Article II
The President
Homework 4

Referring to the Article II handout & website
correctly complete the following:

1. Disqualification                           2.  State of the Union

3. Convening Congress                       4. Adjournment

5. Commander in Chief                       6.  Appointments

7. Treason                                  8.  Bribery

9. natural born Citizen                       10. faithfully execute

Review Questions
1. Who may the President nominate and appoint?

2. Does the President have the sole power to nominate and appoint? If no, what is the procedure?

3. How long may the President serve?

4. What are the qualifications to be President?

5. What powers does the President have concerning Convening Congress and Adjourning Congress?

6.  What can cause Presidential “Disqualification”?

7. What is the following . . .

 "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

 In your own words, what does the above mean?


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