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ICQ # 177061213
A few things about me...
I thought it would be nice for guests and future friends to have an idea about the person behind this site and graphics. I'll try not to bore you to tears too much and send you off running the other way but hey no guarantee!

My name's Alicia, 29, a Gemini, SAHM to 1 adorable baby,
married for 2 yrs. to my sweetie John.

I love anything country and I have a flair for crafts and shopping, but who doesn't! I am also crazy about anything to do with teddybears and cats also fairies and dragons.
I love Mexican Food *yummy* especially Nachos! *g*
There's more but I'll spare you the rest before you find yourself dozing off.

I have links(to the left) to some of the things I enjoy.
Sooo that's all for now... =)
Thanks for stopping by. ~alicia~ Take care!

i ware $

I feel..
The current mood of at

Art ByJohanna Pieterman

Enchanting Designz Graphics