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Silver Neelson

F-Zero X Machine: Night Thunder

Machine Weight: 1530 kg
Machine Number: 23

Mortimor "Silver" Neelson has participated in more Grand Prix races than anyone else, but he has yet to win. He's a favorite among fans because he has never missed a race in his career and he has become what basically amounts to the ultimate underdog. It's understood among the entire racing world that the day will come when Silver Neelson will finally start winning races. The gambling world has made an unthinkable amount of money from people betting on when that day will be.

In the meantime, there are some pilots who feel he has become a joke and should be forced to retire. To those who want to learn, Silver Neelson is a great mentor. Some say you can learn more about racing for the cost of a few drinks and an evenings worth of conversation wilth Silver Neelson than you can get in a year's worth of races. Silver Neelson stubbornly refuses to embrace the latest racing technology of the newer F-Zero Machines. He believes that, in the end, his experience, refined piloting skill, and patience is all it will take to win the race one day. He may be right.