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F-Zero X Machine: Space Angler

Machine Weight: 910 kg
Machine Number: 19

Everyone knows that Leon isn't the brightest pilot in the galaxy, but that doesn't mean he's not a great racer. Nature sometimes gives certain creatures abilities that, if possessed by humans of other species, would be considered super powers. Leon's species seems to have the sharp reflexes and natural instinct for racing that gives him a natural edge over others. Leon hails from the planet Kericho.

He was "discoveres" by the vacationing Arrow family when they let Leon take Super Arrow's King meteor for a little spin. Much to their shock and amazement, Leon was able to maneuver through the trees and terrain with a startling agility and speed. They spoke with Leon's family about his natural talent and persueded them to let Leon enroll in the Academy and develop his obvious gifts. They paid for everything. The even donated his F-Zero Machine, the "Space Angler."

Since Leon isn't the brightest light on the Christmas tree, he gets teased by some of the other pilots. But every time Leon performs well in Grand Prix, the pilots tease him a little less and the Arrows have to smile a little more.