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Elmtree presents

{butterfly} Jennie's

This is my daughter's gallery. Beside each picture is a description or story for that picture. Each is typed exactly as she dictated.

She has now been involved with digital photography.

Jennie's Photo Gallery

You may double click on some pictures for an enlargement.

tree drawing
Long time ago there was a place were a lot of friends lived. There was a girl holding a broom in a shady place under an elm tree. The sun was shining and beautiful. There was a butterfly watching the girl all of the time. There was an owl place in the elm tree. There was bird nest with one of the babies stolen. The sky was shiny beautiful. There was moss around the tree. And there was beautiful hills and a mountain.
bird bar
This is a picture of my family. There is my dog and cat. There is a beautiful house.
bird bar
man & volcano
The man is going to work on the volcano with his lunchbox. He doesn't know he is in trouble.
bird bar
This Willie the whale
bird bar
{bird bar}
family with wallpaper
Family in room with wallpaper.
{bird bar}
family and pets
She's tired will tell me later.
{bird bar}

Art/ News/ Places/ Science/ Friends/ Jennie's PhotoGallery
