Date - Time Name E-Mail City/Country Military Service Comments

Great site.
11/08/02 Lynn W. Pierce Puyallup, WA USAF B-52D Models (Vietnam) I really enjoyed your site. I have been looking for information on my Uncle Douglas E. Pierce (gunner)who was killed June 17th 1944. He was in the 856th Bomber Squadron and the 492nd Bomber Group. Thanks for honoring the folks that fought so hard for this country.
01/07/03 Dave Fulton Sarasota, Florida USAF, Retired I found your site while doing some searcning about my Dad's adventures in the AAC during WWII. He was with the 825thBS as a photographer from Aug 1944 - Nov 1945. His name was William (Bud)D. Fulton. Unfortunately, finding more info from him is impossible as he died 2 years ago and my stepmother refuses to allow my brothers and access to any of his effects. If any one reading this has any information or can point me in the right direction, please do.
06/16/03 Jim Carmichael O'fallon, MO USMC I am a writer doing a historical fiction novel and one of my characters flew B-24's. I want to be as factual as I can. For my story the dad is filling his son in on the war he flew. I went to google & B-24's & your site came up. Would you be interested in helping me with this? Thanks, Jim C.
09/05/03 Kimm Jon Hamann Flossmoor, IL 60422 U.S.A.
Thanks for a great site!
10/10/03 Stanley E. Stewart Capitola December 2, 1943 to Qct. 5, 1945 Radio Gunner with the 20th Combat Mapping Squadron, 5th Air orece in the South Pacific
02/12/04 Phil Weber Bellevue, NE B-24 Gunner 8th AF also Berlin Airlift Bombed Muhldorf 20th April 45 448th Bomb Group 715th Squadron 8th AF 2 planes missing
05/29/04 on behalf of Bill Stillwell Warrenton, VA Squadron 484 based in Italy My dad Bill Stillwell was in the Squadron 484 of the 15th Air Core, he was the Ball Gunner, he is looking to make contact through me with others in the same Squadron.
09/24/04 Georges Luxembourg no Dear Bill, This evening I saw on German TV, a special from WWII, bombing Austria in January 1945. You were also in this emission, and left an important impression to myself. Of course that must be hard for yourself to read some messages from Austrian people who survived this tragedy, and give you a bad felling as they were the "victims". But you are right, historically it was OK. I am from the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and these days we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of our liberation from the Nazi regime. Believe me, that our people and of course myself (born in 1963) thank's all the Veterans from U.S.A., UK, and other countries for our LIBERATION. Without you, and your other friends, the fine world we live today will not be possible. Our Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg was recently in the States to thank the American Veterans and the People, for this great help, YOU GAVE TO US 60 years ago. I am glad to thank you personnally, in the name of our people what you had done for us. My English is not fantastic, so I will pronounce it also in my maternal language, that we can use again after the end of German occupation. Villmolls Merci fiir alles! Thank's again. Georges
09/28/04 Bernard Klein Bloomfield, CT. 06002, USA 484th BG, 824th BS, Ball Turret Gunner I flew 7 missions from 4/44 - 9/44 as a replacement gunner. Was returned to the states on 9/44 for training as gunner in B-29s at Biggs in TX. The last missions I flew were for the Southern France invasions and the first mission was northern Italy raids bridge bombing to stop retreat of German Army. I also remember one mission to Potesti in Romania, (not Ploesti). Since I only flew when there was a crew shortage , I was lucky to survive. Will be at reunion in Denver 10/04
10/15/04 Daniel Barker Encino,Calif. U.S. Air Force 1956-1960. Found your site and sent e-mail. Also had an 15th B-24 pilot as a Forestry School instructor. Name was Nelson and he was a Southern boy.
10/20/04 Mark W. Hodgson Asbury. New Jersey none Nephew of Albert R. Hodgson. Flight engineer/waist gunner; 484th bomb group, 825th squadron. Italy. 1944-45
12/03/04 Bill Richards
OKC, OK USAF Great Site! My father was a NAV with the 446 BG and retired from USAF in 1972. I was 20 Years AD in Air Traffic Control and AWACS.
12/19/04 Robert W Reichard
Andreas, PA 456th Bomb Group, Italy WW II. I served in WW II, Korea, and the Cold War. Stories about my military service can be read in a book called "One Soldier's Story". I was on this mission, 17 March 1945, too.
