The Old Guest Book

Lorrie Lentz   10/Dec/2001:22:44:29
Hi! My father, Willis R. Retzlaff was a B-24 pilot. I was raised
listening to stories about his experiences. I feel very honored to not
only know him...but to be able to claim as my own dad!If there is any
one out ther who knew him, please let me know.He is still very active
and in good health.
Sincerely, Lorrie(Retzlaff) Lentz
Proud daughter
Janet Roe Everette   27/Nov/2001:14:00:36
Hi Bill,
Well, I just finally got around to visiting your site. What a treat!
You were all great looking guys (still are!), and I am glad I got to
meet you and Bob (and of course Mary and Rosie) when you were here for
the reunion. What a shame that it had to be on September 11. Still, I
am thankful for those who drove to Nashville. It was a real pleasure
to spend time with all of you, and our "reunion" memories will be among
my fondest.

The other day I met a man at the Franklin, TN post office. He had a
WWII pilot hat sitting on the table, so I approached him. His name was
Hensley Williams, and he claimed to be the oldest Vet (84) in the state
of Tennessee. I thanked him for his service, and told him a little
about you guys.

Take care, and Happy Holidays,
Janet Roe Everette
Jim McCaughey   18/Nov/2001:09:53:02
My Dad was a pilot with the 825th, Donald McCaughey. Was looking for
info on the BG when I found your site.
Brennon Obst MMSD 02/Nov/2001:00:06:59
I was looking for some pictures of our history and I came accross your
page. I was totaly floored with the amount and quality of your content.
I think you have done a fine job and thank you for making this
available to us.

/student in canada
Bill Wilson 484 BG 8   23/Sep/2001:21:42:19
Just discovered your website, GREAT!
I flew this mission to Muldorf 3/19/45 C.P.Allen crew
Trespasser 07/Sep/2001:00:09:16
Nice site, I'll visit here back soon! =) I really like a pages with good design. I discovered your's while seeking new outfits for some of my pages. I was also wondering if you could pay a visit to my site aswell: ( ) and perhaps adding it's link to your page? =)
Neutzling   04/Sep/2001:11:50:59
Dear Bill,
I enjoyed your website. I am doing some research on my family
tree and my search for "NEUTZLING" came up with your website. Most of
my family is from Columbus, OHIO but we are scattered even to the far
south of FLORIDA. My Grandfather's (Deceased) name was Richard "Dick"
Neutzling married to Rosemary (Deceased). They had three sons. Please
email me back if any of these people "ring-a-bell". Thankyou.
Loren C. Bates   19/Aug/2001:00:54:28
You have a great Web site. I flew 53 combat missions on the B-24 in
the South Pacific Theater. My first base was Nadzab, New Guenia, then
to Owi Island, Tackloban Stip on Leyete Is, PI, and on to Clark Field,
PI. We bombed the island bases around New Guenia, Philipine Islands,
Formosa, Hong Kong, and other parts of China.
Bill McGuire   29/Jul/2001:18:25:27
My first visit. Enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for all you have done.
Bill McGuire (Author of "After the Liberators: A Father's Last Mission,
A Son's Lifelong Journey" (1999))
Charles W. Kowalski   18/Jul/2001:20:01:28
Enjoyed your website!
Michael Bradley   14/Jul/2001:14:02:26
Thanks for helping defend freedom and for keeping a part of history
Judy Gutierrez The Cornay Crew 13/Jul/2001:18:39:30
Sorry, I type in the homepage url incorrectly in the previous message,
now it should work.
Judy Gutierrez The Cornay Crew 13/Jul/2001:18:34:55
Hi Bill, love your website. I am building one for the crew that my
cousin, Willis "Bill" Jones - co pilot, was with. They were in the
376th HB, 514th squadron, when they were killed in a landing accident
in Italy on 11/1/44. I am just in the beginning stages of building it
and am looking at how other peoples sites look and yours is very nice.
Love your pictures. We will never forget the sacrifices you all made
for us, thank you.
Judy Gutierrez
Eric Sandoval   09/Jun/2001:12:07:19
Just saw the movie "Pearl Harbor". Renewed my interest to find out more
about my dad's experiences as a B-24 Co-Pilot during WWII. I knoow he
was stationed in Italy and flew missions over Austria and Yugoslavia,
17 missions to be exact and his last mission was near March-April 1945.
His name, 1st Lt. Jesus A. Sandoval.

