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My Page Now

Hi, my name is Calvin L. Christian, I was born in 1953 and live in WV. I have C. P. and type with a stick in my mouth, I also drive my power chair with the same stick. Ok, a little more about me. I'm an amateur radio operator also, I hold a general class ticket that I finally got in 1992, I have made contacts as far away as Japan, other interesting places are Russia, Alaska, the Johnson Space center and a pilot of a jet 27.000 feet over TN. but I mostly use the radios to keep in touch with friends in WV and VA. The club SWVARC has wrorked several emergencies, floods, missing persons and bad winter storms. We have a communications trailer with county radios, ham radios, citizen's band and hook-ups for cell phones, we also have a comunications center with all this plus computer hooked to the internet and packet radio.

Here are some pictures, as you can see, I'm not much to look at but I like to get someone in the pictures to take your mind off me. the pretty girls are from FL., they are Mother and Daughter, Christina has been to visit me the last three summers and her Mom Shari had been here the winter of 87. That's a little about me, I'll be adding things as I get them.

Christina And Me

Shari And Me

This is Regina, she is my aid and good friend, she spends five hours a day five days a week with me, she will tell you that she can't cook but don't believe it, she makes very good pancakes and spaghetti. She has been helping me since June driving over 50 miles one way to get here, it has been very nice getting to know her. She has two sons Cody and Dusty who I met once, they are very good boys. Regina likes horses and owns two that she likes to trail ride with and she has rode in the fourth of July parade. I know I am very lucky to have her as my aid and most of all my friend.

Wouldn't you know it, the day I was putting this on the page the people in charge called Regina telling her that they were moving her to another person, I must say that I'm very sad to loose such a good aid, I hope to never loose her friendship.

This is my Mother's side of the family, some of them anyway, this was taken at my cousin Bobby Joe's wedding, it paid for him to wait, he sure got a beautiful bride. From left to right Front row is Cody, Cousin Carolyn Lane and her other son Mikey, me and my sister Bev. Second row my Aunt and Uncle Margret and Bob then Bobby, his wife Debbie, cousin Randy, borther-in-law Frank [Bev's husband], Aunt Charolett, Mom and my other sister Catherine. You can't tell by the picture but it was well over 100 degrees in the club where this was taken, there was no AC and it was about 95 outside with well over 100 people inside, Bobby will probably not forget that day ever.
