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Probably the best fine tuned racing game to date (until Gran Turismo 4). Very realistic in gameplay, graphics and sound. With actual music artists and top liscensed auto makers vehicles, it really makes you feel as if you were really behind the driver's seat! This game is very lengthy almost like that of a role playing game. Upgrading your car(s) with better rotors, tires, exhaust, cooling systems, racing clutchs, turbo kits, better stability suspension kits for better handling. Even washing the cars and changing the oil when nessessary (or not). This game is very fun and has a very high replay value. Very fun in upgrading a car to it's fullest potential and horsepower that scales way higher than the standard condition cars! Other options include (and may require) obtaining different driver's liscenses to advance to other races. Such as the professional league. These "tests" can be rather a pain but with more practice and experience, it's not that bad. This game is also a steal for being a "Greatest Hit's" title for only 20 bucks. Highly recommended!