Thank you for having this website.
Tristan Bradford   16/May/2001:13:05:26
Beautiful, My grandfather was a captain on the liberator.
Sweet photos.
Ron Roycroft   19/Mar/2001:22:51:30
Bill-- Great site !!! I am looking for any info on LT. Kenneth Weaver's
crew of 448th BG, 713th BS from Seething England. They were shot down
on 1APR44 over Abbeville, France after a bomb run to Ludwigshafen,
Germany. I don't know the plane name or serial no.My wife's uncle,
Harvey Lee Dickey of Oakwood,Texas, was killed by flack on bailout.
The rest of the crew survived and were taken POW to Luft 1, I believe.
Any info would be appreciated. Thanks and keep up the good work on
this site...
Frank A. Wheeler 08/Mar/2001:00:10:16
I am the kid brother of 460th Bomb Group nose gunner and
brother-in-law to his ground crew chief.
After I get everything together I will prepare a site on the "Jennings
crew" of the black panthers.
In the meantime I am looking to see who to emulate.
I enjoyed your attached documents
Cindy   01/Mar/2001:22:25:33
Excellent website! Thanks for all the interesting information. My
father was in the 824thSG/484th BG- Corliss James Roll- a pilot.
Looking for members of his crew.
Kryssie   23/Feb/2001:09:39:31
Great plane pictures! My grandpa was in WW2.he was in the 15th air
force, 484th bomb squadron. he flew a B-24 Liberator. I'm 15 and your
pictures are great!
John McKinney   19/Jan/2001:21:24:43
MICHAEL B HANGEY 11/Dec/2000:11:39:44
Jack Wellman   08/Dec/2000:16:03:24
Bill what a great web page. Keep up the great work.
Jack Wellman, Cincinnati,
Peter Weber   06/Dec/2000:21:09:47
Born in 1958, I had not to experience the air-war over
Europe/Germany in WW II, but my mother (20yo in 1945)
experienced both US-bombing-runs against Muhldorf (March
19, 1945 and April 20, 1945) and sadly lost some good
friends during those bombings. Sometimes, my mother told
me of hundreds of dead people (some well-known to her)
lined up for burial at the Muhldorf cemetary after the
bombings, and all the damage that was done to her hometown.

Born in Muhldorf in 1925, my mother still lives there
today. I was born in Muhldorf in 1958 and I have lived
there until 1986, before I moved to other towns in
Germany, and later in the USA.

Since 1997 I have lived in El Paso, Texas, USA and have
worked in the staff of the German Air Force Air Defense
School in El Paso, Texas (Fort Bliss). October 2001, I
will return to Germany.

60 years ago, germans and americans were enemies, today we
are allies. Times have chanced since. Thanks god.
Everyone should praise god for each day, that can be
bill torrey   21/Nov/2000:09:41:30
hello dad was in the 448th 712th crew 13 out of seething and limped to
sweden on the kent moseley b24 easter sunday 1944. very nice site here.
John Parsons   14/Nov/2000:00:37:39
Very nice web site. My grandfather, John Baczewski, was a ball turret
gunner on a B24 (484th BG) that was shot down in Feb 45. He survived
and was a POW until the end of the war. He is doing well today, and I
have recently acquired a huge interest in learning more about the air
war over Europe during WWII.
Kathi Pellegrin   20/Oct/2000:16:05:22
My husband, Tom, and I will be joining my parents and attending the
484th Reunion in Irving, Texas next weekend. Dad was with the 484th and
this is his first reunion. His name is Denzil G. Hukill. He and Mother
live in Neosho, Missouri and celebrated 52 years of marriage last
July. See you at the reunion!!

