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The Elvis detector is designed to sense the presence of Elvis or his spirit in your vicinity.

            It includes some of the most reliable Elvis detection methods
            gathered from supermarket tabloids over the last several years.
            If you are running Windows then it is best to put the
            Elvis Detector in your StartUp program manager group. This way
            the Elvis Detector will run as soon as you start Windows,
            thereby maximizing your chances of detecting Elvis.

If the Elvis detector goes off, perform the following steps in order:

       1 - Look behind you and under your desk.  Elvis almost
            always catches people by surprise.

       2 - If no one around you looks like Elvis, look a little
            closer.  Many tabloids have reported that Elvis has
            the ability to disguise himself at will.

       3 - If you still have not found any concrete signs of
            Elvis in the people near you, then look outside and
            down the street in both directions.
            If there is a discernable trail of fainted middle-
            aged women then quickly follow it as far as you can.
            If the trail becomes difficult to follow then look
            around for the glint of sequins.

       4 - If after trying all of the above, you still can't find
            Elvis then there's not much more you can do. Elvis
            works in mysterious ways.   Perhaps the Detector sensed
            the spirit of Elvis passing by on his way to visit
            one of his most loyal fans.
Get Your Elvis Detector here now!    Click below to Download it.

Click HERE for more details on The Elvis Detector, and other custom Detectors available.