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F-Zero X Machine: Mighty Typhoon

Machine weight: 950 kg
Machine Number: 27

His full name is Bellonngian Draquillie, but everyone calls him Draq. Like his buddy Roger Buster, Draq is rumored to be a former transportation ship pilot. He and Roger used to love watching the F-Zero X races when ever they got the chance. As they drove cargo from planet to planet, they would spend hours dreaming about what it would be like to be pilots in the Grand Prix. As far as they were concerned, there couldn't be a better job. Then, after waiting over one hundred and thirty years for a shot at the big time, Draq finally got an opportunity he couldn't pass up. Two F-Zero Machines just "fell into their laps" one day. In spite of his dubious entry into the F-Zero X GP, Draq is probably one of the happiest drivers on the racetrack. He's living his lifelong dream. Afraid that karma may eventually catch up with him and bring it all to an end, he is always on his guard for a threat. Recently he's been trying to get to know some of his favorite racers from the old days like Silver Neelson and The Skull. Even though he's a pilot now, he's still a huge F-Zero X GP fan.