Kathi Hukill Pellegrin
Houston, Texas
Harvey Brown Tribute to the Crew of Hey Moe # 42-51090 18/Oct/2000:17:04:26
Bill, Thanks for you kind comment about my web page. Got your URL from
it. really enjoyed all your pics and the other comments. It is
fortunate that some of the guys are recording their experiences while
they can.It won't be too many years until all us old codgers have
departed. then all that history will be essentially gone. Thanks
again Bill and Best Wished -- Harvey Brown
Rudy Preus Stellar Images - Stained Glass Aircraft 10/Oct/2000:23:56:23
I am a retired Canadian Air Force pilot. My hobby is Stained Glass
and my Three Dimensional Stained Glass Aircraft may be of interest to
your guests. If anyone wishes to view my work, please visit me at
Ralf Hornberger   01/Oct/2000:18:06:17
I life near "Mühldorf" and saw your picture and your website in an
artikel of the "Geschichtswerkstatt". Your homepage is very interesting
and the pictures are great! Best wishes to you from Germany. Have a
good time! R. Hornberger PS: I know, my english is terrible, i´m
Carl W. Mazzoni   02/Sep/2000:22:37:30
Great looking B-24 site. Good luck and keep it growing. It is through
the efforts of men like you that the general public is realizing what a
suberb aircraft the B-24 was. I was a nose gunner on Lt.Charles Watson's
crew,485 BG,828th Sq. flying out of Venosa,Italy.
Diane Klaus   27/Jun/2000:21:38:34
My father-in-law recently had his flight crew reunion. His name Is Max
Klaus. He flew with the 103,(1943-1945) was had the title of bombadier
and any gun position thay told him to. I am very proud of all of you. I
substitute teach and mention often the sacrifices you guys made so that
we may enjoy the freedoms we so often take for granted. Thank you for
your precious website.
Bob Lane n/a 21/May/2000:11:29:44
son in law talked to you yesterday at the airshow. I was a rarity to
your websight. Ground crew 456 744th crew chief on B24 H Wait for me
Mary. 49 missions and 057 B24 J 89 missions. Great websight! 456
Bomb group also has a websight.
gary cyrus   15/May/2000:17:31:51
Very interesting site. My father, John H. Cyrus, flew 42 missions as a
nose turret gunner in the 15th AF, 449thBG, 719th sq. out of Grottaglie,
Italy. (8/44-4/45). Keeps in touch with surviving crew (flight
engineer/top turret killed in combat). Dad has never been shy about
sharing his experiences. I have nothing but the greatest respect for you
Karl D. Grossman IV   08/May/2000:00:24:50
Visiting, looking for information on my grandfather Karl Dahl Grossman
II. He was a pilot on a B-24 during the 2nd World War.
Frances Forsch   29/Apr/2000:20:47:52
My brother, August "Gus" Haak, 446th/706, was the nose gunner on Little
King and was killed in a crash 4/11/45. Your web page is so
appreciated, you have done a marvelous job. Keep up the good work!

vincent campellone   08/Apr/2000:11:23:09
Thank you for the army air force.
My brother was in the 15th and
now gone but not forgotten.
He was a great teacher. Taught
me how to read maps and many
other interesting features of
the air force.
Mike   11/Mar/2000:00:39:46
Your webpage is very well done, thank you for all of the time you've
invested in doing such a first-rate job on it! I saw in one of these
veteran's website guestbooks a comment about a new WWII airwar
novel,"The Triumph and the Glory". Curious, I got a copy from, read it, and was quite impressed. Like that other fellow,
I always appreciate hearing about a good book, so I'm passing on the
word whenever I visit a military website. But more to the point, I
just wanted to let you know I was here and like what you've done with
your webpage. Keep up the good work, it IS appreciated!
John Smoke   12/Feb/2000:23:37:14
What a wonderful site! My Father, Bill Smoke, was a 484th BG 825 SQ.
Bombadier on the liberator named "Big Dick" (#31). He was shot down
April 26, 1944 over Vienna, Austria and spent the rest of the war in
various prison camps. Thank you for sharing this significant bit of
history with all of us.
Bernhard Huber   20/Jan/2000:08:24:33
my name is Bernhard Huber. I am a 15 jear old pupil from Germany. I
live near Mühldorf. Your site is really great. I think it´s very
important to show the following generations what was only a few jears


