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Gomar & Shioh

F-Zero X Machine: Twin Noritta

Machine Weight: 780 kg
Machine Number: 22

The Furikake are a people who emerge from seed pods after many centuries of dormancy. While no one knows the exact age of Gomar and Shioh, the only Furikake on the F-Zero X GP, the Encyclopedia Extragalactica suggests that they must be at leats 9000 years old. All Furikake live and work in pairs. Two people act as one person. When the Furikake marry, one pair marries another pair. Gomar and Shioh, who are themselves still bachelors, certainly seem like only one individual. When Gomar starts to say something, Shioh finishes his sentence. When Shioh needs a glass of water, Gomar is already at the sink. The F-Zero X GP racing committee at first denied their entry into the race, citing rules that only allow one driver per machine. But through some behind-the-scenes lobbying by the EAD Foundation, the committee voted, 9 to 8, to let the Furikake team compete. Strangely, even with two drivers, Gomar and Shioh's Twin Noritta is the lightest machine in the circuit.