* ======================================================================= * File: pooling_odds_ratios.SPS . * Date: 14-Nov-2003 . * Author: Bruce Weaver, weaverb@mcmaster.ca . * Notes: Demonstration of how to pool odds ratios using the Cochran- * Mantel-Haenszel method, and using logistic regression . * ======================================================================= . DATA LIST LIST / sex exposed disease count (4f5.0) . BEGIN DATA. 1 1 1 160 1 1 2 80 1 2 1 440 1 2 2 320 2 1 1 240 2 1 2 330 2 2 1 160 2 2 2 270 END DATA. val lab sex 1 'Male' 2 'Female' / exposed 1 'Yes' 2 'No' / disease 1 'Yes (case)' 2 'No (control)' . var lab sex 'Sex' exposed 'Exposed' disease 'Disease' . weight by count. * Get odds ratios for males and females separately. CROSSTABS /TABLES=exposed BY disease BY sex /FORMAT= AVALUE TABLES /STATISTIC=risk /CELLS= COUNT . * Get odds ratio for Exposed x Disease table, all data pooled . CROSSTABS /TABLES=exposed BY disease /FORMAT= AVALUE TABLES /STATISTIC=risk /CELLS= COUNT . * OR for Males: 1.455 (1.073, 1.972) . * OR for Females: 1.227 (0.949, 1.586) . * OR for pooled data: 0.959 (0.802, 1.147) . * OR from pooled data is not consistent with the ORs from * males & females separately. This is due to confounding * of Sex and Exposure (a much higher proportion of females * were exposed to the risk factor). * The solution to this problem is to pool the odds ratios * rather than pooling the data. * Odds ratios from 2x2 tables like this can be pooled * using the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel (CMH) method, as follows. *=== Use CMH method to pool the odds ratios =====. CROSSTABS /TABLES=exposed BY disease BY sex /FORMAT= AVALUE TABLES /STATISTIC=CMH(1) /CELLS= COUNT . * OR for Males: 1.455 (1.073, 1.972) . * OR for Females: 1.227 (0.949, 1.586) . * OR for pooled data: 0.959 (0.802, 1.147) . * Pooled OR (CMH Method): 1.318 (1.084, 1.604) . * So, pooling the odds ratios (rather than computing an odds ratio * using pooled data) provides an estimate that is much more * consistent with what we see in the individual strata. *=== Use logistic regression to pool the odds ratios ====. * We could have used logistic regression (rather than * the CMH chi-square method) to pool the odds ratios. LOGISTIC REGRESSION VAR=disease /METHOD=ENTER exposed sex /ENTER exposed*sex /CONTRAST (exposed)=Indicator(1) /PRINT=CI(95) /CRITERIA PIN(.05) POUT(.10) ITERATE(20) CUT(.5) . * The odds ratio for EXPOSED (pooling across male * and female) is shown in the EXP(B) column of the * "Variables in the Equation" box for Block 1. * Notice that it is virtually identical to the * pooled odds ratio we obtained earlier using the * CMH method. * Pooled OR (CMH Method): 1.318 (1.084, 1.604) . * Pooled OR (logistic regression): 1.318 (1.083, 1.603) . * Block 2 in the logistic regression output includes * the EXPOSED x SEX interaction term. Notice that * the p-value for this interaction term is virtually * identical to the p-values for the two tests of * homogeneity shown in the CMH output earlier. * Homogeneity Test Chi-sqr df p . * Breslow-Day 0.699 1 0.403 . * Tarone's 0.699 1 0.403 . * EXPOSED x SEX 0.698 1 0.403 . * So, the logistic regression analysis gives us all * of the same information as the CMH method. *=== Which method should you use? ===== . * In my opinion, there is not much point in using * the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel method these days. * As we have just seen, logistic regression can be * used instead, and it is a much more general and * more flexible approach. Specifically, one can * control for any combination of categorical AND * continuous confounders with logistic regression; * but the CMH approach cannot handle continuous * confounders. * In its day, the CMH approach was very useful. * But as I see it, now that personal computers and * powerful stats packages capable of performing * logistic regression abound, it has become somewhat * of an historical curiosity (much like the shortcut * formulae for Spearman rho, phi-coefficient, etc). * End of file. * ======================================================================= .