Bernhard Huber
Harry Kilimann 19/Jan/2000:14:54:37
Hello to you from germany
i am born in Muehldorf in 1963
Thank you for informations and Pictures in your Home Page
Yor homepage is in our newspaper today and is is very intresting
Tom Leithauser   16/Jan/2000:10:33:38
Hi Bill, I really enjoyed your site. My father was a tail gunner on a
B24 with the 455BG, 742 Sqd. I believe the name of his plane was the
Red Rooster. He flew out of Libya and Foggia, Italy. He was shot down
on June 24, 1944 while making a run over Moosbierbaum, Austria (I
think). He passed away a few years a go but I know he would have loved
your site also. Best Regards, Tom
Jerry Lemieux   13/Jan/2000:22:48:12
Great Web Page. Thanks for putting it together. Look forward to seeing
you in November. Thanks to Mary for purchasing Longenberger Basket for
the Boones. Rosie said she loved it. You had a great shot of the ball
turret! Jerry and Margaret Lemi
Tanja Weichold   12/Jan/2000:04:29:56
I'm a 28-year-old journalist in Mühldorf. Your page is very interesting,
even for the young generation to learn more about the past.
John Williams   02/Jan/19100:13:40:20
Bill, I flew 30 combat missions with the 448th Bomb gr.
714th sqdrn out of England.Finished missions just before D Day.I've
lost track of crew members. Most of sqdrn crews were lost or missing
when I left.
Joseph F. Arsenault   29/Dec/1999:17:23:24
I was also in the 451st BG 725th Sqd. We arrived Italy with the original
crews in Jan. 44. My pilot was Hal Imfoff and our plane was Seldom
Available. Finished my missions on June 28m 1944.
Mac Pearson ? 26/Dec/1999:23:34:25
I've already spent several hours enjoying this page.Can't believe all
the memories that have come back.You've done a fantastic job.I flew my
first on xmas day 1944 ? my 25th on the 25th of april.With the 459th in
757thsquadron.Our pilot was Alex Hatton.He aong with 4 other officers
and 6 enlisted men were killed when he and another pilot hit a mountain
in bad weather.He and the other pilot had finished their missions and
waiting for orders to go home. He loved to fly.When I think about it
now, you know we were just kids.Didn't mean to ramble on.Anyway thanks
Bill for a great page By the way I flew right waist. mac. 12/26/99
Andy J. Benedict   23/Dec/1999:14:55:02
Dear Bill: What a nice site. Went through it page by page. I was fascinated by the documents that were shown. Pix of the Two-by-Four are almost commonplace (except the "No, No Nanette" which we crashed on the Isle of Vis. I was with the 450th out of Manduria. Flew co-pilot for 23 missions. In addition to Vis, we also crashed at Capodocina (near Naples). I envy the amount of written and pictorial records of your time in the Service. The 450th is in my mind's eye, the "Ghost Cottontails Group." Scant individual personal records are available to show the part we played in the ETO. Again, thanks for a nice site and oh, what memories they stir. AJBDAD@AOL.COM
Rob Hoskins 461st Bomb Group Web Site 22/Dec/1999:22:18:44
A fine site and an important story for folks to read! Thank you for
bringing your site to the web - I'll be back often.

My father also flew from the field at Torretta, but from the "other side
of the tracks" with the 461st Bomb Group, 766th Bomb Squadron.

