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Black Shadow

F-Zero X Machine: Black Bull

Machine Weight: 2340 kg
Machine Number 30

Very little is known about Black Shadow except this: he is called the King of Evil. Many would like to see him dead. The trouble is, everyone who has tried to kill Black Shadow has ended up dead. An no one knows for sure whether Black Shadow even CAN be killed. Some think he has already died, like the Skull, and uses black magic to reincarnate himself into more evil forms. Unfortunately, the King of Evil's luck might be running out.

A few years ago, bounty hunter Captain Falcon captured Jay Gonso Snaky, the voodoo chieftain whose spells and potions some say gave Black Shadow his immortality. Snaky was remanded to the total-security Miptorian prison, where he died soon after in the Unionist Riots of 2899. Black Shadow swore revenge upon Captain Falcon and has done all he can to destroy his rival on the GP circuit.

Black Shadow even used the black magic he learned from Gonso Snaky to create an exact replica of Captain Falcon - the Blood Falcon, who looks, talks, and thinks like Captain Falcon with one twist. Captain Falcon shares a piece of Black Shadow's evil heart. Together, Black Shadow and Blood Falcon will do everything they can to destroy Captain Falcin once and for all.