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Antonio Guster

F-Zero X Machine: Green Panther

Machine Weight: 2060 kg
Machine Number:17

After Samurai Goroh was dishonorably discharged from the Internova Police Force, he paid a visit to Antonio Guster, one of his most trustworthy informants. Guster had already heard the news about the bust in the Unaligned Sectors, and quickly accepted Goroh's offer of a new kind of partnership. For three years, Goroh and Guster were inseparable as bounty hunters. There friends used to call them the Fu-kakes, a reference to the twin-like behavior of the bizarre Fukikake people. But never to their face.

Goroh and Guster were a vicious team that would stop at nothing to haul in creatures with a high bounty on their heads. However, one night the two were escorting the evil Lord Kimbo back to their ship on the Takaran moon when Goroh deserted Guster in one of the shanty towns dotting this plasma-drilling outpost. Guster was captured by Takoran guards, who tortured him and would have killed him had he not escaped with the help of three other prisoners.

When Guster returned home, he found Goroh spending the massive bounty he had collected on Kimbo. Antonio Guster now trusts no one, and has sworn revenge on his former mentor, Samurai Goroh. Look for some intense competition between these two during the GP Death Race.