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These are the pictures that are sitting here by my computer at this moment : ) If you should happen to order one and it has been sold, I will be glad to stitch another for you.

This is a little wallhanging I recently completed. I got kind of tired of making all framed pictures and decided to try some other types of "decor". This hangs from a little rod finished off with beads and has a nice long fringe. It measures 3" x 1-1/2" and the price is $20.00.

And while I was in the "different" mode, I came up with these two little plaques(?), pictures, whatever. Each one is a pretty little pastel fish, mounted on a cardstock backing, rimmed with white cording and finished off with a tiny little shell - to hang from, of course! They measure about 1-1/2" in diameter and are available as a pair for $25.00 or single for $15.00 each.


These two little samplers (about 2" x 1-3/4" as a matter of fact) are stitched on a very pale tan 28 count fabric with one strand of floss. They have a very authentic "feel" for how tiny and simple they are. The third picture is a very stylized, somewhat Colonial, arrangement of flowers in a basket. All of my pictures are mounted on card stock, framed and the back of the frame closed off with brown paper (just like in "real life"). I initial and date each one on the back as I finish them. All three pictures are priced at $15.00 each.