01/02/05 Bernward Neutzler Germany
Hi Bill, I also watched on German TV the documentation on bombing Viena in WWII. I am German and 36 years old, but mainly I feel European. My Mom told me about her escape from Eastern Germany to the west and the horrible experiences that she made during the bomb attacks on Braunschweig/Brunswick. I would like to tell you that my elder sister is married since 20 years to an US-soldier, having 2 wonderful children. As you might have noticed, my last name is "Neutzler", so probably there is another link to you. For my generation we (unfortunately) are taking for granted our democracy and freedom, the right to express ones opinion... but we shall always remember that young men like you lost their lives to expell the most criminal and inhuman regime the world has seen so far some 60 years ago. Nevertheless, and please allow me to say so, I consider the bomb attacks on German cities with the aim to demoralize German population as a war crime, like German attacks on Rotterdam, Warsaw, London, Coventry and elsewhere. Surely, then the most coherent military option was in doing so. Dear Bill, thank you for keeping the memory alive. With all my best wishes, Bernie Neutzler, 2.1.2005
01/07/05 Ernest Kitzberger Linz near Muehldorf none Hi Bill, I also watched on Satelit TV the documentation on bombing Viena. My father, born 1913 toled me his terrible impressions in the 2world war at the front 1939-1945. I am the next generation born 1949 living in Austria old Europe. Look: 2003-2004 our doughter studied MBA in Hammond/LS - wife and myselfe visited last year New Orleans, Houston, San Antonio and San Francisco I have a pilot licence - remember airfeld Muehldorf. Dear Bill, thank you for keeping the memory alive. With all our best wishes kitzberger family
03/16/05 Edward Holum Jr. Chicago, Il Son of 1Lt. Ed Holum 467 BMG My son is doing a book report on his late grandfather and we found info on your site usefull. Thanks & God bless
11/22/05 David Pulcrano Moody, Al USA USAF '50 - '54 -- '67 - '73 (Act/AFRes) 2nd Lt Theo. David Toscano, pilot, was with 464th/779th, went down 22 Mar 45,(13th mission) one survivor from crew, (ball-gun). I am an Assoc. Mbr of the 464th. Enjoyed visiting the site. Doing a 'Memoriam!' to Teddy and the Unit. Seeking info on missions he flew. 1st: 2/14/45; 16, 22, 27, 28; 3/2, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22. If you have any info/flimsey's please contact me. I have spamblk'r set high; but I should be able to retreive your e mail. Thanks.
11/24/05 BRAD TAYLOR
01/16/06 Bob Butler Dallas, TExas USA US Army Air Force Looking to find anyone that was in the 484 Bomb Group, 824 Bomb Squadron with my father, Sgt. Robert (Bob) Butler.
03/02/06 Loren Sumerlin Lawrenceville, Ga. U.S.A. None My Grandfather is Howard V Sumerlin. My cousin found this site and the crew pictures. It's great to see some old pictures of my Grandfather. You have a great site and I appreciate you taking the time to put it all together!
04/12/06 Paul Hutter Cumberland, MD USA
Relative of a B24J radio operator, who was KIA on 6-10-44.
04/28/06 Tim Myers Maumee Ohio
Son of William j.Myers.Radio operator, gunner 15th AAF 484BG.My fathers last mission Feb 21.1945 Vienna South Station.Pow at Stalag 7A until april 29,1945 Alots of history great site.
07/22/06 Tommy E. Hixson Eastland, Texas 76448 U.S. Army 1953 to 1956 I am looking for information on my brother who was a member of the 827th squadron of the 484th bomb group.
10/19/06 Rick Bunton Rochelle Il USMC Just spent the morning with Joe Roe and other WW 2 vets. Thanks for all you did for our country. Great web site too.
12/20/06 Bill Perkins Mesa, Az USA USAF I just read every thing I could on Web site. In Feb 1965 I was transferd to Turner AFB,GA to 484 BW as WSO (Weapon sys.Officer on a B52. I am now retired and researching the 484BW along with other outfits that I was with. A lot if info is missing on the 484 BW can you Help?
12/27/06 seth glasser Nyack,ny usa usa my father was in the 484th, 825 bomb sq.
12/27/06 Seth Glasser Nyack, NY USA NONE My father was 2nd Lt. Lawrence Glasser,navigator of the B-24 "the big dick. 484th,825th bomb squadron He flew 37 missions from June,26 1944 Please contact me with any info on the crew etc. Thanks, Seth Glasser
03/16/07 David Scott Austin TX Retired Air Force Looking for information about "MARY LOU" tail and ID numbers unk. Was with the 825 Bomb Squad, 484th Bomb Group 1944, pilot: Albert T Scott, on board was a set of twins, Thank you.
