tram car; we waved to him and cleared out so they could get ready for the next show.

We all decided to hit a couple rides after that. I only rode one- a water ride called Tidal Force. I sat by Dave for the ride. We all got drenched; I looked as if I were ready to participate in a wet tee-shirt contest. Dad and I walked around with everybody a bit more, and soon we called it a night and headed for our hotel.
