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p h o t o  b y  n a t a  k u t y g u i n a

[the (st)art of madness] [Pretense Through Repetition] [I, Theresa, After Thorazine And You] [The Things I Do To You & Green] [Two Poems][Four Poems] [Bad Connection At Midnight] [After One Bottle Of Wine] [American Girl In Italy] [Bahnhof Frankfurt] [Blue Notebook] [You Were Here] [In the Thin Light of November] [My Blue Madness] [Arabesques by Flood Tide] [Tell Me] [Jack Got Laid & Others] [Hail & Chicken Salad] [It's Just A Mood & December] [Paris] [Color Of Dusk]


Modern life is a journey by car. The Passengers change terribly in their reeking seats, or roam from car to car, subject to unceasing transformation. Inevitable progress is made toward the beginning (there is no difference in terminals), as we slice through cities, whose ripped backsides present a moving picture of windows, signs, streets, buildings. Sometimes other vessels, closed worlds, vacums, travel along beside to move ahead or fall utterly behind.
-- James Douglas Morrison
