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Dr. Clash

F-Zero X Machine: Crazy Bear

Machine Weight: 2220 kg
Machine Number: 29

Dr. Theodore Clash is one of those super genius types that grew up getting straight A's and winning the Science Fairs, but never got the attention from the cute girls that the athletes got. In other words, he's a geek - or, as he likes to refer to himself, a "supertonic geekoid." He is an atomic scientist, an engineer, an inventor, and a lover of old-time rock-n-roll of Earth. The one thing Dr. Clash knows about is F-Zero Machines. He holds seventeen patents on F-Zero technology and has designed and help build at least eight of the Machines currently running on the F-Zero X Grand Prix. After years of watching other people get all the glory piloting his Machines, Dr. Clash decided to take matters into his own hands. In his space time he built his own F-Zero X Machine, the "Crazy Bear," and then entered himself as a new pilot. With all his little technological innovations and constant tinkering, he's been able to get an edge on the other drivers. For the first time in his life he is not only beginning to get some attention... he's beginning to get fan letters.