04/15/07 Walter Bondarchuk Jr Texarkana TX US Army Just stumbled across this site, My father Walt Bondarchuk was a ball gunner in the 484'th, See his pic's in your albums. Pop passed 26 Nov 2003
08/23/07 Al Fischbein Havertown, PA USA
First, let me say "Thanks" - both for your service to our Country, and for presenting such a marvelous tribute. My Dad, Edwin Harold "Fish" Fischbein was 2nd F/O of his B-24 in the 484thBG. I can't locate more information, except that Dick Calkins, who recently passed, was the F/O. I believe that my Dad may be the only one alive from his crew, but that won't be for long. If anyone has any information on Dad or his crew, I would appreciate hearing from you. I would like to present him with a tribute before he passes. May God bless you.
09/09/07 Suzette SanJose,Calif. Army/Airforce Hello...I'm trying to find any info on the 484th 826th heavy bomb sq. My father was a radio man and gunner as your father was...50 missions..your memorial to your father is awesome! i just aquired my dads service diary...It documents his time in the service as well as all of his missions...He flew with Col Keese...can't find much out there on his group...trying to find any surviving crew anything...any suggestions you could offer would be greatly appreciated...I did request his military records with the 180 form...just received his awards and decoration record and separation form...thank you....God bless our flying fathers!!!
11/04/07 Allen Corporon Austin, Texas
My Father and Cousin entered the USAAF together in November of 1942. Papa Served with the 15th AF, 47wing, 450th BG, 722nd Squadron as flight engineer of the "Fast Freight" in Manduria, Italy while my cousin served as ground crew with the 49th wing, 484th BG 826th Squadron as ground crew of the "Toni Gayle".
11/17/07 James P. Prendergast Jr. Erial New Jersey U.S.A.
My Dad was a ball turret gunner with the 15th.AF 460th.BG. Sad to say he passed on September 16 2007.I was a lucky man to be able to call him Dad,he will forever be missed.
02/02/08 Suzy Roe Gilkerson Monticello, Ia
Hi Newt, Dad and I are here in Iowa checking out your site. Thought we would say hello. John Roe and daughter Suzy 2/1/08.
01/04/09 Randy Dee Danielsen Chandler, AZ Desert Storm My father, Henry Grant Danielsen, was a flight engineer 825 Bomb Sq, 484 Bomb Group. 15thAF and Top Turret Gunner. He passed away years ago of Hodgkin's Disease and I have been unable to find any old military papers (except his dd214) or Photos. Always interested in finding out more about his experiences with B-24s. Thank you, Randy Danielsen, LtCol, ARNG (Ret)
05/12/09 David Hulslander Lucas, TX None Thank you for your service sir - we continue to benefit as a nation from your sacrifices. My dad, William L. Hulslander, was a navigator in the 484th/825th, and flew with Lieutenant Wiederspahn's crew in early '45. He was originally from around Pittsburgh, PA. You have a great site...thanks for keeping it up. May God bless you all.
06/08/09 Tom Horstkamp Greenbelt, MD N/A Great pictures Bill.
10/25/09 Jean Guymer Norwich, Norfolk, England - HOWARD WRIGHT T.Sergent 38256396 served in the 458th bomb group in Horsham St. Faith Base in England during the second world war. I would appreciate any information about him. I think he lived in Texas. I live in hope. Jean Guymer
11/03/09 Jim Carlock Wichita Falls,Texas None My daddy was in the 484th in Italy. He was a bombardier and I enjoy looking at these websites.
11/13/09 Randy Rattray Presque Isle, ME USA None Interesting site. My Dad was an aircraft mechanic for the 484th and was in Foggia Italy for a while. Looking though some of his stuff I found a Service and Instruction Manual, RADIO for the B-24D Airplane. I don't know why he kept it but I thought it might interest you.
06/14/10 Robert Harned Woodbridge NJ
Love the site.. My Dad William L Harned was in the 15 484 bomb. The plan with his name on it was 25, The Century Limited. The piot was Major Wiiles.. I have some pictures of a few of the guys that my dad served with.. My dad even has the names of them. He is and will always be my hero. He is now gone but never forgoten..

12/28/10 Larry Tooley Centralia, Illinois E4 USMC Retired as disabled Would have loved to be the Radioman in a B-17/24 until I learned enough. You guys suffered, as well as survived, war. You are real heroes. I have the Command equipment that I guard in my ham shack.
01/09/11 John Orth Minneapolis US Army Thank you