Congratulations on a job well done - then, and now.
Dick Olson   21/Dec/1999:13:22:27
Hi Bill,

You did a great job on your webpage--I would like to do one about my
father and his crew some day. My dad was a co-pilot in the 826th
sq/484th BG. His name was Richard Olson and he flew most of his
missions with a pilot named Hugh Sheetz. Their crew was shot down
flying Vivacious Lady on June 13, 1944. I spent the last 2 years
finding all of my dad's crewmembers and I talk to the surviving ones
quite often. I went to the reunion in St. Louis last November and the
one before that in Tuscon. The 484th was a great group of guys--all
heroes in my book. Take care.
Hamberger Edwin, Sta   13/Dec/1999:08:47:40

Ed Self   06/Dec/1999:22:55:05
Bill: Thanks for the info about your page. Keep up the good work.
Seems that I should know you as I was there in the 484th BG 825th BS
from early August 1944 til April 1945. Completed my 35 missions on
March 20, 1945. I'm sure the Ryan you mentioned is the same Ryan
O'Brien who was Navigator on my crew. Richard Hugo was the Bombardier,
Howard Steinberg was the Pilot and Robert J. Swanson was Co-Pilot. I
was the Engineer.
Suzzie   27/Nov/1999:19:11:17
What a "terrific" web page! Wish there was one for the
492nd.BG/856th.BS of the 8th. AAF. Beautiful job!!!
John Hutton   23/Nov/1999:19:48:28
This navigator(used-to-be) from the 460th Bomb Group(H) also with b-
24's out of Spinazzola, Italy says, "Thank you very much for putting up
this fine webpage. I wish I could have avoided having been shot down,
so as to have brought back pictures and stuff to put on such a site.
But, still, I'm glad to be one of the lucky ones." Good work!
Todd Shupe   23/Nov/1999:17:00:39
I found your web site facinating. My father, Bob Shupe, was a waist
gunner in the 451st, 727th squadron. The picture of the liberator from
the 451st is great - my dad could be the gunner behind the plexi-
glass!!! The original orders and summaries are neat too...I'll have to
show dad. Thanks again!
Jesse R. Flower III   23/Nov/1999:16:23:54
My dad flew for the 482/812th. B-17's mostly, but the 482nd/812th also
flew the B-24's. Very interesting site, my dad never talked much about
his part. So any information I can gather is of great value to me.
John H. Durst Durst Photography/Warbirds/History 23/Nov/1999:15:12:51
I enjoyed visiting your page very much. You have spent a lot of time
and effort and it shows. You have some great pictures. Keep up the
good work helping preserve the history of a gallent group of men.

Jim Neutzling   13/Nov/1999:12:45:33
You were so young to endure such a war! I am thankful you came back and
that we have the family that we do. The war was a terrible time! We
should all remember what each of you went through. Thanks! This is an
awesome site. You and Butch did a great job. Just wanted to comment
about your long hair! I remember when you wanted me to get a hair cut.
Too bad I didn't have a copy of these pictures then! See you soon!
John M.Roe   06/Nov/1999:17:49:20

William -&- Christoper   04/Nov/1999:13:33:41
William and Christopher love your web page!!
Florian Auner Flo's Homepage 03/Nov/1999:00:24:35
Hi Bill!
That's a really great homepage! I want to thank you for your help and
the information you gave me. With the best wishes
Florian Auner
Wiener Neustadt
Ralph Biase   02/Nov/1999:11:29:05
Your son-in-law Butch showed me this site and it sparked an idea for
me. I've been facinated with WWII bombers and the crews who flew them ,
more interested than WWII fighters. If it would not be an imposition,
I'd like to invite you to breakfast some weekend morning at Montgomery
Cty. Air park. I have a Cessna 172 there and am very comfortable around
airports, especially when talking about airplanes. One Oct. morning I
turned the bend just before the main building and was staring at two
WWII bombers, a B-17 and a B-24. After the B-17 took off, I jumped into
the Cessna and tracked it to a section of the county and just watched it
as it circled in a holding pattern north of the field waiting for the
B-24. I'd like to talk with about what it was like.