Josh's Niche In The Web
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Josh's Niche In The Web

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My Top Five Favorite Bands

You Can Get Guitar Tabs For These Bands And Many More At My Growing Archive Of Ska/Punk Tabs!

These punksters have been going at it for fifteen years strong now and they're still as great as ever. Their latest release SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE SHOES (Epitaph) is in my opinion, another awesome record. Now, from the booklet of the new CD, Fat Mike gives 10 Answers To The Band's 10 Most Asked Questions:

1) Q: How's the tour going? A: None of your business.

2) Q: When are you coming back? A: Hopefully never.

3) Q: Where do you play tomorrow? A: Another overpriced club.

4) Q: What does NOFX mean? A: Yo Mama.

5) Q: Why do they call you Fat Mike, your not fat? A: I've been sick.

6) Q: How long has NOFX been playing for? A: 15 years which makes our band older than you.

7) Q: Why was your last album so slow? A: Because we thought the executives at Mtv would like us more.

8) Q: What do you think about Green Day and the Offspring? A: Green Day have cute and well-behaved Offspring.

9) Q: Was El Hefe really in the Bad News Bears? A: Yes.

10) Q: Where do you see NOFX going in ten years? A: Down.

Well there you have it! If you ever meet these guys, please don't ask them these questions.


NOFX Internet Homepage

Yet Another NOFX Page-Actually this is a pretty good one.

Seb's NOFX Page-It works for me.

The NOFX Kick Page-Another page devoted to the greatest band in the world.

Unofficial NOFX Page-cool page.

Some Pretty Cool Links

Angelfire - This is where I got my page. It's easy and best of all, its FREE.
Punk Guitar Archive- for all your punk guitarin' needs!
Troll's Home- My friend's cool Bush page.
Guitar World- cool page with interviews, lessons, and gear reviews a cool page with band profiles, pranks, and lots more
Fat Wreck Chords- another indie label's web page
Fender- My favorite guitar and amp company. Nice page, too.
Online Archive of Guitar Links- Links to tons of tabs.
Union Junior High's Homepage- This is my school's homepage.

Hey everybody, my name is Josh and this is my first webpage, so be patient with me. It will get better, I promise. This page is ALWAYS under construction, so if you can, bookmark it (I never learned how). My favorite things to do are play my guitar and listen to music. I play a Memphis guitar and use a Fender amp.

I am in ninth grade. I live in a small town named Glen Dale in West Virginia. It is pretty small, but I like it. Stop by sometime, If you can. I attend Union Junior High. It is a nice, small school.

Click Here For My Growing Ska And Punk Guitar Tab Page

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